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1 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.
Assessment Chapter 18 © 2012 McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 Studies suggest that many physical educators fail to assess their students’ motor behavior properly. The major reason for this is lack of training.

3 Guidelines for Assessment
Why do you want to assess your students? What variables do you plan to assess? Which tests purport to assess the important variables that you have identified? How will you prepare yourself for collecting the data?

4 Guidelines for Assessment
Do you have the statistical skills to interpret the assessment data? Will you be conducting an informal or a formal assessment? How, and with whom, will you share the assessment results?

5 Why Assess? Screening Program content To identify needs
To determine if an individual requires further testing, additional programming, or instruction Program content Plan the content of a particular program

6 Why Assess? Student progress Program evaluation Classification
Are individuals meeting the course or program objectives? Program evaluation Is the program meeting the objectives for enhanced skill development? Classification Placement of individuals by group

7 What Variables to Assess
Instructional units that are tied to specific course objectives indicate which variables are assessed Assess variables tied to course objectives

8 Selecting the Best Test
Review all available tests Is the test statistically valid, reliable, and objective? If the test is norm-referenced, are the norms established on a population similar to the one you plan to assess?

9 Selecting the Best Test
Is the test instrument feasible to administer? Do you have the training and expertise to administer the test as well as interpret the results?

10 An Ideal Test Validity Test measures what it claims to measure
Content validity ~ the instrument contains tasks that measure specific content of interest A subjective measure

11 An Ideal Test Reliability
Individual scores do not vary significantly from day to day, assuming there has been no additional instruction Test reliability is the test score’s freedom from error Measured statistically

12 An Ideal Test Objectivity
Interrater reliability Degree of accuracy to which a test is scored Determined statistically Statistical determination is performed by computing a correlation coefficient for two sets of scores

13 An Ideal Test Correlation coefficient
A set of ratings compiled by one scorer is correlated with the scores obtained by a second scorer A correlation coefficient of 0.80 –1.00 is acceptable Caution: norms are population specific Height of American children should not be compared with the norms in height for Japanese children

14 An Ideal Test Test feasibility
Which test can be administered in the least amount of time? Must you administer the test to a single student, or can it be administered to groups? Do you have the training and expertise to administer the test?

15 An Ideal Test Test feasibility
Do you have all of the supplies and equipment needed for test administration? Do you have the training and expertise to interpret the test results?

16 Preparing Students for Assessment
To reduce test anxiety Test environment can be controlled Meet the participant’s physical needs Procedure for restroom breaks Meet the participant’s psychological needs Introduce the test with conversation Reveal what will be done during the test Avoid the word “test” Allow participants to explore the equipment

17 Instructor Preparation and Data Collection
Do you have the necessary equipment to administer the assessment? Can you deliver the standardized directions to students taking the assessment? Do you have an appropriate score sheet with extra pencils on hand?

18 Instructor Preparation and Data Collection
Are you adequately prepared to administer the assessment without constantly referring to the test manual? If assessment requires observation, do you possess valid observational skills? Are you able to recognize deviations from the norm? From what point will you observe?

19 Instructor Preparation and Data Collection
You must think through and even pilot (test run) your assessment procedures prior to administering the test to a target population

20 Interpreting the Assessment Data
Need to have an understanding of measures of central tendency and measures of variability Measures central tendency Mean – arithmetic average Median – 50th percentile Mode – score that appears most frequently

21 Interpreting the Assessment Data
Measures of variability Describes the spread of scores A measure of variability Standard deviation – describes the degree to which the scores vary about the mean of the distribution

22 Normal Curve

23 Formal vs. Informal Assessment
When assessment is performed in an informal manner, the student is not generally aware that an observation is being made Playbased assessment Children are involved in free play within an approved area, but in the presence of an adult facilitator

24 Formal vs. Informal Assessment
Playbased assessment Facilitator plays along and models the child's play behavior Later, the facilitator will coax the child into exhibiting new movements During this time, an evaluation is being conducted Videotaping is recommended

25 Sharing Assessment Results
Share results with parents, fellow teachers, school nurse, other professionals Face-to-face communication is the best way to share the written evaluation Avoid using complex statistical terms or terms that the lay public would not understand Have references available for review and have program suggestions available for parents and other professionals

26 Types of Assessment Instruments
Norm-referenced Quantitative evaluations designed to compare a person’s skill and abilities with those of others from similar age, gender, and socioeconomic categories Also called psychometric instruments Bayley Scales of Infant Development II, Gesell Developmental Schedules, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Test of Gross Motor Development-2

27 Types of Assessment Instruments
Norm-referenced Advantages Easy to administer Minimal training required to administer the test Scoring procedures are simple Compare results to others in peer group Disadvantages Provides only “average” results

28 Types of Assessment Instruments
Criterion-referenced These instruments evaluate the “quality” of a person’s performance Can determine where a person is along the developmental continuum Compares and individual to him/herself over time Common testing procedures for motor developmentalists

29 Types of Assessment Instruments
Criterion-referenced Advantages Provides more insight into programming considerations Provides a true developmental assessment Disadvantages More complicated to administer than norm-referenced tests

30 Types of Assessment Instruments
Product-oriented assessment The examiner is more interested in performance outcomes than the technique used to perform the task Measures quantitative outcomes No norms are established in this type of testing

31 Product- vs. Process-Oriented Assessment
Product-oriented assessment Pass-fail system Score for each successful completion of a task Process-oriented assessment Requires a component approach “the identification of developmental characteristics of body parts within a task”

32 Product-vs. Process-Oriented Assessment
Disadvantages A comprehensive understanding of developmental steps and a prolonged period of study and practice of the techniques is required Conducting this type of assessment within a large school population is questionable

