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THE SUN-EARTH-MOON SYSTEM Chapter 28. The best tool to study the universe is the light emitted from it – Radiation We study Electromagnetic Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "THE SUN-EARTH-MOON SYSTEM Chapter 28. The best tool to study the universe is the light emitted from it – Radiation We study Electromagnetic Radiation."— Presentation transcript:


2 The best tool to study the universe is the light emitted from it – Radiation We study Electromagnetic Radiation Electric and magnetic disturbances traveling through space as waves We can only see the visible light part of the spectrum

3 Electromagnetic Spectrum Arranged according to wavelength and frequency Type of radiation is classified by its wavelength

4 Wavelength & Frequency Wavelength – the distance from one wave to another Frequency – the number of waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time

5 c = λ f c = speed of light (3 x 10 8 m/s or 300,000,000 m/s) λ = wavelength f = frequency *Remember ALL electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light With this equation, if you know one, you can find easily find the other.

6 Telescopes GOAL : To bring as much radiation as possible to a focus Benefits 1. Modify them to observe all wavelengths 2. Collects from distant objects and focuses it to a point where it can be studied 3. Allows use of other special equipment 4. Used to make time exposures the human eye may miss

7 Visual Telescopes Visual telescopes are used to focus visible light (also work for infrared and UV) Refracting Reflecting

8 Refracting Telescopes 1 st used, made around 1600 Uses Lenses Objective Lens – Largest Eye Piece Lens Second When light passes through objective lens, it focuses the light away from the lens. The larger the objective, the more light it can collect

9 Refracting Telescope

10 Reflecting telescopes Uses mirrors The larger the mirror, the more light collected A flat mirror reflects the light to the eyepiece lens Most telescopes used today

11 Reflecting Telescopes

12 X-Ray Telescopes Can’t be focused by normal mirrors because x-rays aren’t easily reflected Arrangement of cylindrical mirrors allows x-rays to be guided to a precise focus to form an image

13 Radio Telescopes Large dish that reflects the waves to focus above the dish

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