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Tennessee Technological University1 The Scientific Importance of Big Data Xia Li Tennessee Technological University.

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Technological University1 The Scientific Importance of Big Data Xia Li Tennessee Technological University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Technological University1 The Scientific Importance of Big Data Xia Li Tennessee Technological University

2 The Scientific Importance of Big Data  Financial benefits are the major motivation of big data research  The technical challenges brought by big data  The object of "data science"  The common question behind data -- relationship network  Causality and relationship  Big data in social science  Complexity in data processing  Changes in the way of thinking Tennessee Technological University2

3 Financial benefits  According to the statistics of IDC (International Data Corporation), the size of the created and copied data in 2011 is more than 1.8 Zettabyte (10^21)  75% of them are from individuals (mainly pictures, videos, and musics), more than the data size of all the printed data, 200 Pettabyte (10^15) Tennessee Technological University3

4 Financial benefits  Google uses very large scale computing clusters and MapReduce software to process 400 PB data in one month  In Facebook, registered users upload more than 1 billion photos; The log files generated in each day are more than 300 TB Tennessee Technological University4

5 The technical challenges  Six departments of US government started the big data research projects to "form a unique branch of learning including mathematics, statistics, computer algorithm"  Most of the research projects are focused on data engineering instead of data science  The focus include analysis algorithm and system efficiency Tennessee Technological University5

6 The technical challenges  Multiscale abnormal detection  Threat plan in network  Machine reading  Realtime analysis of streaming data  Non-linear random data compression  Extendable statistics analysis technique Tennessee Technological University6

7 The technical challenges  New data expression method If the data expression method is not suitable, analysis result is more prone to bias  Data combination Data from different locations need to be combined together to be processed  De-redundancy and high efficient low cost data storage Tennessee Technological University7

8 The object of "data science"  Big data research is about how to find new knowledge; the data itself is not the research object  As a research methodology, it is highly related to artificial intelligence algorithms like: data mining, statistic analysis, information search etc. Tennessee Technological University8

9 The object of "data science"  The complexity of traditional algorithm grows exponentially as the size and dimension of the problem grow  To big data at PB level, new method is needed  Traditional AI algorithm can accept O(NlogN) or even O(N^3)  To big data problem, O(NlogN) can hardly be accepted Tennessee Technological University9

10 The common question behind data -- relationship network  The big data is composed of individual data and scattered connections  After connection combination, it is a network Gene data becomes gene network World wide web data becomes social network  Big data exists in a complicatedly connected data network Tennessee Technological University10

11 The common question behind data -- relationship network  The distribution of world wide web  Can obtain scale free network Tennessee Technological University11

12 Causality and relationship  Correlation analysis is to find the mutual relationship hidden in data  Correlation factors: support degree, confidence degree, interest degree Tennessee Technological University12

13 Causality and relationship  A and B are related The values of A and B have mutual influence Cannot say A causes B Cannot say B causes A  Strictly speaking, statistics cannot prove the logic causality Tennessee Technological University13

14 Big data in social science  In Facebook, data is generated randomly  Researchers need to find valuable information from these data  Big data in social science has some unique characteristics like: multi-source heterogeneous, interactive, socialized, suddenness, high noise Tennessee Technological University14

15 Big data in social science  The future task is not to get more and more data  It is mining useful knowledge from the data  When a kid learns to distinguish animals and cars, tens of sample pictures will be enough  How to eliminate unnecessary data sampling becomes a problem Tennessee Technological University15

16 Complexity in data processing  Original theory Time complexity: time used in algorithm Space complexity: the memory used in algorithm  Data size complexity The problem can only be solved after the data size achieve a level The relationship between prediction confidence probability and data level Tennessee Technological University16

17 Changes in the way of thinking  The fourth paradigm Data intensive research  All models are wrong, and increasingly you can succeed without them  Data in PB level can help us to analysis without model and hypothesis  When data is correlated, statistics algorithm will find new patterns unknown to previous methods Tennessee Technological University17

18 Tennessee Technological University18 Thank you

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