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Climate living in cities concept Welcome to mid-term conference of the project CLICC! Malmö, 17-18 September 2012 Project manager Kerstin Rubenson CLICC.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate living in cities concept Welcome to mid-term conference of the project CLICC! Malmö, 17-18 September 2012 Project manager Kerstin Rubenson CLICC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate living in cities concept Welcome to mid-term conference of the project CLICC! Malmö, 17-18 September 2012 Project manager Kerstin Rubenson CLICC

2 Climate living in cities concept Background of CLICC Need to show possible solutions for economically viable reduction of green house gases in existing construction Focus on post-war multi-family buildings  Many houses  Increasing need of renovation  Low energy performance is common Physical investments are not enough: alteration of behaviour must also be included CLICC

3 Climate living in cities concept Environment department at City of Malmö is project leader. Three associated partners: HSB brf Hilda, MKB Augustenborg and HSB brf Arvid. All of them in Malmö.  MKB and Arvid joined the project when it had already started Project period: September 2010 – August 2014 The project is co-financed by EU through LIFE+  Program for financing environment projects  34 % of the financing comes from LIFE+ CLICC

4 Climate living in cities concept Design of the project: Combination of physical investments and behaviour change, which is needed to reach the necessary reductions in GHG emissions Involvement of the inhabitants: increase awareness, make behaviour change interesting and create possibility for better choices  Climate coaches inform and help their neighbours  Web-based Climate Living monitors the emissions from households CLICC program in three steps: home, transport and food and other consumption CLICC

5 Climate living in cities concept Project measures: Measure the GHG emissions from the inhabitants, through Climate Living Reduce these emissions – CLICC program Renovations and investments in MKB Augustenborg  Water consumption  Facilitating bicycle use  Resource efficiency: steering of temperature, new lighting, washing machines and freezers Renovations and investments in Hilda  Dan Håland will tell you more Investments in Arvid  Energy eficient laundry rooms  Real-time displays for buses CLICC

6 Climate living in cities concept Aims of the project: Reduce emissions from home, transports and food and consumption with 50 % during the project period Involve at least 70 % of the inhabitants at some point Create two demo rooms where technology, experiences and results are shown. At Hilda and Augustenborg Digital handbook over the CLICC model, the viable measures and successful actions CLICC agreements: agreements with other property owners to adopt the CLICC model CLICC

7 Climate living in cities concept Curent status of the project: Renovations at Hilda almost finished Measurements at Arvid and MKB have are running according to plan Climate Living, the digital tool for measuring of carbon footprint is running Climate coaches are recruited at Hilda, processes initialized at Arvid and MKB The following year the focus will be on transports, previous year on home CLICC

8 Climate living in cities concept Contact information Project leader Kerstin Rubenson 0708-29 28 85 040-34 22 10 CLICC

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