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Open Burning Outreach Team (O.B.O.T.) North Carolina Division of Air Quality Ruchi Singhal March 29, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Burning Outreach Team (O.B.O.T.) North Carolina Division of Air Quality Ruchi Singhal March 29, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Burning Outreach Team (O.B.O.T.) North Carolina Division of Air Quality Ruchi Singhal March 29, 2005

2 Why Limit Open Burning?  Smoke from open burning pollutes the air and is unhealthy to breathe  Potential health effects include –Lung and Eye irritation –Headaches –Dizziness –Asthma attacks –Coughing and wheezing and –Even death in some cases

3 “I didn’t start this, it was a cigarette”

4 “Construction waste doesn’t have any synthetic material”

5 “I didn’t know burning a thousand tires was bad for the air. Tires burn so good”

6 Never Burn These Materials:  Trash, garbage  Lumber  Treated wood  Tires  Newspapers and other paper products  Wire and coated wire  Structures – standing or demolished  Asphalt shingles  Plastics, synthetics  Heavy oils  Paints  Household, agricultural chemicals

7 Open Burning NOV’s Stats Region 9/1/02 – 3/1/03 3/2/03 – 8/31/03 9/1/03 – 3/1/04 3/2/03 – 9/1/04 ARO24332738 FRO52536674 MRO31493141 RRO30291537 WARO33442857 WIRO912518 WSRO22392369 Total NOV’s201259195334

8 The DAQ initiative  Steven Vozzo open burning project (2000)  Director and supervisors push to start initiative that focuses on open burning (2003)  Ban burning on code orange or higher Ozone Action Days  DAQ creates Open Burning Outreach Team (OBOT) (2004) –2 large region representatives, 1 small region representative, PIO, Tech Services person, Air Awareness person, Deputy Director, & coordinator

9 OBOT Subteams  Outreach to: –Media/General Public –Businesses/Association/EAC/Contractors –Schools –Fire Departments/Forestry/Agriculture/DOT

10 Breathe… Don’t Burn  Key Slogan: “Breathe…Don’t Burn” –Focus on health hazard –Positive message to people  Will be on: –Old brochure (used to be “Don’t Get Burned” –New publications (inserts, guide sheets, magnets, pencils)

11 Billboards –4 designs with key messages –25 billboards across the state –Advertising space free –We pay for sign production and installation –Currently in budget approval process Burn Trash = Breathe Trash Stop Outdoor Burning Don’t Choke on Smoke Stop Outdoor Burning

12 Publications  Handout/Insert –Simple Message with Key Points –English and Spanish (reverse side) –Size small enough to fit in envelope –Separate handouts geared toward backyard burners and land- clearers –Graphics to re-enforce message –DFR will include insert with burn permits (170,000 burn permits given last year) Breathe… Don’t Burn ------ español ------

13 Publications – cont’d  Guide Sheet –Pictures of items not allowed to burn –Alternatives for disposal –To be handed out while investigating open burning compliance situations –Contact information provided  Other Materials –Poster – for schools and public offices –Coloring Sheets – for kids –Pencils and Magnets Guide Sheet-alternatives to burning X------------------------------- X ------------------------------ Breathe… Don’t Burn There’s a better way to dispose of trash and yard waste

14 Outreach – Schools  Target: 7 th grade –New curriculum phasing in beginning 2005 teaches AQ in 7 th grade  Tools (distribute separately or in kit): –Teacher Guide Background info, relate to video –Video Fast paced to convey message to students –Pencils (recycled, bright colors) –Classroom poster –Magnets

15 Outreach – Mailouts  Directories provided by the following: –NC Home Builders Association –NC Association of County Commissioners –NC League of Municipalities –NC Landscape Contractors Registration Board –Employment Security Commission

16 Outreach – Newsletters  NC Home Builders Association  NC Association of County Commissioners  NC League of Municipalities  NC Landscape Contractors Registration Board  NC Cooperative Extension Agency  NCDA&CS (Soil Fertility Note)  NC DFR (certified burner – annual)

17 Open Burning Training  Fire Departments – 3 Year Cycle  NC Div. of Forest Resources – 5 Year Cycle  NC Dept. of Transportation – 5 Year Cycle  Local Governments/Municipalities – Mailout/newsletter  Agricultural Agencies – Extension Agents and NC Dept of Agr.

18 Training Media  Open burning brochures  Power Point presentations w/handouts  Professional video within 3 years

19 OBOT Accomplishments  Media/General Public –Billboards designed and ready to go up in next few weeks across NC –New brochures, pamphlets printed –Website modified  Businesses/Association/EAC/ Contractors –Mailouts to Construction related businesses (3,300 mailouts)

20 OBOT Accomplishments  Schools –Starting a presentation that teachers can give to students –Creating a “kit” idea with a workbook of activities –Designed magnets –Promote video done by Western NC (excellent)  Fire Departments/ Forestry/ Agriculture/DOT –Regions have given a plan for reaching all County Fire Dept in 2005 –Training presentation created and given to regional offices to start presenting.

21 OBOT Accomplishments  Outdoor fires pollute the air  Smoke is unhealthy to breathe  Recycle or properly dispose of waste

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