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Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors July 2014 PPG statement: Rationale and Principles: Luke’s CE Primary school acknowledges that the PPG is provided.

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1 Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors July 2014 PPG statement: Rationale and Principles: Luke’s CE Primary school acknowledges that the PPG is provided for pupils who are socially disadvantaged as measured by their eligibility for free school meals. We recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. In distributing the pupil premium grant we reserve the right to allocate funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged

2 Total grant for 65 different pupils £58,500 Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors June 2014 Nature of support 2013/14Cost 1. To maintain increased part time teaching staff to provide additional learning support to identified groups of pupils. 14,980 2. To continue to staff the Therapeutic Inclusion room with a specialist teaching assistant post and extend the nature of the work and services offered 12,906 3. To provide first class training opportunities to all staff 2,100 (Real trust subscription) 12,112 4. To continue to provide a counselling service for identified pupils2,560 5. To maintain an increased level of educational psychologist support bought in by the school 3,298 6. To provide additional, targeted speech and language supportN/A 7. To provide cognitive behavioural therapy to a small group of pupils3,000 8. To provide intervention for more able pupils who require further challenge as identified in the Sutton Trust toolkit 12,197 Total:63,153

3 Impact & evaluation Nature of support 2013/14 Impact (based on summer term TA data) Evaluation Use of support staff 8/9 pupils targeted to achieve level 5 did so. Progress of pupils matched or exceeded that of the control group. Good: Use of TA was effective in promoting pupils progress, however, this needs a more structured approach across a range of differentiated activities. Therapeutic Inclusion room supportAwaiting attainment data Training Courses and training attended by staff based on the new national curriculum have implemented some aspects of the new curriculum in order to boost progress and standards in the school. Good: Work done on the school calculations policy has impacted on better standards and awareness of pupils capabilities. To continue to provide a counselling service for identified pupils 4/5 pupils registered an increase in their emotional awareness tests. Parental feedback has been excellent (see score sheets for details). Outstanding: The school’s most vulnerable pupils have been supported exceptionally well through the counselling service. To maintain an increased level of educational psychologist support bought in by the school EP support remains high and advice provided from sessions implemented to support individual and class learning. Behaviour has improved significantly for targeted pupils. Good: SENCOs report excellent use of additional EP time although there may be a need to buy even more in future years to adequately diagnose needs and support pupils progress.

4 Nature of support 2013/14 Impact (based on summer term TA data) Evaluation To provide additional, targeted speech and language support N/AImplemented – April 2014 To provide cognitive behavioural therapy to a small group of pupils CBT took place for 4 targeted pupils in year 4 with limited effect. CBT groups had a low impact. One child is being targeted counselling. The class teacher’s efforts with behaviour management have brought about an improvement in classroom behaviour. To provide intervention for FSM pupils who require further challenge as identified in the Sutton Trust toolkit Pupils’ targeted intervention saw the allocation of a part time teacher or a TA to support targeted pupils.. The true impact of this will only be know when the year 6 SATs results come back. Good: Consideration to extend the role of intervention with small groups of children on a daily basis according to the strengths of the teaching assistant would be worth investigating further. Overall:The impact of the pupil premium grant has been good but not outstanding. The ultimate judge will be whether the gap between FSM pupils and other pupils has been closed. 2013 KS2 SATs data closed the gap. Has this been maintained in 2014? Strategies need embedding for greater impact.

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