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Ms. Raffay A-F Mrs. Gilsdorf G-M Ms. Cooper N-Z Welcome to Senior Year!

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Raffay A-F Mrs. Gilsdorf G-M Ms. Cooper N-Z Welcome to Senior Year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Raffay A-F Mrs. Gilsdorf G-M Ms. Cooper N-Z Welcome to Senior Year!

2 Agenda for Tonight Tonight:Tonight: –Where is your student at in the process? –Application Deadlines Review –How to Apply to College – 8 (fairly simple) Steps –Reminders & Final Thoughts –Guest Speaker presentation on admissions process to selective schools Thursday – Hands-On NavianceThursday – Hands-On Naviance –Common App Account –Signing the FERPA form –Finding online application materials –How to fill out a BLUE Form –How to fill out a request for Teacher Letter O’ Rec.

3 What have you done so far? Narrowed your list to 5-8 schools for application?Narrowed your list to 5-8 schools for application? –1-2 Reach schools –3-4 Likely schools –1 Safety school Visits?Visits? Conversations with your parents about where to apply?Conversations with your parents about where to apply? Locating applications?Locating applications?

4 GHS Class of 2011 Postsecondary Plans% of students 4 Yr College80.9% 2 Yr College4.5% Military1.8% Employed2.7% Other7.8% In-State71.5% Out of State28.8%

5 GHS Class of 2011 Application Information # of Students221 Avg. GPA 3.20 Avg. SAT 1675 Avg. ACT 23 Total Submitted Apps 783 Apps./student3.5 % of students accepted to all colleges applied 79%

6 “College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won.” -Frank Sachs, The Blake School


8 Take out  Definitions of Admission Options in Higher Education Handout! Green Sheet

9 Types of Application Deadlines Regular Decision: Students submit an application by a specified date and receive a decision in a clearly stated period of time.Students submit an application by a specified date and receive a decision in a clearly stated period of time. - Kenyon College  January 15, 2012 - Miami University  February 1, 2012 - College of Wooster  February 15, 2012 Commitment Level: Non-binding

10 Types of Application Deadlines Rolling Admission: Institutions review applications as they are submitted and render admission decisions throughout the admission cycle until a specified deadline.Institutions review applications as they are submitted and render admission decisions throughout the admission cycle until a specified deadline. - Ohio State  February 1, 2012 - Bowling Green State University  February 1, 2012 Commitment Level: Non-binding

11 Types of Application Deadlines Early Action: Students apply early and receive a decision well in advance of the institution’s regular response date.Students apply early and receive a decision well in advance of the institution’s regular response date. - The College of Wooster  November 15, 2011 - Miami University  December 1, 2011 Commitment Level: Non-binding

12 Types of Application Deadlines Early Decision: Students make a commitment to a first-choice institution where, if admitted they definitely will enroll. The application deadline and decision deadline occur early.Students make a commitment to a first-choice institution where, if admitted they definitely will enroll. The application deadline and decision deadline occur early. - The College of Wooster  November 15, 2011 - Miami University  December 1, 2011 Commitment Level: Binding!

13 Types of Application Deadlines Priority Deadline: Students apply by a specified deadline to be considered for a full range of scholarships/housing preferences, etc.Students apply by a specified deadline to be considered for a full range of scholarships/housing preferences, etc. - The Ohio State University  December 1, 2012 - The College of Wooster  January 15, 2012 - University of Cincinnati  February 1, 2012 Commitment Level: Non-binding

14 Types of Application Deadlines Beware of Special Program Deadlines (specific majors, Colleges within the university, scholarships etc.) - College of the Conservatory of Music @ University of Cincinnati  November 1, 2011 - College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning (DAAP) at University of Cincinnati  December 1, 2011 - College of Engineering & Applied Science @ University of Cincinnati  December 1, 2011 Commitment Level: Non-binding

15 Your role is… To determine what type of deadlines your schools offer (on the website, Naviance, etc.)To determine what type of deadlines your schools offer (on the website, Naviance, etc.) Now, figure out what deadline works best for you!Now, figure out what deadline works best for you!


