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Rocky Mountain Biological Lab Networks and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocky Mountain Biological Lab Networks and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocky Mountain Biological Lab Networks and Services

2 RMBL A research field station established in 1928 Scientists from around the world migrate there during the summer Provides logistical support and infrastructure to field scientists and students Longest continuously studied alpine environment in the world Supports more than 75 scientists/researchers and over 150 students annually

3 Infrastructure Two core data networks supporting students, researchers and staff Remote weather station network that continuously monitors climate in the West Elk mountains and down to Almont

4 Core Network Internet connection is a DS3 (44.736Mb/s) connection to Internet Colorado using point to point radio links 15 usable public IP addresses for external devices Core network consists of 4 wired Cisco 3560 switches

5 Core Topology

6 Wireless Network Initially installed during the 2012 season 24 wireless access points (WAP) with 2 new WAP’s on order Originally designed as a Mesh network Provides coverage to 35 buildings and most areas outside Gigantic improvement over the legacy networks that were installed piecemeal over the past 15 years

7 802.11n client access point Internet Colorado’s Hardware: 802.11a wireless backhaul

8 Wireless Topology

9 Weather Stations 5 permanent stations and 6 portable stations Each station logs up to 3 years of data in a CSV format Central server polls each station every 15 minutes and downloads their logs via public frequency radio network (2.4Ghz) Each station measures: – Temperature – Humidity – Barometric Pressure – Precipitation – Snow Depth – Wind Speed/Direction – Radiation

10 Snodgrass Site Selection

11 Judd Falls and Snodgrass

12 Network Management SpiceWorks Network Management Suite Networking Features: Remote Monitoring (Alerts if an interface goes offline) Bandwidth Usage Reports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Monitoring or managing a group of hosts or devices on a computer network

13 SpiceWorks

14 IT Issues Spanning tree protocol doesn’t work well with Mesh networks – Mesh network created broadcast storms that would take down the core network every three days Upgraded wireless network in 2012 to give coverage to areas that weren’t previously covered (kept the old T1 1.544 Mb/s internet connection – Saw a significant increase in complaints due to slow internet connection speed (nothing about better network connectivity) Upgraded the internet connection in 2013 – Saw a significant increase in complaints due to connectivity problems and internet connection speed – Consistently using the speed buffer built into our connection (ISP provides a 5Mb/s buffer bandwidth during peak hours) Implemented content filtering to prevent excessive use of video streaming/downloads by student during peak times – Saw a significant increase in complaints by staff and researchers due to their inability to access sites they saw as critical Public spectrum wireless network limits the configuration options

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