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D OCUMENTATION O F D ESIGN. O RIGINAL D ESIGN We thought that if we covered the can with cotton balls, put it in a oven mitt and ripped up pieces of emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "D OCUMENTATION O F D ESIGN. O RIGINAL D ESIGN We thought that if we covered the can with cotton balls, put it in a oven mitt and ripped up pieces of emergency."— Presentation transcript:


2 O RIGINAL D ESIGN We thought that if we covered the can with cotton balls, put it in a oven mitt and ripped up pieces of emergency blanket, we could keep the can at the same temperature. This would of kept the can warm for little while, but not long enough. Explanation Drawing

3 O RIGINAL S UPPLIES We used cotton balls in our first box. They minimize heat transfer. We couldn’t use them the secong time because they take up too much space. We planned on using an oven mitt. We decided against it the second time so we could use the foam. We first only used duct tape to around the box to hold the box together We first just stuffed the emergency blanket in the box

4 O RIGINAL M ODELS This is the original model of the box The edges didn’t fit because we didn’t measure it right. Each side of the box was a different size and we would have had to tape up the holes with duct tape. We just stuffed cotton balls and emergency blanket in there with the can. This wouldn’t have worked because the top of the can wouldn’t be covered and it would leak.

5 R EASONS FOR O RIGINAL D ESIGN For this project, we decided to put the can in a burner glove and surrounded the glove in emergency blanket. In all the cracks and crevices, we used cotton balls. The whole thing was put into a foam box. To keep it waterproof, we put it into a plastic bag. We used a burner glove because they are made not to conduct heat. The emergency blanket reflects the heat back onto the can. Our hypothesis is that the emergency blanket will reflect the heat back to the can and the glove will keep the heat trapped in the emergency blanket.

6 N EW S UPPLIES Gorilla Tape “Duct tape on Steroids” Very sticky Spray Foam Insulation It is used for sealing roofs of houses, so if must be strong Great for filling gaps and cracks Emergency Blanket It reflects the heat back on the can Foam Board Used to make outside shape because it was thin

7 F INAL D ESIGN We used a lot of foam, an emergency blanket, gorilla tape, and a more hand crafted box for our final project. We make sure the can was stuffed air-tight in the box and that the lid was secure during our experiment Explanation Drawing

8 S TEPS TO M AKE F INAL P RODUCT 1. Build the box to the right dimensions 2. Cover the box in duct tape 3. Cover the box with a Ziploc 4. Cover in gorilla tape 5. Surround an empty soda can with emergency blanket 6. Spray foam around can 7. Cut off edges and tape down 8. Cut a piece of foam board and cover with emergency blanket. Tape down for lid. 9. Punch hole in top for thermometer


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