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Safety, Reliability & Performance of the Ahead (ABM) Programmable Fuze System NDIA 39th Annual Gun & Ammunition Baltimore, MD Apr. 13-16, 2004 Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety, Reliability & Performance of the Ahead (ABM) Programmable Fuze System NDIA 39th Annual Gun & Ammunition Baltimore, MD Apr. 13-16, 2004 Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety, Reliability & Performance of the Ahead (ABM) Programmable Fuze System NDIA 39th Annual Gun & Ammunition Baltimore, MD Apr , 2004 Presented by: Allan Buckley Director Product Management Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec AG CH-8050 Zurich / Switzerland

2 Ahead: The AIR BURST Technology for Medium Calibre Ammunition

3 Ahead (ABM) for Air Defense and Vehicle Armament
Application IFV: Programmer Target Payload Ejection Payload: Subprojectile ABM Projectile Vo Measurement Fuze Programming Fire Control Unit ABM Electronics F DE

4 Ahead (ABM) KETF Projectile Concept Outline
Time Programmable Payload Electronic Fuze Power Ejection Supply Charge Subprojectiles Explosive Train (W-Alloy) (Squib, S&A, Deto) Data Electronic Receiver Timer Module Coil (ETM) (Setback Generator) F BB

5 Ahead (ABM) Fuze Module
Ignition System / Squib Electronic Timer Module / ETM 40F Set-Back Generator F CE

6 Safety Criteria for Ahead (ABM) KETF Fuze
MECHANICAL FUZES ABM AHEAD KETF FUZE Storage Ignition Energy Mechanically Stored Ignition Energy Chemically Stored Ignition Energy Completely Inert Ignition Energy Chemically Stored Axial Acceleration Safe Lock 1 Axial Acceleration Safe Lock 1 Axial Acceleration Rotation Ignition Energy Electrically Stored Safe Lock 2 Rotation Electr. Muzzle Safety (embedded) Safe Lock 2 Rotation Exterior Shock DETONATION DUD No Impact Sensor Interior Ignition Trigger DUD SELF-DESTRUCT PROGR.: DETONATION / SD DUD F A1

7 Ahead (ABM) KETF Fuze: Life Cycle Events - Summary
Phases: Barrel Muzzle Area Operational Range Storage Post Range 0 ms Muzzle 64 ms 8192 ms >10000 ms Propellant Cartridge Percussion Axial Lock SAFE Rupture Disc Punched (Set-Back Generator) Electrical Energy Capacitors Loaded Capacitors Totally Discharged Rotation Lock SAFE Detonator In Armed Position No Ignition Energy No Ignition Energy Electronic Muzzle Safety Programming Window No Time Programming Possible (ECM Proof) Electronics Time Programming Programmed Payload Ejection Self-Destruct 0< 5 10 50 100 1000 10000 ms F A5

8 Ahead (ABM) System Function Reliability
Theoretical Reliability Prediction according: MIL Handbooks 217F2 & 338 Results of ABM System Ahead Reliability: In Theory > 97% In Practice > 97% F AA

9 35 mm Ahead (ABM) HETF Programmable Payload Delivery
Precise Time Space Payload Delivery up to 5000 rd/min! 10 Rds between 1200 m & 300 m every 100 m! 10th Rd: 300 m 1st Rd: 1200 m M „String of Pearls“ at 550 rd/min of 35mm Ahead-HETF Ammo F CC

10 Compensation of the Muzzle Velocity Variation
The Standard Deviation of the Projectile Position in the Firing Direction: without Compensation of the MV Variation: proportional to MV Variation Sv (Sv = Std Deviation of MV). i.e. approx. = ToF x Sv with the Compensation of the MV Variation: 1 m pro second ToF. ToF: Time of Flight Without Compensation With Compensation M M Burst of 7 Rounds 35mm Ahead-HETF Ammo at 1.6 km Range F CD

11 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF Subprojectile Payload: Layout & Footprint
Version: 27 SP x 5 Layers (1.5 g) (Simulation after 500μs) Layout of the Subprojectiles SP (1.24 g each) SP x 6 Layers Payload-Footprint on 1 x 1 m Al -Plate after Ejection of the 162 SP (4 ms after ignition ) TM P-T B10_MVC-577F F AB

