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Assessment System Design and Philosophy. © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Bridging the Gap Make interim assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment System Design and Philosophy. © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Bridging the Gap Make interim assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment System Design and Philosophy

2 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Bridging the Gap Make interim assessments required within the assessment system –Custom to state needs Items should be machine or teacher scorable –Professional Development Results immediate to inform instruction Scale results across the assessment events to minimize time on testing at the end of the year 2 TM

3 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Current Designs Extensive time on end of year testing Optional interim assessments limit ability to connect scores and show within year growth Innovation is limited due to administration constraints 3

4 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Different Approach Consider spreading summative testing across the year Provide more instructional information Provide growth measures– within and across years 4

5 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Most Essential Factors in Assessment Test Validity Degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores for proposed uses of tests. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (2014) 5 Sources of Validity Evidence  Test Content  Response Processes  Internal Structure  Relationship to other variables  Consequences

6 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Standards  Strong and clear purpose definition drive standards  Inform instruction and assessment 6

7 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Philosophy on Designs Incorporate performance assessments throughout the year Minimize time spent on end of year assessment Link scores on performance assessments and summative assessments to show within year growth as well as across year growth 7 Start of Year Placement Test Start of Year Placement Test Performance Assessments throughout Year Summative Assessment Within and Cross-Year Growth

8 © 2014 Questar Assessment, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRESENTATION TITLE Bridging the Gap Fitting assessment system into federal requirements Timing of performance assessments flexible Structured scoring rubrics accessible to all teachers Performance assessments broad enough to allow students to show what they can do 8 TM

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