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The developmental origin of leaves

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1 The developmental origin of leaves
Earliest vascular plants had no leaves Leaves have evolved at least twice -- microphylls and megaphylls Microphyll origins a. small projections formed called enations b. later, single vascular strand grew toward and into the enation c. result is a microphyll, with single unbranched vein d. found only in one group of plants (Lycophyta) 4. Megaphyll origins a. ancestors had dichotomous branching b. ferns & all seed plants

2 Leaf Shapes and Functions
Photosynthesis Evapotranspiration Minimizes desiccation via cutin, epidermal hairs, and stomata Export nutrients Storage of water Defense Anchorage (tendrils) Insect capture

3 Basic Leaf Morphology

4 Pattern of Growth in Leaves
Determinate growth (after maturity growth ceases) New leaves - produced from leaf primordia in the shoot apical meristem. Leaves comprised of dermal, cortex, and vascular tissues Why is it adaptive for a photosynthetic organ to be thin and flat?

5 The Origin of the Leaf Origin - leaf primordium at the shoot apical meristem. exogenous from the outer edge (vs endogenous in lateral root). primordia attached to stem nodes primordia arch over the zone of cell division (protection from herbivory and desiccation).

6 Basic Anatomical Features
Vascular tissue restricted to the veins. every cell in close proximity to a minor vein move water to and also move photosynthate out of each and every cell. Blade has prominent midvein center of the leaf major "artery" of the leaf Parallel or reticulate Dermal tissue - upper and lower epidermis. Ground tissue = mesophyll, palisade mesophyll = upper layer of elongated, vertically arranged cells spongy mesophyll = lower layer of loosely organized cells with significant intercellular air spaces

7 Dichotomous venation in Ginkgo
Common in ferns - ancestral

8 Reticulate (net-like) venation
Crang & Vassilev Plant Anatomy CD

9 Dicot vs. Monocot Veination

10 Basic Anatomical Features
Vascular tissue restricted to the veins. every cell in close proximity to a minor vein move water to and also move photosynthate out of each and every cell. Blade has prominent midvein center of the leaf major "artery" of the leaf Parallel or reticulate Dermal tissue - upper and lower epidermis. Ground tissue = mesophyll, palisade mesophyll = upper layer of elongated, vertically arranged cells spongy mesophyll = lower layer of loosely organized cells with significant intercellular air spaces


12 Bifacial and Unifacial Leaves
Esau 1977

13 Bifacial Leaf - two sides are different
Plant Anatomy CD

14 Unifacial Leaf - Two sides are mirror images (more or less…)

15 Epidermis 1. abaxial & adaxial 2. stomata, flanked by guard cells
3. Epi-, hypo-, or amphistomatous 4. cuticle 5. specialized epidermal cells a. buliform cells b. trichomes, glands

16 Buliform Cells http://www. esb. utexas


18 Mesophyll tissue 1. mesophyll - "middle of the leaf"
2. palisade mesophyll a. located on adaxial side b. may contain more than 80% of the leaf's plastids c. controls light intensity and damage by reducing light passing through 3. spongy mesophyll a. spongy appearance because of air spaces, allowing free gas flow b. primary site of photosynthesis in vascular plants

19 Cross Section Through a Dicot Leaf (bifacial)

20 Differentiation of Mesophyll
Esau 1977

21 Vascular bundles (veins)
often enclosed by bundle sheaths of sclerenchyma fibers - why? 2. xylem on adaxial, phloem on abaxial side

22 Leaf Functions and Specializations
1. Sun vs shade leaves sun leaves - smaller, thicker, more mesophyll layers shade leaves - larger, thinner, fewer mesophyll layers

23 Shade and Sun leaveshttp://www. lima. ohio-state

24 Leaf Functions and Specializations, continued
2. Extreme environments abscission hydrophytes (aquatic plants) xerophytes (desert plants)

25 Water Lily Leaf

26 Internal Anatomy of a Pine Leaf
Pine leaves ("needles") - low moisture (e.g. frozen ground in winter) epidermis hypodermis -beneath the epidermis one or more layers of thick-walled cells support and rigidity protection mesophyll - not divided into palisade and spongy layers. transfusion tissue - surround xylem and phloem endodermis - outer boundary of the transfusion tissue resin canals - circular to elliptical cells in mesophyll (cells lining canal secrete resin) sunken stomatal pores (common in desert plants)

27 Krantz Anatomy in C4 Plants Two stages of carbon fixation
Stage 1 - in MESOPHYLL CELL temporary fixation of CO2 cytoplasm into C4 molecule (no direct involvement of chloroplasts) Transferred through plasmodesmata to the bundle sheath cells Stage 2 - in BUNDLE SHEATH CELL C4 molecules broken down to CO2 again. chloroplasts fix the CO2 into C3 intermediates to build sugars

28 Diagram of a typical leaf. Typical C3 leaf, that is.
C4 typical leaf with photosynthetic cells in concentric rings around the vascular bundles.

29 Esau 1977

30 Krantz Anatomy cuticle water-storage parenchyma
palisade mesophyll (Kranz-mesophyll) cell bundle sheath cell vascular bundle stomata

31 Examples of Xeromorphic Leaves (Esau 1977)

32 Leaf Functions and Specializations, continued
3. Other leaf specializations tendrils - elongated leaves for climbing and attaching spines - sharp stiff leaves for defense bracts - floral leaves; often colorful to attract pollinators carnivory - leaf is modified to trap insects for trace nutrients

33 http://www. soasoas. com/april/gallery/viewImg2. cgi



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