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 Goes back to ancient Greece  Aristotle and Erasistratus were two of the first men to conduct experiments on live animals  An Arabic physician in the.

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2  Goes back to ancient Greece  Aristotle and Erasistratus were two of the first men to conduct experiments on live animals  An Arabic physician in the 12 th century, Avenzoar, was: › First to use dissection › Intro’d an experimental method of surgery on animals before humans

3  1242- Circulation of blood described › Later improved by William Harvey’s research  18 th Century- Antoine Lavoisier uses guinea pigs - > proves respiration was a form of combustion  Stephen Hales measures blood pressure in a horse

4  1780’s-Luigi Galvani- found link between electricity and reanimation › Advances into the ECG  1880’s- Louis Pasteur -> Germ theory  1890’s- Ivan Pavlov described classical conditioning using a dog  1921- Otto Loewi gives strong evidence in neuronal communication w/ target cells

5  1920’s- Edgar Adrian -> theory of neural communication › Awarded the Noble Peace Prize  60’s (WOOHOO)- David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel -> macro columnar organization in certain areas of animals › Physiological evidence for critical period for development of disparity sensitivity in vision › Nobel Peace Prize were awarded to these individuals as well

6  1996- the very first mammal ever to be cloned from an adult cell is born: DOLLY THE SHEEP!!!!!!!!

7  1940’s- John Cade tests lithium salts in guinea pigs for pharmaceuticals with anticonvulsant properties › Revolutionized treatment of manic-depressives by the 1970’s › Prior: manic depressives were treated with lobotomy or electro-convulsive therapy

8  1960’s- Albert Starr revolutionized heart valve replacement surgery in humans with surgical advances in dogs › Received the Lasker Medical Award in 2007

9  1822- The 1 st animal protection law was enacted in Britain  1876- The Animal Cruelty Acts followed › Both aimed at regulating animal testing


11   technology/animal-testing/ technology/animal-testing/  g g  l+testing&btnG=Google+Search&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=A nimal+testing&gs_rfai=CBoNJ5VDhTNLPMpuygASV9MzaA QAAAKoEBU_Q76s3 l+testing&btnG=Google+Search&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=A nimal+testing&gs_rfai=CBoNJ5VDhTNLPMpuygASV9MzaA QAAAKoEBU_Q76s3   

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