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D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) M. Connie Jacobs Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) M. Connie Jacobs Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) M. Connie Jacobs Program Manager Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program and Small Business Advocate DARPA/CMO 3701 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203-1714 Office: (703) 526-4162 Fax: (703) 696-2208 E-Mail: DARPA Home Page:

2 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program 12 Federal Agencies Housing and Urban Development FY04 Homeland Security FY04 Approx $2 Billion Multiple Solicitation closing dates

3 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y SBIR Points of Contact NASA NASA Mr. Carl Ray(202) 358-4652 DODMr. Jeff Bond(703) 588-8516 DODMr. Jeff Bond(703) 588-8516 NIH NIH Ms. Jo Anne Goodnight (301) 435-2688 NSF NSF Dr. Kesh Narayanan(703) 292-7076 EPA EPA Mr. Jim Gallup (202) 564-6823

4 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y SBIR Points of Contact (cont.) DOC DOCMr. Joseph Bishop (301) 713-3565 DOE DOEDr. Walter Warnick(301) 903-1414 DOA DOA Dr. Charles Cleland (202) 401-4002 DOEd DOEd Info Not Available DOT DOTDr. Joe Henebury(617) 494-2051

5 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y SBIR Points of Contact (cont.) Housing and Urban Development To be announced Homeland Security To be announced

6 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program SBIR Participation Small Business (500 people or less) must be: Located in the United States All work performed in the US 51% owned and controlled by US Citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens Organized for Profit (ask for fee)

7 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program SBIR Phase I statistics 69.1% of Phase I winners went to companies with 20 people or less 41% of Phase I winners went to companies with 10 people or less

8 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program THREE Phase Program Phase 1 Feasibility Study GENERALLY 6 months and $100K Phase 2 Proof-of-Principle – Prototype Dev. GENERALLY 2 Years and $750K Phase 3 Products, Production, Services, R/R&D or any combination

9 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program Evaluation Criteria Soundness, Technical Merit & INNOVATION Qualifications of the PI and Staff Potential for Commercial Applications (The WARFIGHTER is the user in DoD)

10 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program DATA RIGHTS The Small Business retains ALL rights to DATA SBIR Technical Data Rights apply to ALL SBIR Awards: Phase I, Phase II and Phase III These Data Rights are Non-Negotiable

11 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program Open Solicitations Proposal Due Dates Nat’l Inst of Health-Grants12/1/03 Nat’l Inst of Health-Biodefense 12/1/03 DoD FY04.01 1/15/04 Dept of Energy 1/6/04 Dept of Commerce-NOAA 1/14/04

12 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Federal SBIR Program Open Solicitations Proposal Due Dates Dept of Commerce –NIST 1/15/04 Dept of Education 2/5/04 DoD STTR 4/15/04 DoD SBIR FY04-2(new) 6/17/04 DoD SBIR FY04-3 8/04

13 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Department of Defense SBIR Program

14 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DoD SBIR/STTR Program n 2004: SBIR = $900M; STTR = $80M n 9 Component SBIR Programs within DoD AIR FORCE DARPA ARMY OSD/DDR&E NAVYDTRA Missile Defense Agency SOCOM National Geospatial Agency (was NIMA)

15 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y SBIR Points of Contact DoD Program Manager - Mr. Jeff Bond (703) 588-8616 Air Force Mr. Steve Guilfoos (937) 656-9062 Navy Mr. Vinny Schaper (703) 696-8528 Army Major Robert Miceli (703) 806-0965 DARPA Ms. Connie Jacobs (703) 526-4162 Missile Defense AgencyMr. Frank Rucky(703) 697-3641 D EPARTMENT OF D EFENSE

16 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y SBIR and STTR POCs(cont.) D EPARTMENT OF D EFENSE DoD Program Manager – Jeff Bond (703) 588-8616 OSD DDR&ETeresa Puretz (703) 681-5486 Defense Threat Reduction Agency Ron Yoho (703) 325-9615 Special Ops Karen Pera (813) 828-7549 Nat Geospatial Agy Derrick Riddle (301) 227-1792

17 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DOD SBIR FY 04.2 SBIR NEW Solicitation WEB OPENS CLOSES March 04 May 04 Jun 17 th 04 (6:00 AM)

18 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DOD SBIR FY 04.3 SBIR WEB OPENS CLOSES May 04 July 04 August 04 (6:00 AM)


20 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program n PL 102-564 Signed October 28, 1992: Established STTR n Reauthorized to FY2009 n.30% of Extramural 2004-2009 n Cooperative R&D n Small Business and a University, FFRDC or Non-Profit

21 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y STTR Program n Mandatory partnership between a small business and a research institution (min. 40% small business, min. 30% research institution) n Five federal agencies participate (DoD, NIH, NASA, DOE, NSF). FY2004 funding - $200M n Must have written agreement allocating intellectual property rights.

