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Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 1 Exotic Physics searches in ANTARES Ersilio Castorina Pisa University and INFN.

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Presentation on theme: "Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 1 Exotic Physics searches in ANTARES Ersilio Castorina Pisa University and INFN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 1 Exotic Physics searches in ANTARES Ersilio Castorina Pisa University and INFN on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration Workshop on Exotic Physics with Neutrino Telescopes Uppsala, September 20-22, 2006

2 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 2 Current status of ANTARES MC simulation of χ Dark Matter from the Sun Ongoing studies (preliminary only) : –early results for χ from the Earth –first estimate of “slow” Magnetic Monopoles Outline

3 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 3 ANTARES Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch Project to build an undersea neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea

4 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 4 ANTARES collaboration IFREMER, Brest DAPNIA, Saclay IReS, Strasbourg Mulhouse CPPM, Marseille IFREMER,Toulon COM, Marseille OCA, Nice ITEP Moscow IFIC Valencia NIKHEF Amsterdam, Groningen Genova Bari Catania Roma Erlangen LNS Pisa Bologna

5 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 5 ANTARES Site Submarine Cable The detector will be located at 2400 m depth, 40 km off the Toulon (France) coast (42º50’N, 6º10’E). Institute Michel Pacha (La Seyne sur Mer) The shore station is at La Seyne sur Mer, 40 km NW of the ANTARES site.

6 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 6 Detector Design and Construction Status

7 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 7 Detector Geometry 70 m 12 lines (900 PMTs) 25 storeys / line 3 PMTs/storey 350 m 100 m 14.5 m Junction box Interconnections 40 km to shore Depth 2400 m storey Horizontal layout

8 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 8    43° 2400 m depth Cherenkov light from  induced by interaction detected by 3D PMT array Time & position of hits allow the reconstruction of the  (~ ) trajectory CC interaction Neutrino Detection   N X W

9 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 9 Local Control Module electronics boards for readout of PMT signal and data acquisition (plus calibration equipment) Optical Beacon for timing calibration Optical Module 17” glass sphere 10” PMT Ham. R7081-20 in a cage for magnetic shielding Hydrophone RX for acoustic positioning Basic Dector Element: the storey

10 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 10  Apr 2005: Mini Instrumentation Line with OMs (MILOM)  Mar 2006: Line 1, first complete detector line  2006: Line 2, deployed in July, to be connected TODAY !  2006 - 2007: installation of remaining 10 lines  2008+: Physics with full detector! Construction Status MILOM 2005 Line 1 2006

11 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 11 A Selection of Results: Time Calibration The timing calibration systems of ANTARES allow: ~100 ns in absolute timing ≤ 1 ns in relative timing (between OMs) Light source  T between hits on 2 OMs in the same storey  = 0.7 ns Horizontal Diagonal: larger distance, less intensity, light scattering  = 2.6 ns

12 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 12 A Selection of Results: a downgoing   Hit altitude (relative to mid detector) [m] ANTARES preliminary Hit time [ns]  Triggered hits  Hits used in fit  Snapshot hits  = 172 o P(  2,ndf) = 0.94 +

13 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 13 Searches for Neutralino DM in ANTARES

14 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 14 ANTARES Science goals Neutrinos from point-like & diffuse flux sources –Pulsars –Young SN Remnants (up to 100 ev/year/km 2 ) –Microquasars (SS433: up to 250 ev/year/km 2 ) –AGN (steady) –Gamma Ray Bursts (transient 1-100 s) Exotic Physics –Neutrinos from  annihilation in the Sun, the Earth and the Galactic Centre –Magnetic monopoles + oceanography, biology, seismology …

15 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 15 From  down to

16 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 16 How many neutrinos ? The flux is the sum over the possible production channels The event rate is given by the  s! The flux of muons that reach the detector is We need the Annihilation Rate  A which, in turn, depends on the scattering/capture cross sections

17 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 17 Effective Area for Sun&GC

