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Mali North and South. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus.

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Presentation on theme: "Mali North and South. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mali North and South

2 Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus. Track the lineage of the British Monarchy from the time of William the Conqueror, down to ninth cousins. Explain the ending of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Trace the influence of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle on Western Thought.

3 Terms and People desertification is the process of turning fertile land into desert land. overgrazing is allowing herd animals to remain on the same land until it is damaged. drought is a lack of water.

4 Mali’s land is easily divided into two parts. The north is mostly desert. The south is comparatively fertile. The people of the north are called Tuareg. They are related to the Berber People of northern Africa. The people of the south are more closely related to the other ethnic groups along the coast of West Africa. Mali Predict where Mali’s population will be denser.

5 The population of Mali is far denser in the south than in the north.

6 Long ago, the north held the power because trade routes crossed the Sahara on camel.

7 Once Europeans developed reliable ocean-going vessels, trade was easier to the west, to ports on the ocean. Now the southern portion of the country became more powerful.




11 Which country is Mali? A B C D A B C D

12 Please read “Mali.” World Studies: Africa. Pearson- Prentice-Hall, 2005. pgs. 150-154.



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