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Graduation and Beyond!.

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1 Graduation and Beyond!

2 Information and Tips for Creating a Successful Finish to High School & Career Experience

3 At the end, we will allow for some Q & A.
We will review: Georgia’s graduation requirements for BRIDGE Graduation Plan Information about Honors and AP courses Academic and elective courses Completed and planned for the Senior Year College Credit Now Programs The HOPE Scholarship The Zell Miller Scholarship Post Secondary Plans Career Pathways At the end, we will allow for some Q & A.

4 Mission Possible supports BRIDGE Law
This program supports all students in three life areas: Academics Careers Personal/Social impacting School Climate/Culture Mission Possible supports BRIDGE Law

5 The BRIDGE Advisement Law Building Resourceful Individuals to Develop Georgia’s Economy Mandated Advisement Signed into Law in May 2010 and Amended in Spring 2011 BRIDGE

6 The following BRIDGE Law advisement tasks are required to be completed in high school on the student’s My411, GACollege411 account: Grade 9 Exploration of 3 Careers Reviewing and Updating BRIDGE Graduation Plan and IGP (Individual Graduation Plan in My411 account Receiving College Credit Now Information Grade 10 Receiving College Credit Now Information and Updating Information on GACollege411 Reviewing and Updating BRIDGE Graduation Plan Grade 11 Exploring 3 Post secondary Institutions on GACollege411 College Credit Now Information Provided During Advisement Individual (BRIDGE) Graduation Plan updated in the on IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) in My411 account Grade 12 Senior Letter with ALL Requirements Completing “Next Step” Information in My411 account on GACollege411

7 Just a review of the current graduation
Just a review of the current graduation requirements: 4 Units of English 4 Units of Science 4 Units of Mathematics 3 Units of Social Studies 3 Units of Career/Technology and/or World Language and/or Fine Arts 1 Unit of Health & Physical Education 4 Units of Electives (minimum) A total of 23 Units Note: World Language (Foreign Language) is not required for Graduation BUT is required for acceptance into a 4 year College or University


9 Section 1 of this document is used to review and record courses required for graduation. This section reviews the Georgia High School Graduation requirements by area. During 12th Grade, a final advisement opportunity does include the Senior Letter, which lists all requirements for each individual student to graduate. This advisement opportunity is held in August and September. Objective of the Single HS Diploma: All High School Graduates will be prepared for College and the Workplace and thus are College and Career Ready. Slide 06


11 The U.S. Department of Education released a study that shows that by the time students enter college, the type of courses they took in high school is more important than test scores, class rank, or grade averages. The president of UGA says that rigor of curriculum is a factor above all others that determines success in the college admissions process.

12 AP Government and Econ Honors Anatomy honors Chemistry Honors Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Calculus AP Statistics Honors and AP Lit AP Art History

13 There is an online application process February 27th to March 30, 2012.
Acceptance/Denial Letters out by April 20, 2012 The link will be located on the main Paulding County School District website.

14 Honors courses are weighted
Honors courses are weighted. With successful completion of the course, an average of 70 or above BEFORE weights are added, earns a student five (5) points onto the final course average. For example: Student earns an 80 in Honors American Literature – the report card and transcript will reflect an 85 as the weighted points are added to the final average. (Advanced Placement courses add 10 points to the final grade, if a 70 or above has been earned.)

15 Attend the high school informational nights for Honors and AP courses
The dates and times of these mandated opportunities will be set by each high school. These will be held during May.

16 February 27 – March 30, 2012: Applications for the 2012-2013 school year are Online
Acceptance and Denial Letters are completed on April 20, 2012

17 Call and ask for: Laura Freeman, Coordinator for Mathematics Dawn Hudson, Coordinator for Science Teri Harris, Coordinator for English/Language Arts and World Language Debbie Kelly, Coordinator for Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Gifted Services

18 Course required for graduation
Class of (one diploma – 4 units required) GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Course required for graduation 9th Literature/Composition 9th Lit/Comp – Honors 10th Lit/Composition 10th Lit/Comp – Honors American Lit/Comp American Lit/Comp – Honors English Lit/Composition AP Lit/Composition NOTE: All students are required to pass a full year of 9th Literature/and Composition and American Literature/Composition AND to take the End-of-Course Test for 9th Literature/and Composition and American Literature/Composition. Source: Class of 2013 High School 101 booklet, Paulding County School District Students have reviewed their transcripts and have completed Section 1 by checking off the English courses completed. Honors and AP requests for the Senior year must be made via the online process.