18 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 18 mSUGRA Predictions & Sensitivity  Less constrained models are currently under investigation  Improvements of low E reco will affect (i.e. lower) the sensitivity

19 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 19 Annihilation in the Earth: work in progress mSUGRA flux predictions are extremely low ! Evaluate just the sensitivity (a general MSSM model could perhaps produce much more neutrinos!) The signal is expected within a cone of a few degrees (max ~10 ) depending on m  Less restrictive cuts on events direction Different atmospheric background Different Sensitivity

20 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 20

21 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 21 Searches for Magnetic Monopoles in ANTARES

22 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 22 Detection of Magnetic Monopoles Monopoles are predicted by Grand Unified Theories They can be studied through their interaction with matter: Ionization energy loss Radiative energy loss Catalysis of proton decay Exp. Upper Limits on the average monopole flux

23 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 23 Detection of Magnetic Monopoles MM produce direct and  -ray induced Cherenkov light (a tiny but easily detectable fraction of the ionization energy loss!)  Direct Cherenkov emission (  th =0.74 in sea water) A monopole with g D and  =1 emits about 3·10 6 photons between 300 and 600 nm per cm path length

24 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 24 Detection of Magnetic Monopoles   -ray emission Kinetic Energy spectrum of  -rays Cherenkov Threshold for e - in water T th = 0.25 MeV  Direct  -ray Cherenkov radiation (Ph.D. Thesis by B. van Rens, NIKHEF)  -ray Direct  # emitted photons/cm path lenght

25 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 25 ANTARES 1-year MACRO Upper limit on Monopole flux below the Cherenkov limit Simulation + dedicated Trigger & Analysis (Ph.D. Thesis by B. van Rens, NIKHEF)

26 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 26 Conclusions & Outlook Most promising sources:  Sun  Galactic Centre (though modelling still under debate)  Earth (though expected fluxes are low) It’s indeed possible to detect DM signal (though indirectly!) ANTARES has started data acquisition with the first full line Complete detector by the end of 2007 It’s even easier to detect Monopole signal (if they exist!) Through Cherenkov light  direct   -ray induced Thanks and… …stay tuned!

27 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 27 Expected Detector performances

28 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 28 Point-like sources: sky visibility Young Supernova Remnants locations from the Green catalogue. The ANTARES detector will observe 3.5  sr (0.5  sr overlap with AMANDA). ANTARES will see the southern sky, AMANDA the northern sky. The Galactic Centre is observable 67% of the day.

29 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 29 Angular resolution Dominated by reconstruction Dominated by kinematic angle   E < 10 TeV  -  angle dominated by kinematic E > 10 TeV  pointing accuracy ~ 0.2º Reconstruction resolution limited only by phototube TTS and light diffusion in water true  rec 

30 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 30 Point-like sources: expected sensitivity A. Heijboer et al, Point source searches with the ANTARES neutrino telescope, ICRC 2003 After 1 year, Antares can improve limit for Southern hemisphere… or discover something ! 90% c.l. Muon flux limits (cm -2 s -1 ) Declination (degrees) AMANDA B-10 130 days E >10 GeV, angular resolution about 3.9 deg ApJ 583 (2003) MACRO 1388 events in ~6 yrs. > 1.5 GeV, angular resolution about 0.5 deg SK ICRC2003. 2369 upward- going stopping and through- going muons in 4.6 yr, > 3 GeV, angular resolution of about 2°. AMANDAII sensitivity 2004 197 days (2000) southern skynorthern sky ANTARES sensitivity 1 yr E -2 neutrino spectrum

31 Ersilio Castorina - Exotic Phys. with nu Telescopes, Uppsala Sept. 2006 31 Diffuse Fluxes for  : limits AMANDA UHE MACRO AMANDAII ICECUBE Sensitivity to diffuse fluxes i. e. integrating over the full angular acceptance of the detector AMANDA Experimental Limits are for E -2 spectra Energy resolution allows to set a limit of 8×10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 after 1 year

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