22 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y STTR vs. SBIR STTR SBIR Phase Is Generally 1 yearGenerally 6/8 monthsSB has to perform 40% of the research 70% of the research MUST CollaborateCollaboration NOT required Phase II $750KPhase II $750K

23 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DOD SBIR FY 04 STTR WEBOPENSCLOSES STTR 2003Jan 2, 04Mar 1, 04 Apr 15, 04 Army, Air Force, Navy, MDA and DARPA Approx. 90 topics n


25 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s MISSION oSolve National Level Problems oHigh-Risk, High-Payoff Technologies o Enable Operational Dominance

26 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Advanced Technology Assured C3ISR Maritime Early Entry/Special Forces Tactical Technology Air/Space/Land Platforms Unmanned Systems Space Operations Laser Systems Future Combat Systems Near Term R&D Special Projects Chem/Bio Def Systems Counter Underground Facilities Space Sensors/Structures Navigation/Sensors/ Signal Processing

27 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Exploitation Sensors Exploitation Systems Command & Control Planning / Logistics Mid Term R&D

28 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Bio Warfare Defense Technologies Biology Materials & Devices Mathematics Microsystems Technology Electronics Optoelectronics MEMS Combined Microsystems Information Processing Technology Cognitive Systems Computational - Perception Representation & Reasoning Learning Natural Communication Far Term R&D

29 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y The OTHER 97.2% of the money ODoD Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) Contracts and Grants OTechnical Dialogues, Short White Paper, Formal Proposal OSmall Business Preferences OFedBizOpps O DARPA BAAs “Solicitations”

30 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Defense Sciences Office New materials Materials concepts Materials processing and devices Optical materials Self-healing, sensing and adapting materials Advanced mathematics Computational geometry and topology Electromagnetic modeling and simulation Quantum information science

31 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Defense Sciences Office Biological Warfare Defense – Advanced medical diagnostics External protection for soldiers Medical countermeasures against known & unknown pathogens Protection, decontamination of materials and equipment Remote detection/characterization of biological substances Self-decontamination concepts Sensor technology

32 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Defense Sciences Office Biology for Defense Applications Accelerated healing response of tissue Controlling biological systems Enhancing human performance Biodynamics and biological complexity Bio-inspired systems Cell and tissue based biosensors Human performance enhancement Hybrid biotic/abiotic systems

33 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Information Processing Technology Office areas of interest Augmented Cognition Bio-Computation Data Intensive Systems High Productivity Computing Systems Mobile Autonomous Robot Software Quantum Information Science and Technology Software for Distributed Robotics Network Modeling an Simulation

34 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Information Exploitation Office Oall-weather, wide area search for vehicles and dismounts in all possible combat environments Oprecision identification of hostile, friendly, and neutral forces

35 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Information Exploitation Office (Continued) O accurate tracking of potential targets and noncombatants near those targets O dynamic assignment and direction of weapons to engage targets O rapid and reliable assessment of engagements all in the context of Joint forces support

36 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Microsystems Technology Office areas of Interest Automated design tools for integrated mixed signal microsystems Steered agile beams 3-D imaging Solar blind detectors Advanced photonics Acoustic microsensors Distributed robotics Advanced lithography Micro power generation Ultra wide band array antennas MicroElectroMechanical Systems MEMS)

37 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Special Projects Office –BAA03-14 closes 15 April 2004 –counter the emerging threat of underground facilities –novel space technologies across the spectrum of space control applications including rapid access, space situational awareness, counterspace, and persistent tactical grade sensing approaches including extremely large space apertures and structures. –Closing Date: April 15, 2004

38 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Special Projects Office –BAA03-14 (continued) closes 15 April 2004 –provide full-scale protection systems against the threat of chemical and biological attack. –We are interested in efforts to defend against radiological weapons (so called - dirty bombs?) and is interested in concepts to defeat suicide bombers and to deal with urban threats. –advanced sensor systems and guidance and navigation technologies.

39 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s FY 04 CORE PROGRAMS Tactical Technology Office areas of interest Aeronautic systems Space systems Land systems Supporting technologies such as autonomous & semiautonomous operations, control, communications, sensors, weapons, power and propulsion Systems capable of new classes of missions Systems capable of robotic operations

40 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA DARPA DARPA’s SBIR Program 0Phase I and Phase II nuances 0Phase I Gaps and Phase II Enhancements OPhase I and Phase II Adoptions

41 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s SBIR PROGRAM Phase I proposals shall not exceed $99,000 o Firm Fixed Price o Generally 6/8 months Small businesses chosen for award are expected to start work within 28 days after receiving a contract The Aviation & Missile Command in Huntsville, AL awards DARPA SBIR Phase I contracts within 30/45 days

42 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s SBIR PROGRAM Phase II’s are generally Cost + Fixed Fee Generally not to exceed $750K for a 2-year period The Aviation & Missile Command in Huntsville, AL awards DARPA SBIR Phase II contracts within approximately 3 months You must have an “acceptable” accounting system, you will undergo an audit

43 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y DARPA’s SBIR PROGRAM O At the request of a DARPA Program Manager, DARPA will fund a $50,000 Phase I gap effort to keep the small business working while we invite and review a Phase II proposal. ODARPA will match dollar for dollar up to $200K any third-party money invested in an SBIR Phase II. O At the request of a DARPA Program Manager, DARPA will adopt a Phase I or Phase II from an other SBIR Federal Agency, to help meet DARPA Program needs.


45 D E F E N S E A D V A N C E D R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S A G E N C Y Centralized Contractor Registration Program (CCR) GET REGISTERED NOW! WHAT YOU NEED: Dunn and Bradstreet Number Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Register at CCR Assistance Center 888-227-2423 ALL Federal Agencies use CCR information to make electronic payments.

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