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© 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Adobe Presentation Brijesh Patel | Working with AIR Native Extensions.

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1 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Adobe Presentation Brijesh Patel | Working with AIR Native Extensions

2 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. What are Native Extensions?  Third party, native-code backed Actionscript API additions to AIR applications 2 Flash Builder Android SDK & NDK XCode Visual Studio Adobe AIR

3 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Why Native Extensions ??  AIR is AWESOME !!!  Allows you to create cross platform applications  Rapid multiscreen development  A large feature set  But …  No access to device specific capabilities (Contacts, Notifications, Bluetooth,etc)  Waits for a native feature to mature before providing access to it  Porting existing applications to AIR might be a pain 3

4 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Bridging the gap !!!  Provide access to device specific features  Native developers can reuse existing code  Actionscript API set can be extended  Same interface can be used on different platforms 4

5 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Anatomy of an extension  A set of Actionscript classes  Associated native code for one or more target devices  A descriptor that contains deployment information  A signature to ensure secure delivery 5

6 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Utilizing an extension  Step 1: Add ANE  Project Creation Wizard - Build Path  Project Properties – Flex Build Path  Extension Information  Extension ID  Minimum AIR Runtime Version  Signed  Targets  Google Android (Android – ARM)  iOS  Windows  Mac 6

7 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Utilizing an extension  Step 2: Use ANE in code  Code hinting  Extension ID in App descriptor file 7

8 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Debugging  On device makes sense!  Debugging info from native code depends on ANE 8

9 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Package Settings  Where is it?  Project Properties  Flex Build Packaging  Flash Builder does for you:  Auto adjust package  ANE Validations  Extension ID  Native Library  Initializer  Finalizer  Developer can do:  Change package settings 9

10 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Simulation  Run on desktop  To run/debug mobile app on desktop, ANE needs to target the desktop OS ! 10

11 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. ANE for desktops  What you can do?  Computer intensive tasks  Hardware interfacing 11

12 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Demo  Mobile ANE usage  Android  iOS  Desktop ANE usuage  Windows  Mac 12

13 © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 13

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