33 Product-vs. Process-Oriented Assessment
Task Time Involved Training of observer 9 hours 40 min Time needed to videotape 206 children 3 hours 17 min Time needed to code performance from videotape 18 hours 46 min

34 Selected Norm-Referenced (NR) Instruments
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III Early childhood assessment instrument (1-42 months) Subtests Cognitive, motor, language development, social-emotional, adaptive behavior Motor subtest Degree of body control, muscle coordination, fine motor manipulatory skills, dynamic movement, dynamic praxis, postural imitation, stereognosis

35 Selected Norm-Referenced (NR) Instruments
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOTMP-2) Test battery of 8 subtests with 53 items Short and long form Provides a comprehensive index of motor proficiency and individual measures of fine and gross motor skills in children 4 to 21 years of age


37 Selected Norm-Referenced (NR) Instruments
Basic Motor Ability Test – Revised BMAT-R Designed to assess selected large and small muscle control responses Can be used with children 4 to 12 years of age Can be administered to groups of 5 in 30 minutes Some test items: bead stringing, target throwing, back and hamstring stretch, static balance, basketball throw, agility run


39 Selected Norm-Referenced (NR) Instruments
Denver II A major revision and restandardization of the original Denver Development Screening Test Designed to screen children between birth and 6 years of age for developmental delays in four areas

40 Selected Norm-Referenced (NR) Instruments
Areas Personal-social Fine motor adaptive Language Gross motor Test sheet is unique Scoring: pass-fail, refusal, or no opportunity to observe grading Denver II online

41 Selected Process-Oriented Assessment Instruments
SIGMA The Ohio State University Scale of Intra-Gross Motor Assessment A criterion-referenced tool designed to evaluate motor behavior of normal preschool, elementary, and young mentally retarded school children 11 fundamental motor skills in four developmental levels assessed A Performance Based Curriculum is included with the assessment test

42 Selected Process-Oriented Assessment Instruments
Developmental Sequence of Motor Skills Inventory This analysis is based upon the configuration of the total body during performance of a task Three to five stages of behavior are observed Level of development is then classified for hopping, skipping, galloping, throwing, catching, punting, striking, kicking, long jumping

43 Selected Process-Oriented Assessment Instruments
Fundamental Motor Pattern Assessment Instrument Used to assess developmental changes over time for fundamental patterns Walking, running, jumping, throwing overhand, catching, kicking Performer is scored in one of three stages of development Initial stage, elementary stage, mature stage

44 Selected Process-Oriented Assessment Instruments
Test of Gross Motor Development – 2 Used to identify children between 3 and 10 years of age who may be significantly behind in gross motor skill development and eligible for special education services Locomotor and object-control skills are evaluated

45 Assessing the Disabled
Although individuals with selected special needs perform behind their “normal” peers, both follow similar patterns of development Most assessment tests are geared to the “normal” population

46 Assessing the Disabled
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2) Measures motor skill development in children between birth and age 5 Assess qualitative and quantitative aspects for gross and fine motor skills Subtests Reflexes Object manipulation Stationary Grasping Locomotion Visual-motor integration

47 Assessing the Disabled
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development (BDIED) Criterion-referenced test with norms Assesses behaviors that are divided into 11 domains Can assess development from birth to 6 years of age Easy to administer and interpret

48 Assessing the Disabled

49 Assessing the Disabled
I CAN Purpose is to improve the quality of physical education instruction for all students Designed for Children whose overall developmental growth is slower than average Children with specific learning disabilities, social, or emotion adjustment difficulties, and/or economic or language disadvantages

50 Assessing the Disabled
I CAN Criterion-referenced Easy to administer Modules include Preprimary motor and play skills Primary skills Sport, leisure, and recreation skills

51 Assessing the Disabled

52 Aids in Assessing Motor Skills
Checklists or reminder sheets that list key descriptive terms for each developmental level to jog the examiner’s memory Videotaping individual performance

53 Assessing Physical Fitness
FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Developed by the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research Most widely used instrument in the assessment of health-related physical fitness for youth and young adults (ages 5-25)

54 Assessing Physical Fitness
FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Aerobic capacity Body composition Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility

55 Assessing Physical Fitness
Physical Best program from AAHPERD is an excellent supplement to the FITNESSGRAM A comprehensive health-related fitness education program Includes program materials and an instructional videotape on test administration Special certifications are available from AAHPERD

56 Assessing Physical Fitness
Brockport Physical Fitness Test Designed to assess the health-related fitness of youths years of age who have various disabilities Criterion-referenced for: Visual impairments, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies or amputations

57 Assessing Physical Fitness
The President’s Challenge Sponsored by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Designed for Americans age 6 and up Children can receive one of four awards Awards are based on normative data


59 Assessing Physical Fitness
National Youth Physical Fitness Program Sponsored by the United States Marines Youth Foundation Encourages individuals K-College age to maintain a drug-free lifestyle fostering safe-respect and self-esteem through physical fitness

60 Assessing Physical Fitness
National Children and Youth Fitness Studies I and II Implemented by the Department of Health and Human Services in 1985 Purpose is to describe the current fitness status of American children and youth (ages 6-17)

61 Assessing Physical Fitness
President’s Challenge – Adult Fitness Test Online self test Calculates a composite overall physical fitness level Areas Aerobic fitness Muscular strength and endurance Flexibility Body composition

62 Assessing Physical Fitness
AAHPERD Functional Fitness Test Older adults need to be able to carry out activities for daily living Designed for adults over 60 Test components Ponderal index Soda pop test Arm curl test Sit-and-reach test 880-yard walk

63 Assessing Physical Fitness
Senior Fitness Test Designed to assess the major physiological components of functional capacity in elderly individuals (60-94 years of age) Contains performance norms, test manual, and video to teach assessment procedures


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