12 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF Subprojectile Dynamic Parameter
Payload Ejection at 500 m Range (Cone of 12° Opening Angle) 80% Subprojectile-Density (#/m2) Velocity & Perforation (%) 85% 3 90% 5 12 55.4 m2 (8.4 m) Striking Area (Diameter) 94% Projectile (162 SP) 31.3 m2 (6.3 m) 46 12° 13.9 m2 (4.2 m) 100% 3.5 m2 (2.1 m) Distance (m) F CD

13 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF Subprojectile Penetration Capability
Mild Steel Plate Thickness Penetrated [mm] Subprojectile (SP): 1.24 g # SP per Round: Target Plate: Mild Steel Range of Subprojectiles [m]

14 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF: 3 Rd Burst Effectiveness against ATGW-Bunker at 1 km
Notice: ATGW: Anti-Tank Guided Weapon Results: Numerous Full Perforations / 100% Damage (Demo: Dec.1999) F BB

15 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF: 5 Round Burst against Squad of 7 - Target
Target: Squad of (Field: 2 x 38m) Target Field The video shows a 5 round burst fired to the target field (firing rate: 200 rd/min). Distance between rounds: 9 m Multiple perforations in each of the 7 target plates (2mm Fe): 13 Perforations/m2 on Average. M A8 F A84

16 30mm x 173 Ahead (ABM) KETF against Urban Target (Unprogrammed Fuze)
Target: cm Concrete Wall with double Steel-Structure Reinforced Range: 500 m Results: Target Fully Penetrated M BA F BB

17 3 Rd Burst against an ATGW Bunker at 1500 m
35mm x 228 Ahead (ABM) KETF & HETF against ATGW-Bunker HETF (Blast Fragmentation) KETF (Subprojectiles) Pk-Value Lethality of a 3 Rd Burst against an ATGW Bunker at 1500 m F BA

18 Ahead (ABM) KETF: Ahead Technology Main Safety Features
Power Supply: Set Back Generator (Activation over 28‘000 g); i.e no Battery Full Gun Unload Safety Safe & Arm: Mechanical & Electronic Time Programming of less than 64 ms not accepted (Default: Self Destruct ) Each Bit programmed with Double Pulse Completeness Check on 12 Bit Message (if negative: Self Destruct On!) If no fuze programming required or possible: automatically Self Destruct On No Impact Sensor in Fuze: firing through bushes & tree branches w/o burst Total HE content less than 0.6 g for 30mm F CE

19 One Ahead (ABM) Fuze System - Two Different Warhead Configurations
30mm x 173 35mm x 228 Subprojectile Warhead KETF (Kinetic Energy Time Fuze) Fuze Blast Fragmentation Warhead HETF (High Explosive Time Fuze) 40mm x 53 Scale: F BC

20 Ahead (ABM) HETF Basic Concept for 40mm x 53 Automatic Grenade Launcher AGL
T A R G E T Conventional HE Round (PD-Fuze) Optimum for Air Burst Munition F BA

21 40 mm x 53 Ahead (ABM) HETF Firing Trials at 200 m & 1000 m Range
Remarks: No fragments are flying backwards! Firing Rate up to 570 rd/min (AGL-ST-Kinetics) 6008 6008 M BA F BB

22 Ahead (ABM) System Milestones
• bit - transmission demonstrated on a 20 mm shell at muzzle exit (1st “Ahead-like” programming) • mm Ahead - Ammunition: technical presentation to international ammo experts /OCP- Test Center • NATO qualification of the Ahead system (Canada) • Demonstration of ABM 30 mm x 173 prototype • Demonstration of ABM 40 mm x 53 prototype for AGL • End mm Ahead ABM Systems fielded in 8 countries. In evaluation / procurement in several others. - 30 mm x 173/170 & 40 mm x 53 ABM in evaluation in several countries. F BC

23 35mm Ahead (ABM) KETF Detonation in Ammo Box
Ejection Charge (0.9 g HE) of One Round Detonated Result: no damage occurs to the other packed rounds and therefore no sympathetic detonation possible F A6

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