19 Most Math I, II, III completers take Math IV, rather than AMDM.
Class of (one diploma – 4 units required) GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Mathematics I: Algebra/Geometry/Statistics* Mathematics II: Geometry/Algebra II/ Statistics Math III: Algebra/Geometry/ Statistics Mathematics IV: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry/ Statistics or other approved 4th year math courses Accelerated Mathematics I: Geometry/Algebra II/Statistics Accelerated Mathematics II: Advanced Algebra/Geometry/ Accelerated Mathematics III: Advanced AP Calculus AB or another advanced math course NOTE: Students enrolled in certain courses will be required to take an End-of-Course Test as mandated by the state. This testing will impact students enrolled in Math I & Math II as well as Accelerated Math I & II. Source: Class of 2013 High School 101 booklet, Paulding County School District Generally speaking, students have taken one math class each year. Some students may have also completed Math Support courses. Some students have taken the Accelerated version of each course. Students who have completed Accelerated Math I, II, and III must take AP Calculus or AP Statistics. (An accelerated math student may take Advanced Math Decision Making during the senior year, but it is not recommended for 4 year college students, especially those who are in a STEM program of study.) Advanced Math Decision Making is offered for students who completed either Math III or Math IV during the Junior Year. Most Math I, II, III completers take Math IV, rather than AMDM.

20 Some students have taken honors or AP Science courses.
Class of (one diploma – 4 units required) GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Course required for graduation Biology, Honors Biology or AP Biology Course required for Graduation Chemistry or Honors Chemistry, Earth Systems or Environmental Science Course Required for graduation Physics, Honors Physics or Physical Science 4th Science Course From Approved List is Required Biology Honors Biology Chemistry Honors Chemistry Physical Science Environmental Science Physics Anatomy/Physiology AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Physics AP Environ. Science Other state approved 4th year science course NOTE: Students enrolled in Biology and Physical Science will be required to take an End-of-Course Test as mandated by the state. Source: Class of 2013 High School 101 booklet, Paulding County School District Students take one Science course each year. Most students complete Biology, Chemistry, and Physics during the first three years of high school. Other students may have taken Biology, Environmental Science, and Physical Science. Some students have taken honors or AP Science courses. There are a variety of science courses to select during the senior year.

21 Required for graduation
Class of 2013 (one diploma – 3 units required) GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Required for graduation All 4 courses are elective courses: Current Issues World Geography World Geography-Honors AP Human Geography World History World History-Honors AP World History U. S. History History-Honors AP History Government (1 semester) Honors Government (1 semester) Economics ( 1 semester) Honors Economics (1 semester) AP Government (1 semester) AP MACRO ECONOMICS (1 semester) NOTE: Students enrolled in U.S. History and Economics will be required to take an End-of-Course Test as mandated by the state. Source: Class of 2013 High School 101 booklet, Paulding County School District Students are required to take three units of Social Studies in order to earn a Georgia high school diploma. Most students have completed World History and are finishing US History, both of these are required courses. Seniors typically take Government and Economics (may take Honors or AP)

22 Most Class of 2013 students completed (1) unit of health and physical education (each course is worth ½ unit) during the 9th grade year. Additional physical education courses are taken and count as electives.

23 Students who have participated in Band, Chorus, Performing Arts, and/or Visual Arts at the high school level have participated in “Fine Arts” courses and those successfully completed courses count as a fine arts or regular elective. Once a student earned the three units required for the CTAE/World Language/Fine Arts requirement, the remaining courses will count toward the required Elective credits.

24 Taking a World Language course is NOT required for graduation, but students who wish to gain admission to a college/university must complete two (2) units of the same World (foreign) Language.

25 Career Clusters and their Pathways are part of a state supported curriculum that encourages and supports students and families in their educational and career planning through long-term goals, knowledge, experience and resources. Students earn three (3) units of credit in a sequence of CTAE courses in a Pathway. These self-selected Pathways lead to college readiness and a career readiness certificate. There is a Career Pathway Assessment given at the end of the three (3) sequential Career Pathway courses usually in the spring of this year or next year. Students may use their required Electives courses to complete more than one Pathway during their high school career.

