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Monday, February 3, 2014 POTD The product on an array is 50. What are all the possible dimensions? Make a factor rainbow.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, February 3, 2014 POTD The product on an array is 50. What are all the possible dimensions? Make a factor rainbow."— Presentation transcript:


2 Monday, February 3, 2014

3 POTD The product on an array is 50. What are all the possible dimensions? Make a factor rainbow.

4 Quadrilaterals Shapes with 4 sides! Quadrilateral Rap Review Video 1

5 What shape is this?

6 A Square

7 How many lines of symmetry has a Square got? 1 2 3 4

8 Properties of a Square  Has 4 equal sides  Has 4 equal angles  Each angle is a right angle  Has 4 lines of symmetry  Is a regular shape

9 What shape is this?

10 A Rectangle

11 How many lines of symmetry has a Rectangle got? 1 2

12 Properties of a Rectangle  Has 2 pairs of equal sides  Has 4 equal angles  Each angle is a right angle  Has 2 lines of symmetry  Is an irregular shape

13 What shape is this?

14 A Parallelogram

15 How many lines of symmetry has a Parallelogram got? None!

16 Properties of a Parallelogram  Has 2 pairs of equal sides  Has 2 pairs of equal angles  Opposite sides are parallel  Has NO lines of symmetry  Is an irregular shape

17 What shape is this?

18 A Rhombus

19 How many lines of symmetry has a Rhombus got? 21

20 Properties of a Rhombus  Has 4 equal sides  Has 2 pairs of equal angles  Opposite sides are parallel  Has 2 lines of symmetry  Is an irregular shape

21 What shape is this?

22 How many lines of symmetry does this Trapezoid have? None!

23 What shape is this?

24 An Isosceles Trapezoid

25 How many lines of symmetry does this Trapezoid have? 1 Because these angles are equal.

26 Properties of a Trapezoid  May Have unequal sides  If two sides are congruent then its called an Isosceles trapezoid.  One pair of opposite sides are parallel  Usually has NO lines of symmetry (unless its an Isosceles trapezoid)  Is an irregular shape

27 What shape is this?

28 A Kite

29 How many lines of symmetry has a Kite got? 1

30 Properties of a Kite  Has 2 pairs of equal sides  Has 1 pair of equal angles  Equal sides are adjacent (sharing a common vertex)  Has 1 line of symmetry  Is an irregular shape

31 What shape is this?

32 A Dart

33 How many lines of symmetry has a Kite got? 1

34 Properties A Dart  Has 2 pairs of equal sides  Has an angle that is concave (exceeds 180°)  Has 1 pair of equal angles  Equal sides are adjacent  Has 1 line of symmetry  Is an irregular shape

35 Quadrilaterals Shapes with 4 sides!

36 Quadrilateral Sort

37 Quadrilateral Sort Cont’d



40 Math Club Jeopardy (saved in groups)

41 Tuesday, February 4, 2014 The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum. Crum was a Native American/African American chef at the Moon Lake Lodge resort in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA. French fries were popular at the restaurant and one day a diner complained that the fries were too thick. Although Crum made a thinner batch, the customer was still unsatisfied. Crum finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork, hoping to annoy the extremely fussy customer. The customer, surprisingly enough, was happy - and potato chips were invented!

42 POTD Reginald had 32 goodie bags at the party. Each bag has 14 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy are there in all?

43 Homework Review

44 Quadrilaterals What are some things that you remember about Quadrilaterals? Rap Review Video 2

45 Classifying Quadrilaterals Guided/Independent ShapeDrawing How many pairs of congruent sides? What types and how many are there of each angle are in the shape? Trapezoid with no right angle Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Trapezoid with one right angle Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Rhombus Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Kite Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Rectangle Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Square Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Parallelogram that is not a rectangle or rhombus Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Parallelogram with only right angle Right ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ DartRight ____ Acute____ Obtuse____ Attributes Name of ALL POSSIBLE Quadrilaterals AND Illustrations 1)A quadrilateral that has 4 right angles. 2)A quadrilateral that has 2 pairs of congruent sides. 3)A quadrilateral that has exactly one set of parallel sides. 4)A triangle that has 3 angles that are the same measure and 3 sides that are the same length. 5)A triangle that has 2 sides that are the same length and 1 right angle. 6)A quadrilateral that has 4 congruent sides. 7)A quadrilateral that has exactly two right angles and exactly one pair of parallel sides. 8)A quadrilateral that has 2 sets of parallel sides. 9)A quadrilateral that has 2 sets of parallel sides and no right angles.

