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Decline persist expand Vexatorella amoena 2050 CSM w/o S Climate Change and Connectivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Decline persist expand Vexatorella amoena 2050 CSM w/o S Climate Change and Connectivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 decline persist expand Vexatorella amoena 2050 CSM w/o S Climate Change and Connectivity

2 Aloe dichotoma (quiver tree) Local Connectivity


4 Diastella proteoides



7 ffffffffffffff ffffffffffffff ffffffffffffff ffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffff fff



10 Mexico Europe South Africa Protected Area relevance with Climate Change

11 Williams et al Conservation Biology 2005 Local Connectivity

12 International Management Cross Border Cross Border International Waters International Waters Bridging Capacity Gaps Bridging Capacity Gaps

13 Cross Border

14 38-78% of all plants 38-78% of all plants 60% of terrestrial mammals 60% of terrestrial mammals 30% of threatened land mammals 30% of threatened land mammals

15 International Waters

16 Bridging Capacity Gaps

17 Extinctions CAN be avoided

18 Limit Climate Change

19 Improve Conservation: Connect locally Manage Internationally

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