26 1. Agriculture Animal Science (PCHS) Plant Science & Horticulture (PCHS) 2. Architecture, Construction, Communication & Transportation Graphic Design (EPHS, HHS, PCHS) Architecture Drawing & Design (All) Construction (NPHS, PCHS, SPHS) Transportation Logistical Support (ALL) 3. Arts & Humanities (Pathway is pending. PCSD does offer these courses as electives.) Journalism Performing Arts Visual Arts World Language 4. Business and Computer Science (All) Interactive Media Administration Information Support Financial Management Accounting Small Business Development 5. Culinary Arts (NPHS, PCHS, SPHS) Culinary Arts Intro I Culinary Arts Intro II 6. Education Early Childhood Education (PCHS) Teaching as a Profession (ALL) (Not available in 9th grade) 7. Engineering & Technology (HHS) Engineer Graphics & Design

27 8. Family & Consumer Science Pathways
Nutrition & Food Science (EPHS, HHS, PCHS) Interior Design (EPHS, HHS) 9. Healthcare Science Pathways (All) Therapeutic Services-Nursing Personal Care Services-Cosmetology 10. Marketing Sales & Service Marketing & Management (EPHS, NPHS, SPHS) Sports & Entertainment Marketing (EPHS, NPHS) 11. Government & Public Safety Pathways Public Safety (HHS, NPHS, PCHS, SPHS) Air Force JROTC (EPHS) Army JROTC (HHS, NPHS, PCHS & SPHS)

28 8. Family & Consumer Science Pathways
Nutrition & Food Science (EPHS, HHS, PCHS) Interior Design (EPHS, HHS) 9. Healthcare Science Pathways (All) Therapeutic Services-Nursing Personal Care Services-Cosmetology 10. Marketing Sales & Service Marketing & Management (EPHS, NPHS, SPHS) Sports & Entertainment Marketing (EPHS, NPHS) 11. Government & Public Safety Pathways Public Safety (HHS, NPHS, PCHS, SPHS) Air Force JROTC (EPHS) Army JROTC (HHS, NPHS, PCHS & SPHS)

29 In section 2 courses are selected in:
English Mathematics Science Social Studies CTAE/World Language/Fine Arts Electives Students have selected these courses in Infinite Campus.

30 A postsecondary option is selected. Section 4 –
A Career Pathway is selected. Section 5 – For students who have taken 2 or more courses in a pathway, the courses are recorded in this section. During the junior or senior years a student may complete the final pathway course and in some cases may complete a Career Pathway Assessment. Section 6- Work-Based Learning is offered to juniors and seniors. Benefits are: Putting academic knowledge to use and gaining hands on experience in career interest area Earning high school credits in career area Earning money while learning


32 A process by which high school students take courses from a state public or private postsecondary institution while still enrolled as a high school student and receive credit both at the high school and at the postsecondary institution.

33 Accel is a program for Juniors and Seniors
Accel is a program for Juniors and Seniors. Seniors may take advantage of this program one or both semesters. The limit is four semesters. To participate a student must meet a 12 month Georgia residency requirement. Accel courses are core academic courses in English, mathematics, science, and social studies and are part of a degree program. A student may be full or part time at the college, university or technical college. If a student is part time at the college, then, the student is also part time at the high school. Beginning this fall, Accel courses do not count toward the 127 hour HOPE cap for a Bachelor’s degree.

34 Important facts about MOWR: 1
Important facts about MOWR: 1. Students must have attended public high school previous year and be counted in both FTE counts 2. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade and attending as full time student at the postsecondary institution (12 semester hours, usually 4 college courses) 3. Students cannot switch from MOWR to another College Credit Now program during the semester. 4. Students must meet admissions requirements of the college, university or technical college.