17 Application Components Name and address, the basicsName and address, the basics TranscriptTranscript Official test scoresOfficial test scores Essay (when requested)Essay (when requested) Supplements as required by collegesSupplements as required by colleges Teacher letter of recommendation (when required)Teacher letter of recommendation (when required) Counselor letter of recommendation (when required)Counselor letter of recommendation (when required) Secondary school report/ counselor reportSecondary school report/ counselor report Résumé or activity listRésumé or activity list

18 Go to Page 2!

19 Step 1: Go to page 3 1. Have all of the appropriate accounts set up! -Naviance: Have a valid Naviance Student Account -Common Application: Create a Common App Account & write down your username & password! -FERPA: Complete the FERPA waiver in Naviance.

20 Step 2: Go to page 4 2. Fill out your application(s). -Many colleges and universities have their own application. -Others use the Common Application.

21 Step 3: Go to page 2 3. Add all of your colleges to which you are planning to apply in a listing under the Naviance "Colleges" tab. * You must have this step done before we can send your transcript.

22 Step 4: Go to page 5 4. Determine the Naviance "Submissions” type for your Colleges.

23 Step 5: 5. Have official SAT & ACT scores sent directly from the testing agency to your particular college. Yellow Sheet

24 SAT Subject Tests Remember you can sign up for a maximum of 3 subject tests on any SAT regular test dateRemember you can sign up for a maximum of 3 subject tests on any SAT regular test date –Usually 1 hour for each subject test –You do not take the regular SAT on the same day as the subject tests – –Find out which schools require subject tests!

25 Test Prep Opportunities See Mr. Bernath’s Blue Ace Update for upcoming test prep opportunities:See Mr. Bernath’s Blue Ace Update for upcoming test prep opportunities: –The CollegeSmiths (SAT & ACT)  –Zaps (ACT)  –Granville Rec Department (PSAT & SAT Turbo Camp)  Other test prep opportunities will be included in Mr. Bernath’s newsletter.Other test prep opportunities will be included in Mr. Bernath’s newsletter.

26 Step 6: Go to page #6 6. Request Teacher & Counselor Letters of Recommendation (if required by your colleges). -Pick up extra Goldenrod Teacher Letter Request forms in the Guidance Office. -Note: Not all colleges require or request letters of recommendation. -TWO WEEKS in advance (at least!) Goldenrod Sheet

27 The more time you give us the better!

28 What if I already requested teacher letters using the old form?

29 The more time you give us the better!

30 Counselor Letter of Recommendation Schedule a time to meet with your counselor during a Study Hall period or before/after school – IF A LETTER IS REQUIRED. – –We like to spend time getting to know your passions so that we can write the best letter possible. – –Holistic overview of you

31 The more time you give us the better!

32 Step 7: Go to page #7 7. Request your Transcript to be sent to colleges via the BLUE Form (AKA Transcript Request Form). -One BLUE Form for every school to which you apply. -We cannot send your transcript until we have this form on file! -TWO WEEKS before you want your materials to be submitted! Blue Sheet

33 VERY IMPORTANT!!! You must have completed and submitted your online application for your schools before we can send your transcript online.

34 You MUST turn in your BLUE form at least Before you want your transcript to be sent! Pink Sheet See Important Guidance Deadlines!

35 What if I took a class for Kenyon or COTC credit? IF YOU TOOK THE COURSES BEFORE SENIOR YEAR: –You will need to request that your Kenyon or COTC transcript be sent to all of the colleges to which you apply. –Go to the Registrar’s website to download transcript request forms. There is usually a fee associated with sending college transcripts.

36 What if I took a class for Kenyon or COTC credit? IF YOU ARE TAKING THE COURSES AS A SENIOR (including OSU or Denison): –You will need to request that your Kenyon, COTC, OSU, or Denison transcript be sent to the college you plan to attend. –Go to the Registrar’s website to download transcript request forms. There is usually a fee associated with sending college transcripts.

