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Nanotechnology: From Lab Bench to Classroom Marina Damiano Northwestern University Michael Davis Wilbur Wright College 2013 STEM Summit – Stevenson High.

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Presentation on theme: "Nanotechnology: From Lab Bench to Classroom Marina Damiano Northwestern University Michael Davis Wilbur Wright College 2013 STEM Summit – Stevenson High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanotechnology: From Lab Bench to Classroom Marina Damiano Northwestern University Michael Davis Wilbur Wright College 2013 STEM Summit – Stevenson High School

2 NANO 101

3 Nano Means “Dwarf” PrefixMeasurement Scientific Notation Kilo-1000 m1 x 10 3 m Hecta-100 m1 x 10 2 m Deka-10 m1 x 10 1 m BASE1 m1 x10 0 m Deci-0.1m1 x 10 -1 m Centi-0.01 m1 x 10 -2 m Milli-0.001m1 x 10 -3 m Micro-0.000001 m1 x 10 -6 m Nano- 0.000000001 m 1 x 10 -9 m Pico- 0.0000000000 01 m 1 x 10 -12 m Femto- 0.0000000000 00001 m 1 x 10 -15 m

4 Sears Tower (0.5 km) Child (1 m) Sugar cube (1 cm) Dime (1 mm) Bacteria (10 µm) Virus (40nm)DNA (2 nm)Atoms (< 1 nm) NANOSCALE (1-100 nm)

5 Nano Size = Special Properties Bulk GoldNano Gold

6 Nanotechnology Is Not A New Idea Lycurgus Cup, 4 th century Stained Glass, 6 th -15 th centuries Damascus Swords, 13 th -18 th centuries

7 Now Nanomaterials Are Everywhere! Liquid Crystal Display Computer Chips Sunblock

8 MedicineEnergy SecurityEnvironment NANO Applications of Nanotechnology



11 Interdisciplinary NANOTECH Physics Biology Chemistry Materials Science Engineering

12 Nano Printing Press – Micro contact Printing A technique for modifying surfaces with a high degree of control. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions on a gold surface (CDRs) Inexpensive method to demonstrate a simple process. Commonly used technique for surface modification.

13 Nano Printing Press – Microcontact Printing Expose a gold surface on a CDR. Pattern the surface with a hydrophilic organic molecule. Dip the patterned surface in a solution with a hydrophobic organic molecule. Dry the surface. Cool the surface below the dew point. Observe the areas where water condenses.

14 Nano Printing Press Science is based on a strong bond between gold and sulfur (thiol). Long organic molecule ends in something either hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Microcontact printing uses a stamp made by pouring an elastic polymer over a mask. Finer mask, finer features, more control.

15 Lithographic Techniques – Solar Photography Photo sensitive paper –Mixture of iron salts Place an opaque object over the paper. Expose the paper to light. –Opaque objects block out the light and expose the rest of the salts. –Exposed iron salts form an insoluble salt. –Unexposed salts are water soluble. Remove the object. Wash.

16 Lithographic Techniques in Nanotechnology Techniques that build nanostructures or arrays. Bottom – up approach –Prepare areas on a surface –Utilize self assembly to build up from that point. Top – down approach –Prepare a surface and etch into it. –Can involve some light based photochemistry.

17 Scanning Tunneling Microscope A very sharp tip is brought near a surface. A voltage is applied between the surface and tip. Current is measured on the surface to determine the size and shape of features. STM can resolve features that are 0.1nm wide and 0.01nm high. Atomic resolution.

18 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

19 Nano-Analogy

20 Nano – Analogy

21 Nano in the Environment Nanoparticles being made end up being released into the environment. Unicellular and multicellular organisms pick up the particles. Silver nanoparticles are antimicrobial. What are the long term effects of exposure?

22 Nano in Commercial Products Sunscreen (TiO 2 and ZnO) Silver in bandages. Silver in plastic food containers. Nanoscale fabrics on stainresistant clothing. Carbon nanotubes in sporting equipment. Particles in stained glass.

23 Nano-Imagination - Robots

24 Nano-Imagination – Robots in the Blood False – Blood Robots True – Nanoparticles to Treat Tumors

25 Nanotechnology Resources NISE-Net: Network of Informal Educators and Researchers ( MRS Nano Days:Free digital and physical activities for kids and adults. ( National Lab Day: Localized resources for teachers. ( Nanohub: Online resource for computational nanotech ( iLabcentral: Forum for shared instrumentation. Nanotech coming. (

26 Nano Resources Students - REU Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates. Spend the summer working in a lab group. Potential for a publication. 8 – 10 weeks. On campus housing Stipend ~$4,500 REU sites all over the US Applications due in Feb.

27 Nano Resources Teachers - RET Research Experience for Teachers Spend the summer working in a lab group. Potential for a publication. 8-10 weeks. On campus housing (sometimes available). Stipend ~$6,000 - $8,000 Some college credit may be available. RET Sites all over the US. Applications typically due in Feb / March.

28 Acknowledgements Shuo Yang, PhD Heng Zhang, PhD C. Shad Thaxton, MD PhD Leo I. Gordon, MD Margaret Connolly Michelle Paulsen

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