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©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 1 Celebration Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover.

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Presentation on theme: "©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 1 Celebration Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 1 Celebration Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover

2 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 2 Celebration It was a joyful time but solemn as well!

3 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 3 Celebration Some will never celebrate Beginning the celebration Celebrating again & again Celebrating in the Spirit

4 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 4 Celebration 14:17-21 The Betrayer He was one of the 12 who would dip bread with Jesus The betrayer was rejected Judas will not CELEBRATE this meal again

5 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 5 Celebration 14:22-26 The New Covenant Bread & cup - Body & blood of the covenant shed for many Many beyond the 12 will be received They CELEBRATE, and one day...

6 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 6 Celebration 14:22-26 The New Covenant Jesus will again CELEBRATE in the kingdom The marriage supper of the Lamb

7 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 7 Celebration 14:27-31 Warnings in the Mount of Olives All will fall away Disciples to be regrouped and received back They will CELEBRATE again, and again, and again...

8 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 8 Celebration 14:32-42 Prayer in Gethsemane Three prayers - Your will The spirit is willing but the body is weak Intimacy with Christ is in the spirit We CELEBRATE in the Spirit

9 ©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 9 Celebration Some will never celebrate with Christ Jesus began the celebration We who believe will celebrate many times We celebrate in the spirit

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