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A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine San Diego Mathematics Project Preparing for Success in Algebra English Language Learners in Mathematics

2 Slide 2 Welcome California Mathematics and Science Partnership (CaMSP) Academic Year Follow Up Session # 3 March 20 th, 2010 Objective: Use content-based review strategies.

3 Slide 3 CA 6 th Grade Standard NS 1.3 Use proportions to solve problems (e.g., determine the value of N if 4/7=N/21, find the length of a side of a polygon similar to a known polygon). Use cross- multiplication as a method for solving such problems, understanding it as the multiplication of both sides of an equation by a multiplicative inverse. 6 questions on CST 5 questions on PA #2, plus 1 Constructed Response

4 Slide 4 Anecdotal results from PA #2 Think-Pair-Share – At your table, share your results from the constructed response What were the most common errors and misconceptions? Were student errors conceptual or procedural? What vocabulary words did the students have the most problems with? – Be prepared to share out with the whole group “If Ty rides his bike for 26 days every 4 weeks, how many days can he expect to ride in 50 weeks?”

5 Slide 5 Review Strategies that provide access to content Mathematically Speaking – Vocabulary emphasis – Speaking – Listening Appointment Book – Content – Set up & Solution

6 Slide 6 Teacher Instructions: All students independently complete both mathematical tasks or problems. Student pairs are formed. Target vocabulary words are written on the MS chart in the left column. For lower grades, the teacher can fill in the words. The two students write their names across the top. One student explains half of the completed task or a given problem to the other student as he or she tallies on the chart each time a target word is used in the explanation. Students keep talking until all target words have been used. The other student then takes a turn doing the same. Mathematically Speaking Activity

7 Slide 7 Appointment Book Teacher Instructions: Students make appointments with different classmates. Teacher signals and announces first appointment. The students pair up (find their appointment classmate) and together they solve the problem on the board/overhead/document camera. The teacher signals and announces next appointment. Cycle continues until all/most appointments are filled. Closure: Students complete sentence frames at the bottom of their handout.

8 Slide 8 2:00 Appointment One package of blueberries costs $3. How many packages of blueberries can you buy for $9?

9 Slide 9 5:00 Appointment For every 9 square feet of surface, a pond should have 2 fish. A pond with a surface of 45 square feet should contain how many fish?

10 Slide 10 1:00 Appointment Shawna reduced the size of a rectangle to a height of 2 in. What is the new width if it was originally 24 in wide and 12 in tall?

11 Slide 11 3:00 Appointment If two pencils cost $1.50, how many pencils can you buy with $9.00?

12 Slide 12 4:00 Appointment Jane ran 100 meters in 15 seconds. How long did she take to run 1 meter?

13 Slide 13 Debrief use of Review Strategies What structures are necessary in order to ensure a successful lesson when working with these strategies? What classroom management procedures need to be in place? How do these strategies evoke the use of language? What other strategies or activities can be used to review/reteach a standard that has already been assessed? How did these strategies provide access to the math after it was taught and assessed?

14 Slide 14 Evaluation Please give feedback in the box labeled, “Comments about Pedagogy Session” in your Follow Up #3 Evaluation form.

15 Slide 15 Thank You!! Esmeralda Orozco – Esmeralda.orozco Nury Arrivillaga – Nury.Arrivillaga

16 Slide 16 Strategy Stop QUICK Write Strategy: Springboard for Instructional Conversations Scaffolds: Bridging and Contextualization Language Domains: Writing and Reading Description: Students give quick reaction to prompt presented. Goal is to capture feelings or meaning to the person not linguistic correctness. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: Facilitation of Language Development

17 Slide 17 Strategy Stop 3 Step Interview Access Strategy: Instructional Conversations Scaffolds: Bridging, Modeling, Schema-Building Language Domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading Description: Students share to A/B partners. Then each share their partner’s thoughts/responses to the rest of the table/group. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: High accountability (peers); practice with language development

18 Slide 18 Strategy Stop Mind Mirror Strategy: Advanced Graphic Organizer Scaffolds: Bridging, Contextualization, Schema Building Language Domains: Listening, Speaking and Writing Description: Students tie ideas together in a graphic by giving simple quotes from the text to synthesis of ideas. Affect: Supports learning environment with accountability Interaction / Practice: All must participate and practice oral language.

19 Slide 19 Strategy Stop Hand Up, Stand Up, Pair Up (Kagan Strategy) Strategy: Instructional Conversations Scaffolds: Bridging, Contextualization, Schema Building Language Domains: Listening, Speaking Description: Students stand up after thinking about a question or having had a prompt to answer/think about, put their hand up and “high 5” someone to pair up. Now they discuss their answer to a certain prompt or problem Affect: Supports learning environment with accountability Interaction / Practice: All must participate and practice oral language.

20 Slide 20 Strategy Stop A-Z Review Access Strategy: Cooperative learning Scaffold: Metacognition Language Domains: Writing &Listening and Speaking Description: It is a review strategy. Students think of a word related to a certain topic, one or more for each letter of the alphabet. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: Facilitation of Language Development, practice writing, and orally presenting

21 Slide 21 Strategy Stop Mathematically Speaking: Access Strategy: Instructional Conversations Scaffold: Schema-Building,Meta-Cognition Language Domains: Listening and Speaking Description: Students solve 2 different problems or half of a task. They take turns explaining their half of the completed task or given problem to the other student as he or she tallies on the chart each time a target word is used in the explanation. Students keep talking until all target words have been used. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: Facilitation of Language Development, practice speaking and listening, and orally presenting MATH!!!!

22 Slide 22 Strategy Stop 3 x 3 Sentence Builders Access Strategy: Academic Language Scaffold: Contextualization, Text Representation Language Domains: Writing Description: Picking 4(2 x2) or 9 (3x3) words from vocabulary list students put them in boxes and create sentences with words that go across horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: Facilitation of Language Development, practice writing, and understanding interrelation between concepts and terms.

23 Slide 23 Strategy Stop Collaborative Poster Access Strategy: Cooperative Learning Scaffold: Bridging, Text Re-presentation, Schema Building Language Domains: Writing and Listening& Speaking Description: Students work in groups of four, each with a different colored marker. Students work together to strike a balance in solving the task while learning from each other and discussing the content. Affect: Supports low-risk learning environment Interaction / Practice: Facilitation of Language Development, practice writing, and deepens understanding concepts and procedures.

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