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day one I TRUST YOU you break the materials = you break my trust >QUICK DEMO< The Equipment.

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2 day one I TRUST YOU you break the materials = you break my trust >QUICK DEMO< The Equipment

3 day one BLUE Carla Zach Jerrell Nataline RED Tara Paris Darrel GREEN Grace Timmery Nick Orlando PURPLE Joseph Jamari Bruce Lucas ORANGE Carmen Hannah Daytyn Sam YELLOW Wynter Ian Timothy Haley lab groups (always stay the same) NOTE ! If you are unable to work as a team player, you will be asked to continue on your own.

4 lab handouts day one There is ONE lab handout for each lab group. Choose ONE lab member to hold on to the handout for the remainder of the unit! If you are expelled from your lab group, you will be able continue the unit with your own lab handouts journal.

5 lab roles (different for each activity) day one

6 today’s roles day one The duties are explained in the lab journal!

7 raise your hand if… day one you enjoyed your snow day you went sledding you’ve been sledding before you’ve never been sledding

8 Turn and Talk… day one Where you went… What you rode… (plastic, wood, foam) What it was like… Who you rode with… How big was the hill? Did you ever run into anything? Did your little siblings go with you? Or a parent? Did you have any races? Was there anything interesting that you noticed? What happened when you went sledding?

9 Sledding day one From America’s Funniest Home Videos

10 what just happened ? What happens when we sled? day one We move! We speed! We wipeout! We keep going! How do we know? What effects speed? How hard? Why?    

11 How do we measure speed? day one Turn to the person next to you and talk about how you think you measure speed. Hint: When you are in a car, how do you know how fast you are going?

12 How do we measure speed? day one Speed: the measurement of the rate of change in position. What is the speed of a car that travels 100 miles in 2 hours? What is the speed of a car that travels 50 kilometers in ½ hour? SPEED = TIME / DISTANCE

13 Measuring Speed day one Materials: 2 track pieces 1 cart 1 ramp 1 stopwatch 1 meter stick masking tape 1.Meet in your designated spot. 2.Wait for directions. 3.Begin mEasurIng SpeEd!


15 Time’s Up day one Finish what you are doing! Clean up your work area! Tomorrow, we’ll continue measuring speed !

16 day one BLUE Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 RED Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 GREEN Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 PURPLE Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 ORANGE Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 YELLOW Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Speeds

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