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Principles for financial market infrastructures

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1 Principles for financial market infrastructures
Mexico’s experience National Banking and Securities Commission Vice Presidency of Securities Supervision

2 INTRODUCTION In line with the G20, CPSS and IOSCO’s expectations, Mexico has committed to adopt the 24 Principles and the five Responsibilities included in the PFMI’s. In Mexico, there are 3 FMI´s for the securities and derivatives markets: Stock Exchange Derivatives Exchange Investor Debt Market Central Counterparty (securities) Central Securities Depository Central Counterparty (derivatives)

3 Mexican Financial Authorities (MFA)
Central Bank of México (BDM) and the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) have regulatory and oversight responsibilities for INDEVAL. The main activities where BDM and CNBV have regulatory relations are: Provide an opinion to the Minister of Finance to grant and revoke the concession. Approval of the internal rules and their amendments. Approval the scheme of fees.

4 Mexican Financial Authorities (MFA)
Stakeholder of Indeval (1 Share). Part of the Board of Directors. Manager of the participants’ cash accounts. Surveillance and oversight. Establish the regulatory framework of their operations. Enforcement of the Securities Market Law.


6 CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES: Implementation monitoring of PFMI’s
(May -14) Regarding the Responsibilities, all countries assessed are rated with a 4, which means that final implementation measures are in force.

1 Legal basis 2 Governance 3 Framework for the comprehensive management of risks 10 Physical deliveries 11 Central securities depositories 13 Participant-default rules and procedures 15 General business risk 16 Custody and investment risks 17 Operational risk 18 Access and participation requirements 19 Tiered participation arrangements 20 FMI links 21 Efficiency and effectiveness 22 Communication procedures and standards 23 Disclosure of rules, key procedures, and market data

MFA have taken the following actions: The current regulation allow the Indeval's adoption of PFMI’s. MFA have informed Indeval that it should comply with PFMI’s. Furthermore, in October 2013 and January 2014, CNBV and BDM published their new policy statements, requiring PFMIs’ compliance, respectively. Since 2013, MFA have formally requested amendments to Indeval’s internal rules to ensure the adoption of the PFMI’s and have already done assessments to evaluate it. In the cases where Indeval has failed to meet the required standards, the appropriate corrective measures have been imposed.

MFA have taken the following actions: The minimum capital requirement was strengthened, in order to ensure Indeval can cover general business risks such as revenue shortfalls or unexpected costs. Next Step: Considering the assessments mentioned above, CNBV and BDM are working on determine the limit date to require Indeval to observe the Principles in the near future.

10 Eduardo Flores Herrera
Vice President of Securities Supervision May, 2015.

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