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Bringing Control to FBI Files Nationwide John Charles Krysa Chief, Records Automation Section Records Management Division, FBI.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Control to FBI Files Nationwide John Charles Krysa Chief, Records Automation Section Records Management Division, FBI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Control to FBI Files Nationwide John Charles Krysa Chief, Records Automation Section Records Management Division, FBI

2 Agenda  FBI Records Management Division  Preparing the Paper Past in an Electronic Future  Document Inventory Management and Control Program (DIMCaP)

3  Records Automation Section (RAS) - Scanning - Electronic Records Management Program  Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) - FOIA Requests - Declassification  Records Policy and Administration Section (RPAS) - Records Management Training - Compliance - Retention Schedules - Paper Archives  National Name Check Program Section (NNCPS) - Background Checks for Government Agencies - Records Management Division

4  The Legacy Foundation - J.E. Hoover had developed a classification system that resembled library-type classification systems, not records or case management - Information was grouped into paper case files numbered by crime classification and location - Files organized and stored at FBI HQ and field offices FBI wide - Finding Aids: Abstracts, index cards, ACS mainframe computer (1980s) Preparing the Past in an Electronic Future

5  Cases and information needed to be managed better in the electronic age - Valuable information in hundreds of case classifications spread across all FBI offices, not easily accessed or retrieved - Many stenographers and file clerks necessary - Agents spending an inordinate amount of time performing indexing by name and case classification Preparing the Past in an Electronic Future (cont.)

6  First Virtual Case File  The Sentinel Case Management System - Workflow - Digital signature - Records management Preparing the Past in an Electronic Future (cont.)

7  The Task: To establish controls over 178 linear miles of FBI files, prepare for transfer to a central file storage, and lay foundation for scan-on-demand to Sentinel RMA  Goals - Inventory and index physical records - Reduce the volume of records holdings - Improve information access by selected digitization and back file conversion - Establish the foundation with essential metadata for operating an enterprise electronic records archive - Prepare and ship paper files held in 56 field offices and resident agenciesDIMCaPDIMCaP

8 DIMCaP Program Manager DMA/RMAFoundation Preparation & ShippingFiles Inventory & Indexing FBI records Reduce Volume ofRecords Improve File Access DIMCaP Dashboard Program Overview

9 DIMCaP Projections  Original Field Office Inventory - Clear local files shelf space by closed file transfers to the ARC - Measured in linear feet  RIDS - Declassification prior to accession - Measured in cases and pages  RPAS - Disposition by destruction or accession - Measured in files and pages BOX = DIMCaP Unit to measure performance

10 FBI Manual Indices  Index Cards - Original index and pointer - Replaced by ACS in Mid-1980s - Field office index – 72M index cards - HQ index - 70M index cards, remained closed but active finding aids - RAS initiative to scan to SharePoint, destroy paper and accession to NARA

11 Paper Archives BeforeAfter


13 Sentinel Case Management Sentinel Funded RMA Program Funded Expansion of RMA CRC Operations Migration of Files To Enterprise RMA E-Connector Documentum Enterprise RMA Share Point Sentinel Documentum Repository For Back File Conversion Metadata and Images Process to Extract Metadata from Complete Case Files On Demand Scanning and Metadata Popular Scanning and Metadata T-Drive Major Non-Sentinel IT Systems SharePoint/DMA Workflow Manage in-place for scheduled IT Systems (Records Identified in ERKC) Electronic Records

14 Increased Efficiencies  Digitization  Information technology  Integration of metadata - MS/Access -> TRIM -> Documentum - e-Connections to Documentum - MS/SharePoint implementation  Improved metrics  Barcode scanning  Google-type search  Preparation processing - Improved load-balancing at ARC - New tracking methods - FBINET connection

15  Digitized over 44 million index cards from 56 field offices, using NARA’s standards for scanning permanent records  Information is now available to the entire FBI in a searchable format for the first time  May 2010 - RACO Archivist’s Achievement Award  November 2010 - first routine transfer of digitized version of manual index cards was made to NARA DIMCaP Achievements

16 Questions/Comments?Questions/Comments?  John C. Krysa, CRM Chief, Records Automation Section Records Management Division, FBI  Betty L. Parker, erm M Team Lead for Information System Development Guidance Initiative

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