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Josh Marchi, Jeff King, Paul Rosenberger, Dan Chambers – Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis–

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Presentation on theme: "Josh Marchi, Jeff King, Paul Rosenberger, Dan Chambers – Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis–"— Presentation transcript:

1 Josh Marchi, Jeff King, Paul Rosenberger, Dan Chambers – Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis–

2 “Reverse Geocache” Box Locked box that will only open after one or more pre- determined GPS locations have been visited Directs user to next location by GPS coordinates, compass heading, or text description displayed on LCD. Route stored on microSD card located inside the box, able to be reprogrammed by PC RFID “master key” to allow access to box without finishing puzzle

3 An ability to obtain and decode global positioning data in order to verify if current location matches pre-determined desired location. An ability to utilize accelerometer and magnetometer data to determine a compass heading with tilt compensation. An ability to access and interpret files located on a microSD card. An ability to display information to the user via an LCD display. An ability to identify an RFID tag using an RFID reader.


5 Proper Part Disposal LCD Screen – contains hazardous materials Li-Ion Polymer Battery Not deemed “environmental hazard” by US govt; contain metals recycling value PCB – non-biodegradeable; recyclable Power Usage Responsibility Battery uses estimated 100mA

6 Pelican Case 1150 Goes through series of environmental testing Vibration Testing Low Temperature Testing Dry Heat Testing Impact Testing This makes a more reliable case which increases the lifetime of our product more sustainable Less case failure -> longer product lifetime -> less disposal

7 Proper Part Disposal Many companies will recycle circuit boards and parts Detailed disposal will be outlined in the user manual documentation Power Usage Responsibility High “Fun / Amp” metric expected Typically sitting on a shelf or not in use

8 Product Safety Battery Placement – short circuit, puncture, etc. Loss of valuables In case of failure and …box does not unlock …fire inside the box which is locked

9 Use secure mounting device to mount the battery Warning Labels to provide disclaimers about loss of valuables incase of “extreme event” Provide non-electronic mechanism for gaining entry into the box


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