37 Step 8: Go to page #8 8. You did it! Let Guidance know of application outcome. -After all that work, your counselor is eager to know of your admissions outcome. -Please keep us updated, especially if you have been waitlisted, as it is important to follow-up with the college. -Please see the additional helpful information page!

38 1.Use your “How to Apply to College” packet 2.Stay organized! How do I keep track of it all?

39 What other students do: Folders  Make a folder for all of your college-related papers.Folders  Make a folder for all of your college-related papers. Lists  List each school in the order of the first deadline you are trying to meet.Lists  List each school in the order of the first deadline you are trying to meet. Excel Sheets  Use Excel to keep track of each school, deadlines, cost, etc.Excel Sheets  Use Excel to keep track of each school, deadlines, cost, etc. Naviance  has deadlines and links to the college’s websiteNaviance  has deadlines and links to the college’s website

40 What Your School Counselor Does NOT Send to Colleges Test ScoresTest Scores Transcripts from Kenyon, COTC, OSU, or DenisonTranscripts from Kenyon, COTC, OSU, or Denison Teacher Letters of RecommendationTeacher Letters of Recommendation

41 Sports in College If you may play Division I or II athletics in college, you must register with the NCAA eligibility center at Verify you have completed all necessary courses to be eligible for NCAA DI or DII athletics A few Reminders…

42 Students should allow at least TWO WEEKS notice for the following:Students should allow at least TWO WEEKS notice for the following: –Transcript Requests –Teacher Letters of Recommendation (if required) –Counselor Letter of Recommendation (if required) Use your Senior Timeline handoutUse your Senior Timeline handout Last year, guidance processed 783 applications.Last year, guidance processed 783 applications. Don’t wait! We are occasionally out of the office for conferences and college visits.Don’t wait! We are occasionally out of the office for conferences and college visits. Salmon Sheet

43 Remember to apply to a safety school, “possibility” schools, and a “reach” schoolRemember to apply to a safety school, “possibility” schools, and a “reach” school Have weekly meetings with your parents to talk about your progressHave weekly meetings with your parents to talk about your progress Schedule final college visits and interviews if necessarySchedule final college visits and interviews if necessary Technology first impressionsTechnology first impressions A few Reminders…


45 Upcoming Application Work Sessions September: Monday, Sept. 19  3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Monday, Sept. 19  3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.October: Monday, Oct. 3  3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.Monday, Oct. 3  3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 - COTA DAY!  9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Friday, Oct. 21 - COTA DAY!  9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

46 November - May Scholarships  new ones are posted on the wall in Guidance daily!Scholarships  new ones are posted on the wall in Guidance daily! Please check the bulletin board for local scholarship options!Please check the bulletin board for local scholarship options! Continue to look for additional scholarships offered by your schools or national competitions.Continue to look for additional scholarships offered by your schools or national competitions.

47 January 2012 FAFSA  Free Application for Federal Student AidFAFSA  Free Application for Federal Student Aid –File as soon after January 1, 2012 as possible. –Determines whether or not you are eligible for federal grants, loans, and sometimes scholarships!

48 January 2012 Mid-year Reports  Guidance office will send these automatically to every school you have applied.Mid-year Reports  Guidance office will send these automatically to every school you have applied. –You do not need to bring us anything!

49 May 1, 2012 Deposit Deadline  Colleges have a reply date of May 1st, by which you must confirm with an acceptance letter and deposit to attend your school of choice!Deposit Deadline  Colleges have a reply date of May 1st, by which you must confirm with an acceptance letter and deposit to attend your school of choice!

50 Start NOW! “We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.” - Calvin Coolidge

51 Stress? One step at a time!

52 * Resources * Your CounselorYour Counselor Parents & FriendsParents & Friends NavianceNaviance Online search toolsOnline search tools GHS Website  Website  Breathe. Relax.. Know that you will go to college somewhere.

53 Questions & Comments


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