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1 Paid subscription based services…

2 The RA Coach The Judicial Educator The Housing University The Roommate Resource The Residence Hall Manager

3 The RA Coach Service

4 Provides… The Lovin the Learnin Area 16 on-line in-service training modules with built in testing and e-mail notification to supervisor The RA Coach Service

5 16 Lovin the Learnin training topics. Sample topics include: The RA Coach Service Community Building Managing Roommate Problems Helping Skills for RAs Confrontation Diversity Assisting the Rape Survivor Time Management and more…

6 Provides… The Virtual Programming Area 152 programs with full-blown to do lists, & downloadable advertising The RA Coach Service

7 Provides… The Rapid Reporter On-line forms: Weekly Report, Duty Report, Incident Report, Programming Registration and Evaluation Reports, Maintenance Reports and more… The RA Coach Service Filled out on-line and submitted via e-mail

8 Provides… The Staying Safe in On-Line Communities series Articles, brochures, bulletin boards and programs to help RAs and their residents stay safe when interacting on-line The RA Coach Service

9 Provides…The Should You or Shouldnt You? Returning to the RA Job series A 2-part series to help RAs determine whether the position is still compatible with their long term goals and willingness to serve The RA Coach Service

10 Provides… Monthly Planning Guides Overview information on what to anticipate for the month The RA Coach Service

11 Provides… Stress Management Resources Downloadable audio feed to help staff relax and sleep, and stress management exercises to go The RA Coach Service

12 The Judicial Educator Service

13 Provides an easy to administer solution to educational sanctioning The Judicial Educator ? How does The Judicial Educator work?

14 1.Students log onto the site to access their educational module. 2.After completing the module they access a testing area, where they must get 7 of 10 test questions correct. 3.If they fail, they are taken back to the beginning of the module. 4.If they pass they are taken to a notification area, where they put in the e-mail address of the referring administrator, and the administrator receives a notice stating that the student has completed the module. How does The Judicial Educator work?

15 Alcohol and You Alcohol 201 Marijuana Dating Violence and Date Rape: What You Need to Know Fire Safety From Me to We: Living Successfully in a Community Healthy Relationships I Am So Angry! Personal Responsibility and Decision Making The Judicial Educator has 19 educational topics… and more…

16 Safe Living on a College Campus Understanding Myself and Others: Similarities and Differences Academic Integrity Civility and Respect Living Responsibly in an Off-Campus Environment Smoking How to Successfully Live with a Roommate Peer Harassment Understanding and Managing Conflict Being a Good Cyber Citizen The Judicial Educator has 18 educational topics…

17 The Judicial Educator Lets look at a few slides from the educational module about marijuana… MARIJUANA: Herb, Drug or Medicine? By Jim Weber, Assistant Director for the Center for Drug and Alcohol Education, Colorado State University As part of The Judicial Educator on

18 So…you were caught smoking pot, which is probably the reason you are taking this module…

19 Over the course of the last twenty years, a lot of research has been done on pot, and whats being found is that marijuana is not a harmless or benign drug.

20 More than 420 chemicals have been identified in marijuana to date, and this is probably not a final number. This fact makes marijuana the second most complex drug that humans use, exceeded only by tobacco in terms of chemical complexity.

21 The educational modules will take students 30 to 40 minutes to complete. Tests are generated from a random data base of 18 questions. The Judicial Educator

22 The Housing University Service

23 Provides… On-Line Classes 3 week short courses on the hot topics facing housing administrators today The Housing University Service

24 Provides… Resource Centers on Crisis Management and Managing Over Occupancy Everything you need to know on these important topics The Housing University Service

25 The Roommate Resource Service

26 Provides… The Parent Education Module Educating parents on the typical university response to a roommate conflict and how they can help their student develop positive roommate relationships The Roommate Resource Service

27 Provides… The Student Education Module High end flash animation and video training module that educates students on how to live with a roommate The Roommate Resource Service

28 Provides… The Roommate Relationship Assessment Tool On-line assessments for use by RAs to determine issues in a roommate relationship. Provides on-line reports and tips for responding with link to mediation training module. The Roommate Resource Service

29 The Residence Hall Manager Service

30 Provides… A huge resource of information and tools to help individuals involved in residence hall management. The Residence Hall Manager Service

31 16 Training Plans 20 Training Themes 30 Creative Judicial Sanctioning Ideas 20 Letters The Roommate Resource Service 30 Sample Forms 30 Supervision Resources 24 Motivation, Support, & Recognition Ideas 16 Assessment Tools Provides…

32 Check out these great resources all available on the web on! For more information or assistance, e-mail the site at or call 215 For a free trial of these services, click on the link below to return to the subscription service overview page (free trial links located under service descriptions). Subscription Services

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