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IT TOOLS IN BUSINESS AND COMMERCE University of Pitesti Dolnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki w Polkowicach Dobrica Adrian Dr inż. ZDZISŁAW.

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Presentation on theme: "IT TOOLS IN BUSINESS AND COMMERCE University of Pitesti Dolnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki w Polkowicach Dobrica Adrian Dr inż. ZDZISŁAW."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT TOOLS IN BUSINESS AND COMMERCE University of Pitesti Dolnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki w Polkowicach Dobrica Adrian Dr inż. ZDZISŁAW PÓLKOWSKI Polkowice, 2015

2 Definition Importance Difference Between E-Business & E-Commerce? E-Business Types And Strategy Miscellaneous IT Resources Benefits TOPICS MENU

3 E-Commerce Definition E-commerce is “any transaction completed over a computer-mediated network that involves the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services,” defines the U.S. Census Bureau. Transactions aren't required to have a price and include both sales and items like free downloads. E-commerce includes transactions made on the internet, Intranet, Extranet, World Wide Web, by email and even by fax. E-Business Definition E-business is broader than e-commerce; including the transaction based e-commerce businesses and those who run traditionally but cater to online activities as well. An e-business can run any portion of its internal processes online, including inventory management, risk management, finance, human resources. For a business to be e- commerce and e-business, it must both sell products online and handle other company activities or additional sales offline. Definition


5 An e-commerce business model is a strategic plan outlining and defining how an individual or company will conduct electronic trade or Internet commerce (e-commerce). The model provides an organized and structured guide to ensure the business makes a profit, generating enough revenue to be self- sustaining; Generally, the e-commerce business plan covers how to decrease operating costs and increase profits, as well as clearly define the roles of each person involved in the business; Specific details of each e-commerce business structure are dependent upon the type of business covered by the plan; Also referred to as an Internet business model, the e-commerce business model typically modifies a business plan that is already successful in businesses and adapts it to suit the specific business category. Importance

6 A term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and utilize information in its various forms including business data, conversations, still images, motion pictures and multimedia presentations. When it comes to technology and your business, you'll need to know enough about the topic to understand what your business needs and why. Computers and information systems are essential parts of every business today. Like accounting and legal, every business needs to invest in technology to compete. Technology is both a cost of doing business, and an opportunity to do more business. Most people I talk with recognize the necessity of having a computer, an email address, and a web site, but still look at the upfront cost more than other issues.


8 While many people use e-commerce and e-business interchangeably, they aren't the same, and the differences matter to businesses in today's economy. The "e" is short for "electronic" or "electronic network," and both words apply to business that utilizes electronic networks to conduct their commerce and other business activities. In the same way that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, all e-commerce companies are e- businesses, but not vice versa. What Is the Difference Between E-Business & E-Commerce?

9 According to E-business at Ohio State University, “E-business can work for any business because it involves the whole business cycle from production, procurement, distribution, sales, payment, fulfillment, restocking and marketing.” Business strategy is complicated, as it involves four directions of planning: vertically, laterally, horizontally and downward. Vertical planning coordinates website front and back-end systems and horizontal planning coordinates e-commerce with customer relationships, supply-chain management and resource planning. Laterally, you must manage customers, business partners and suppliers while at the same time integrating new technologies and business processes downward through the organization. E-Business Types And Strategy

10 E-commerce and e-business involves “the creation of new value chains between a company and its customers and suppliers, as well as within the company itself,” reports Computer World. The Internet and electronic networks are too important to ignore in today's economy, so every business should have some form of e-commerce strategy. As your business grows, work to implement an e-business strategy as they can be complicated to put into place. After you gain experience and knowledge in the field of e-commerce, you have a much greater chance of success in the e-business world. Miscellaneous

11 data - data objects in their widest sense, i.e., external and internal, structured and non-structured, graphics, sound, etc. application systems - application systems is understood to be the sum of manual and programmed procedures. technology - technology covers hardware, operating systems, database management systems, networking, multimedia, etc. facilities - resources to house and support information systems. people - Staff skills, awareness and productivity to plan, organis IT Resources


13 What are the benefits of technology for a business? There are many, but most fall under a few categories: Reach more potential customers, develop a business relationship with potential customers Streamline operations, reduce costs, improve efficiency, maximize profit, minimize waste, devote talent to core business instead of overhead Provide better service to customers Support better relationships with key partners Allow customers to better guide the business Benefits


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