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An XML Introduction Extensible Markup Language Describe Structure and Content of Data Sample XML Document.

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Presentation on theme: "An XML Introduction Extensible Markup Language Describe Structure and Content of Data Sample XML Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 An XML Introduction Extensible Markup Language Describe Structure and Content of Data Sample XML Document

2 What is this thing W3C? World Wide Web Consortium Established in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols The W3C is the group that coordinates the protocols and standards used on the Web, such as HTML, and XML XHTML

3 What is XML a framework for distributing data on the Web an tool for exchanging data between different applications a universal format for exchanging data between machines and operating systems

4 Exchange data between different Operating Systems

5 Web Pages Data for Web Pages

6 XML IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR HTML zXML as a universal format for data interchange zIt is a compliment to Html yXml is used to transport data yEliminates proprietary data formats yLots of XML processing software available HTML – is used to format and display data.

7 Xml can make data available to all kinds of reading machines, hand held computers, voice machines and even news feeds

8 XHTML...latest version of HTML WAP/WML – Wireless Application Protocol /Wireless markup language RSS - Rich Site Summary, is an XML format for distributing news headlines on the Web, also known as syndication Also known as “Really Simple Syndication” al Language developed to control the presentation of web pages on mobile phones and PDA’s in the same way that HTML does for PCs

9 Many pages on the internet contain "bad" HTML. XML is a markup language where everything must be marked up correctly, which results in "well-formed" documents. XML is designed to describe data, and HTML is designed to display data Today's market consists of different browser technologies, some run on computers, some on mobile phones or other small devices. The last-mentioned do not have the resources or power to interpret a "bad" markup language. Combine the strengths of HTML and XML thus XML

10 HTML Document Hello There 87654 76.33 What do those numbers represent?

11 (root element) (parent) 87654 76.33 99988 90.50 An XML Document

12 It Looks Like HTML …. Sort of …. Tags look just like HTML tags (although XML lets you ‘create’ your own) It’s got.xml at the end

13 The Birth of the Web The HyperText Markup Language A simple language for distributing text

14 HTML Evolution zStarted with very few tags … zLanguage evolved, as more tags were added yforms ytables yfonts yframes

15 HTML Problems zDesire for personalized tags zWant to put data into HTML form ymathematics, database entries, literary text, poems, purchase orders …. zHTML just isn’t designed for that! Software Problems

16 The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) An international standard for libraries, museums, publishers, to represent all kinds of literary texts for online research and teaching, using a unique encoding scheme. A system for digitally describing texts in the humanities, using a computer mark-up language called XML

17 Idea (2): “Webified” SGML zNew eXtensible Markup Language: XML zCan use XML to define new languages zDistributes easily on the Web zCan mix different types of data together ycan easily add new tags, and tell a browser what to do with them. We can Define and Create our own Laguages to Describe our Data

18 Basic XML Rules zTags like in HTML, but... zTechnical details yTag names are case-sensitive yAlways need end tags yAlways quote attribute values

19 Like this example ….. 87654 76.33

20 XML Extensible Markup Language Describe Content and Data in an XML Document

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