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OPERATION KEEP-GENE Saving a Treasured ISI Asset from Depreciation and Expulsion.

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Presentation on theme: "OPERATION KEEP-GENE Saving a Treasured ISI Asset from Depreciation and Expulsion."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPERATION KEEP-GENE Saving a Treasured ISI Asset from Depreciation and Expulsion

2 Executive Summary Facing the erosion of the capabilities built up under the JESPP contract and given the general decline in the financial viability of ISI, several immediate and potentially game-changing actions are possible, feasible and manifestly warranted. If undertaken they will produce a path to retaining a valuable asset, Gene Wagenbreth, and put the Computational Sciences group on a more stable funding foundation, bolstering ISI’s durability.

3 Three Phased Approach to Recovery  Identify Problem/Goals  Loss of valuable team members/retain them  Reduction of funding/increase funding  Quantify Need  Short-term funding to retain Gene O($150K)  Medium-term funding to reassemble team O($1M)  Long-term funding to sustain team O($1.5M/yr)  Analyze Opportunities  Old funding friends  Old collaboration colleagues  New markets

4 Team Retention Priorities 1. Robert F. Lucas ( @ 20%) 2. Gene Wagenbreth ( @ 100%) 3. Ke-Thia Yao ( @ 50%) 4. Craig Rogers ( @ 100%) 5. Craig Ward ( @ 100%) 6. Dan Davis ( @ < 50% Cnslt.) 7. Tom Gottschalk ( @ <40% Cnslt.) 8. Tyler Hunt or other( @ GRA cost) Plus $100K/yr travel and supplies O($1.5M/yr)

5 Old Funding Friends  Tony Cerri of TRADOC  Jim Blank of Joint Experimentation  Doug Post of HPCMP  Randy Garrett of DARPA  John Levesque of Cray  ??

6 Old Collaboration Colleagues  Paul Messina of Argonne National Laboratories  Dave Pratt of Leidos  Steve Karwoski of SAIC  Buck Surdu who is also on the hunt  Peter Brooks of IDA  Rae Dehncke and Donna Brooks of Alion  Randy Hill and Bill Swartout of ICT  USC Viterbi Department of Computer Science  John Salmon of D.E. Shaw

7 New Markets  Cyber Command  NSF  NIH  DOE  Tulsi Gabbard, MOC Maui County or Senator Mazie Hirono as per Gene Bal suggestion (Save MHPCC!!) Tulsi Gabbard Hirono  Any of the many competitors to Google  General ‘Buck’ Turgidson from Dr. Strangelove said: “Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.”  Penis envy drives funding

8 Interim Stopgap Actions  Go to Prem and say: “We have a chance at a $15M initiative to (insert strongest idea and funder here), but we need $150 K to keep the fires burning while Gene and Dan flesh out the particulars.”  Go to Tony and say: “Great idea Tony! Gene and the guys can make it work for you, but you need to cover us with $150K under some pretext or you lose us.”  Go to Randy Hill and say: “Randy, cover my guy Gene for six months at 50% or more and I’ll cut you in on new funding we will be getting.”

9 Generic Pitches  We are the worlds leading experts at making globally distributed intelligent agent simulations work!!  We are one of the only two games in town for Quantum Annealing. You’ve read Innovators Dilemma, so if you are not Lock-Mart or Google, hire us now!!  Virtually no other University research can offer you our unique blend of quantum computing, SCI research facility, cleared personnel, and decades of HPC work.

10 Pitch to Google Competitors  Competitors:  Bing  Yahoo  Pitch – Your team is already behind the power curve. Google has a dedicated QA machine. Hire us today to:  Get access to ours  Get our good ideas  Gain market share on Google  Avoid being victim of disruptive innovation (QA)  Ask  AOL

11 Pitch via Col. John R. “Buck” Surdu  You have contacts at Cyber Command  You are looking for a job, a vision and a legacy  We want to implement ideas we have  Using Quantum Annealing can make a real change today  John Tran’s small unit cyberwar simulation needs work  Col Aioki has idea for multi-state Univ/Guard entity  Get a buddy at Cyber Command to throw $1M over the transom and we can set up one of the ideas  You will be DC lead; we will do the heavy lifting

12 ???  ???

13 Conclusion We have assembled a good working team. We just need vision and commitment to go out and ASK FOR MONEY. After decades in the field delivering useful products, we have the reputation and the contacts to make the dollars flow!!!

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