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SDLC Project: Alibi—Custom Clothes PLAN ANALYZE DESIGN DEVELOP TEST IMPLEMENT MAINTAIN Ahmed Balogun Kasey Bennett Bryan Borcher.

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Presentation on theme: "SDLC Project: Alibi—Custom Clothes PLAN ANALYZE DESIGN DEVELOP TEST IMPLEMENT MAINTAIN Ahmed Balogun Kasey Bennett Bryan Borcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDLC Project: Alibi—Custom Clothes PLAN ANALYZE DESIGN DEVELOP TEST IMPLEMENT MAINTAIN Ahmed Balogun Kasey Bennett Bryan Borcher

2 Plan Customers will be able to upload and their pre-designed t-shirt picture files or create a new design through the website. They will be able to preview and confirm the design for submission. During the preview and confirmation stage, quantity, shirt type, color, and any other special request is agreed upon. After the confirmation stage, they will be required to sign in and provide basic information like e-mail adress, shipping address, payment information, and also select whether they want the t-shirts delivered or picked up at our store. An estimated production and delivery tiime is then provided. Furthermore, customers may browse and purchase t-shirts from our catalog of pre- made t-shirts. They may preview the t-shirt, select size and delivery options. Considering the semester is coming to a close and our main target audience is college students, an operational website with the required applications must be ready by September 1, 2014. The following milestones will enable this deadline to be met. May 12 – Project Document and Business Requirements Completed. May 19 – Online logo design Softwear delivered to programming June 9 – Initial Prototype ready for beta testing July 7 – Final product due from programming

3 Analyze Some shiets are mantained by the administrator while others are designed by customers. A customer will select a shirt and submit a request. The administrator is then notified of the request and proceeds to process the order.

4 Analyze After logging in, the administrator begins by viewing a list of current of current designs and has the option to add or remove designs. With this, the administrator can maintain the number of designs on the catalog. Maintaining the Catalog

5 Analyze Login The login fearure is the entry point for both administrators and customers. New customers can self add UserID and password to th database. Once succesfully logged in, the user will b directed to a menu page where order instructions can be completed.

6 Analyze Making Orders The customer begins by browsing the catalog or creating a design of choice. Once an item is chosen, the customer is reuired to log in to place the order. The order is thn stored in a database for the admiistrator

7 Design User Interface- Layout

8 Design User Interface- layout

9 Design User Interface- Navigation

10 Design Entity Relationship Diagram Customer Order Product < < <

11 Develop Prototype

12 Testing Screen/Form Tested Date Tested Tester Kasey Bennett April 30, 2014 Login Process Test Condition Desired Results Actual ResultsPass/Fail Click the login button User Name & Password box appears Type user name in the box Same as desired results Pass Type password in the box Click enter Desired user name appears Username and password are varified and accepted ******** appears in password box Pass Fail Same as desired results Screen appeared stating login failed

13 Implement September 1, 2014 Training: When we implement this system we will put out fliers letting our customers know about it. We will hold a training seminar on September 2, 2014 and September 3, 2014 to show our customers how to use the system. We will also post instructions on our company Facebook page that the customers can refer to. Conversion: Since we did not have a system prior to this we will use the plunge conversion. We will just put this new system into use immediately.

14 Maintain

15 Reference 1.Sample Design. (2007, January 1). Informatory Inc. eBookSharing. Retrieved April 24, 2014, from sign.ppt sign.ppt 2.Doherty, M. (Director) (2014, April 15). SDLC Template. IMGT 2400.

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