46 Math Club Complete the Geometry Review Quiz Show me what you know

47 Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Lonnie G. JohnsonLonnie G. Johnson (1949- ), was born in Mobile, Alabama. He always loved creating and experimenting. At the age of 18, he built a remote-controlled robot, "Linex," and won a national award for his invention. The robot was made from junkyard scraps. He attended Tuskegee Institute, where he earned a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1972 and a M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering in 1974.Tuskegee InstituteMechanical Engineering After college he joined the Air Force and later went to work for NASA, where he earned many awards, including award- winning work for the Galileo Jupiter probe and the Mars Observer project. One of his great achievements was the Johnson Tube. Of all his inventions, he is most noted for the Super Soaker water toy.Galileo JupiterMars Observer In 1982, Lonnie did not mean to invent the powerful water toy, but was tinkering around when a homemade nozzle at his bathroom sink shot a spray of water, and viola! The Super Soaker was born!

48 Homework Review

49 POTD What is the value of 23 hundreds, 12 tens and 19 ones?

50 Symmetry C8Y

51 What is a line of symmetry? A line on which a figure can be folded so that both sides match. – Maryland Content Standard 2.E.2 – Identify and describe symmetry in geometric figures or pictures. (Up to four lines of symmetry)

52 To be a line of symmetry, the shape must have two halves that match exactly. When you trace a heart onto a piece of folded paper, and then cut it out, the two half hearts make a whole heart. The two halves are symmetrical.

53 Which of these flags have a line of symmetry? United States of AmericaCanada MarylandEngland

54 What about these math symbols? Do they have symmetry?

55 How many lines of symmetry to these regular polygons have? Do you see a pattern? Regular polygons have the same number of lines of symmetry as they do sides

56 Symmetry/Guided

57 Symmetry/Independent

58 Math Club/ SF page 102

59 Thursday, February 6, 2014 Garrett Morgan Born: 1877 Safety Hood, Traffic Light. Morgan's first well- known invention was the safety hood, a forerunner of the gas mask. When 32 workers in Cleveland, Ohio, were trapped during a tunnel collapse in 1916, Morgan and several volunteers using the masks were able to reach the trapped men and rescue several survivors. In 1923, Morgan patented his best-known invention, the three-way traffic signal, based on signs that signaled stop and go. He sold his patent rights to General Electric, which developed an electrical version. Died: 1963

60 POTD A local fast food restaurant sells 88 kids meals a day. They also serve 126 combo meals and 67 desserts. How many kids meals they sell in a 5-day period?

61 Homework Review

62 Symmetry Review

63 Review Day Review Math Club Quiz Review Study Guide

64 Math Club/Math Superstar

65 Friday, February 7, 2014 Hattie McDaniel June 10, 1895-October 26, 1952; Wichita, Kansas Did You Know?: Hattie McDaniel was the first black performer to win an Academy Award, earning the best supporting actress prize for her role as Mammy in the epic Gone with the Wind (1939). Did You Know?: All of Gone with the Wind's black actors, including Hattie McDaniel, were barred from attending the film's premiere in 1939. Did You Know?: Hattie McDaniel was the first black woman to sing on the radio in America.

66 POTD The bowling league expects to play in 3 tournaments this year. If there are 8 teams in a league and each team has 23 players, how many players will play in the tournaments?

67 Geometry Common Assessment Lines Angles Triangles Quadrilaterals Symmetry

68 Math Club Review Operation Sort 5 (from the previous week)

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