35 Any University System of Georgia college/university
Any Technical College System of Georgia college Some private nonprofit and private for‐profit colleges that meet specific requirements


37 All students must pass the Georgia High School Writing Test.
Class of 2013 students must pass one of the following tests in each core area: English Language Arts Ninth Grade Literature and Composition American Literature and Composition Mathematics Math I Math II Science Biology Physical Science Social Studies United States History Economics For a student who has not successfully passed one test in the above four core areas, the GHSGT test in the deficit area must be passed. Testing requirements as well as credit requirements must be met to participate in the Class of 2013 graduation ceremony in May 2013.

38 To be classified as a senior, a student must have earned 17 credits.
As already stated, students must have earned 23 units to graduate. All graduation requirements are reviewed in the Senior Advisement opportunity.

39 To be classified as a senior, a student must have earned 17 credits.
As already stated, students must have earned 23 units to graduate. All graduation requirements are reviewed during the Senior Advisement opportunity.

40 This section contains:
My411 Account User Name and Password Juniors have already completed the exploration of 3 postsecondary institutions during the fall semester. GACollege411 contains a variety of resources: Career Interest Inventories Online Applications During Senior Year Guideposts and Timelines HOPE Scholarship and Grant Information Juniors complete the Work Ready Assessment during the Senior Year in October.

41 Currently, the HOPE scholarship is determined by the calculation of all academic core courses that the student has taken and completed (grades 9-12). Both passing and failing grades in the core courses count. Thus, this is a merit based scholarship for eligible students. Changes in the eligibility guidelines are posted and updated on the GACollege411 website (there are often annual changes in HOPE Scholarship regulations). For current HOPE tuition payments use this link:

42 HOPE Scholarship (This chart of information is updated every spring by GSFC.)

43 HOPE GPA is calculated on a traditional 4
HOPE GPA is calculated on a traditional 4.00 grade point average scale to 2 decimal places without rounding. The following calculation is used as students graduation from high school who are on Tier 1: An A is calculated as 4 quality points A B is calculated as 3 quality points A C is calculated as 2 quality points An F is calculated as 0 quality points The HOPE GPA is calculated again at Tier 2 (after 30 hours), Tier 3 (after 60 hours) and Tier 4 (after 90 hours) A student will lose the HOPE Scholarship if the student has lost HOPE at two checkpoints for Tier 2, 3, and 4 while attending college. The student cannot regain the HOPE Scholarship while in college, if the student has below a 3.0 at two checkpoints.

44 Seniors who graduate and meet either of the following criteria:
a 3.7 gpa for the HOPE eligible academic courses and have received an SAT score of 1200 (Critical Reading and Math scores) or a composite ACT score of 26 (on any single testing test date…can take test more than once) Are the valedictorian or salutatorian of the Class of 2013 Maintain a 3.3 gpa at Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 checkpoints while in college A student will lose the ZELL Miller Scholarship if the student does not have a 3.3 gpa at two checkpoints…Tier 2, 3, and 4.

45 HOPE Grant funds pay for a maximum of 15 hours per semester.
Students are eligible to receive the HOPE Grant as they graduate from high school. At 30 hours and again at 60 hours the grade point average is calculated. A 3.0 grade point average must be maintained to continue receiving the HOPE Grant. There is a maximum of 63 hours that the HOPE Grant pays for.

46 Please note: Application Process… Form Provided to Apply for this Privilege Criteria to qualify and procedures are on form Counselor, Athletic Director, and Administrator must approve along with Parent/Guardian

47 To continue to play students must pass five out of six classes to participate in athletic activities. Students must be on track in the senior year, 17 credits earned.

48 CREDIT RECOVERY If your student is needing to take a credit recovery course due to failing a course, the counselor can assist him/her determine if this option is a good choice. Credit recovery courses are taken via E2020 and PLATO. There is an approval process for taking these courses. Credit recovery courses on Georgia Virtual Schools website are also available. GEORGIA VIRTUAL SCHOOLS Georgia Virtual Schools is a State Department of Education supported program. Students may take courses for new credit online. Interested students need to set up an advisement appointment with the counselor.

49 Senior Letter and Advisement
Senior Seminars Ongoing support regarding course selection, graduation requirements, career information, scholarship websites and future decisions Attendance is IMPORTANT! Grades are IMPORTANT!

50 Thank you for your time and involvement!
Academic Career Personal / Social Thank you for your time and involvement! We appreciate you! BRIDGE

51 Graduation and Beyond!

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