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Nebular Astrophysics.

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Presentation on theme: "Nebular Astrophysics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nebular Astrophysics

2 Visible Appearance of the ISM
1) Emission Nebulae Emission line radiation from radiatively ionized/excited gas The Trifid Nebula The Fox Fur Nebula NGC 2246

3 Visible Appearance of ISM
2) Reflection Nebulae Star light reflected by dust Appear blue because blue light is scattered by larger angles than red light.

4 Visible Appearance of ISM
3) Dark Nebulae Dense clouds of gas and dust absorb the light from the stars behind; Barnard 86 Horsehead Nebula

5 Observing Neutral Hydrogen: The 21-cm (radio) line
Electrons in the ground state of neutral hydrogen have slightly different energies, depending on their spin orientation. Opposite magnetic fields attract => Lower energy Equal magnetic fields repel => Higher energy Magnetic field due to proton spin 21 cm line Magnetic field due to electron spin

6 Observations of the 21-cm Line
G a l a c t i c p l a n e All-sky map of emission in the 21-cm line

7 H2 = Molecular Hydrogen  Ultraviolet absorption and emission:
Molecules in Space CO = Carbon Monoxide OH = Hydroxyl  Radio emission from rotational (and vibrational) transitions H2 = Molecular Hydrogen  Ultraviolet absorption and emission: Difficult to observe! But: Where there’s H2, there’s also CO. Use CO as a tracer for H2 in the ISM!

8 The Central Region of our Milky Way in H2 emission

9 Molecular Clouds Molecules are easily destroyed (“dissociated”) by ultraviolet photons from hot stars.  They can only survive within dense, dusty clouds, where UV radiation is completely absorbed. “Molecular Clouds”: Largest molecular clouds are called “Giant Molecular Clouds”: UV emission from nearby stars destroys molecules in the outer parts of the cloud; is absorbed there. Molecules survive Cold, dense molecular cloud core Diameter ≈ 15 – 60 pc Temperature ≈ 10 K HI Cloud Total mass ≈ 100 – 1 million solar masses

10 Dust in Infrared Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula

11 Dust in Infrared

12 Keplerian Orbits: v ~ r-1/2
Dark Matter Keplerian Orbits: v ~ r-1/2

13 Galactic Magnetic Fields
Radio Emission and Polarization (B-fields) in M51

14 Faraday Rotation

15 Cosmic Rays E < 3*1015 eV: Galactic (Supernova remnants)
Mostly protons 3*1015 eV < E < 3*1018 eV: Extragalactic Heavier elements (up to Fe) Active Galaxies? Gamma-Ray Bursts? Heavy supersymmetric particle decay?

16 Cosmic Rays E > 3*1018 eV: “Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays” (UHECRs)
New, extragalactic component Composition??? Sources??? E ~ 1020 eV: Greizen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff: UHECRs interacting with Cosmic Microwave Background through pg -> p p0 pg -> n p+ pion production.

17 Hillas Plot Magnetic-field – Size requirements
to accelerate cosmic rays to 100 EeV (= 1020 eV) and 1 ZeV (= 1021 eV).

18 Pierre Auger Observatory
Array of 1,600 water tanks with fluorescence detectors, spread over ~ 3,000 km2 In Pampa Amarilla (Western Argentina).

19 UHECR All-Sky Map * = Nearby (< 100 Mpc) Active Galactic Nuclei O = Arrival Direction of UHECRs Association with nearby Active Galactic Nuclei was claimed, but no longer significant.

20 Cosmic Rays colliding with gas of the ISM
The GeV Gamma-Ray Sky Cosmic Rays colliding with gas of the ISM All-Sky Map by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope

21 Collisional Excitation and De-excitation
Critical Densities ID l [A] log ncr [cm-3] [CII 1909 9.0 [O II] 3726.1 3.5 3728.8 2.8 [Fe VII] 3760.3 7.6 [Ne III] 3868.8 7.0 3967.5 [S II] 4068.6 6.4 [O III] 4363.2 7.5 5006.9 5.8

22 Collisional Excitation and De-excitation
O III (O2+) forbidden lines

23 Density-Dependent Line Ratios

24 Thermal Equilibrium in Nebulae

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