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High Quality Assessments – Supporting state goals and policies while developing a balanced assessment system Angela Hemingway Director, Assessment and.

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Presentation on theme: "High Quality Assessments – Supporting state goals and policies while developing a balanced assessment system Angela Hemingway Director, Assessment and."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Quality Assessments – Supporting state goals and policies while developing a balanced assessment system Angela Hemingway Director, Assessment and Accountability

2 Assessment in Idaho’s Public Schools Philosophy – Acquiring the basic skills is essential to realization of full educational, vocational and personal/social development. Since Idaho schools are responsible for instruction in the basic scholastic skills, the State Board of Education has a vested interest in regularly surveying student skill acquisition as an index of the effectiveness of the educational program. This information can best be secured through objective assessment of student growth. The State Board of Education will provide oversight for all components of the comprehensive assessment program. IDAPA 08 02 03 111 01

3 Assessment in Idaho’s Public Schools Purpose –  Measure and improve student achievement  Assist classroom teachers in designing lessons  Inform parents and guardians of their child’s progress  Provide comparative local, state and national data regarding the achievement of students in essential skill areas  Identify performance trends in student achievement across grade levels tested and student growth over time  Help determine technical assistance/consultation priorities for the State Department of Education IDAPA 08 02 03 111 02

4 Overview of a Balanced Assessment System for Math and ELA

5 Assessing Deeper Knowledge Identify Define Memorize Organize Classify Compare Critique Revise Investigate Create Evaluate Design Legacy Test ISAT 90% 10% Identify Define Memorize Organize Classify Compare Critique Revise Investigate Create Evaluate Design ISAT by Smarter Balanced 30% 70%

6 Item Types Selected Response Constructed Response Extended Response Performance Task Technology Enhanced SR CR ER PT TE

7 Accommodations New accommodations would allow for additional support for students which Idaho simply did not have and could not afford Computer adaptability More than MC Spanish translation Translate test directions in a variety of languages American Sign Language Print or braille on demand Read aloud New designated supports for students not on an IEP or 504

8 Costs of ISAT by Smarter Balanced Legacy ISAT cost was ~$30 per student –MC only, three summative test (LU, Reading and Math) ISAT by Smarter will cost $26.69 per student –Includes Digital Library, Interim Assessments and Summative Assessments –Includes more complex item types as well as all hand scoring

9 Comparison of Grade 4 and 8 ELA ISAT by Smarter to NAEP 2013

10 Comparison of Grade 11 ELA ISAT by Smarter to Grade 12 NAEP 2013

11 Comparison of Grade 4 and 8 Math ISAT by Smarter to NAEP 2013

12 Comparison of Grade 11 ISAT by Smarter to Grade 12 NAEP 2013

13 Score Reporting

14 Content AreaGrades Non- Performance Task Items (NPT) Performance Task (PT) Total Computer Time In-Class Activity Total Testing Time English Language Arts/Literacy 3-5999719730227 6-8928017230202 9-11836614930179 Mathematics 3-5724411630146 6-8753310830138 9-1164289130121 ISAT Science 5, 782 Science EOCs10-12 49 ISAT ELA/Literacy, Mathematics and Science Final Average Testing Times (in minutes)

15 Idaho Involvement

16 Idaho Item Writers 30 Idaho educators wrote nearly 1,000 items which were donated to Smarter Balanced

17 Online Panel for Achievement Levels Approximately 100 Idahoans participated in the online panel in mid-October 2014 20 Idahoan met in Dallas in mid-October 2014 –Included teachers, administrators, parents, business and community leaders GOAL: To determine achievement levels (aka cut scores) for Math/ELA across the grade levels

18 Bias and Sensitivity Committee GOAL: To review ALL summative assessment questions (Idaho Code § 33-134) Over 33,000 items were reviewed prior to this spring’s window

19 Teachers as Graders of Spring Assessments Approximately 300 Idaho teachers served as graders for this spring’s math and ELA assessments

20 Survey of Idaho Adults and Students Over 11,500 students and nearly 700 adults have completed the optional online survey from this spring. Lessons learned from last year’s survey helped to make adjustments to this year’s assessments and aided in understanding what worked well.

21 Lessons Learned We have a “better” test than our legacy test We are working to create a balanced system The test will measure growth in 2016 The test costs less and is shorter than expected We involved a wide variety of Idahoans Kids say they like it better too! However, rollout and branding is critical

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