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CRM _1to1 marketing _On Line Marketing _Permission Marketing Şule Özmen Week 7.

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1 CRM _1to1 marketing _On Line Marketing _Permission Marketing Şule Özmen Week 7

2 Agenda Importance and value of the customer How to increase the value of customer Relationship and 1to1 marketing involves.. On Line Marketing E-Mail marketing Permission Marketing

3 Long term value of a company depends on the value of the customer Customer base is an asset for a company Identify most valuable customer Identify most growable customer Identifiy below zero customers Information about how much the customer spends to what Information about their loyalty Information about their feedback

4 How to increase the value of your company’s customer While acquiring your customer Get the profitable customer in. While retaining your customer Keep profitable customer longer Eliminate unprofitable customer Grow your customer by Upselling additional products Cross selling other products

5 Relationship involves Relationship involves interaction in both ways Relationship involves trust like marriage Relationships are iterative A context between buyer and seller develops over time and relationship matures Marketers should continously recover from mistakes in iterative relationship Interaction in relationship drives change in behavior

6 1to1 Marketing involves Interaction Individual customer Individualized Incentive Message Distribuiton Offering tailored products instead of standard products Aims to retain profitabe customer rather than to attract all the anonymous customers

7 On line marketing Form of direct marketing Immeadiate Customized Interactive On line marketing channels are Advertisement banners and links E-mail and webcasting Electronic storefront Participating and sponsoring forums

8 E-Mail as promotional device E-mail is a powerful promotional device Direct communication Interactive Lower cost Allows you targeting qualified lead Facilitate to interact with the customer and build a 1to1 relationship

9 E-mail can be designed for various purposes and in different contents. E-mail customer contact cycle Opt in opt out E-Mail Design and Content

10 E-mail customer contact cycle -1 Send compelling messages Keep the message content short Get to the point (don’t make recipients figure it out for themselves) Give people an incentive to buy Include a 'call to action'

11 E-mail customer contact cycle -2 Be ready for the questions of prospects Don't expect your e-mail campaign to work miracles and set reasonable goals Test, test and test again

12 Opt-in Opt-out "Opt-in" means that an Internet user has voluntarily requested to receive commercial email messages on topics of interest “Opt-out", means that an internet user is able to get off the list on request, at any time. The mail list for e-mail marketing should not be a spam list

13 Permission marketing by Seth Godin* Permission marketing is the alternative of Interruption marketing which is the traditional marketing approach. Permission marketing is asking for permission to customers Permission is an investment Permission marketing is like a marriage *First 4 Chapters of the book is received from web page and linked as the doc. file of this week’s lecture notes

14 Permission marketing Five Steps to Dating Your Customer 1. Offer the prospect an incentive to volunteer 2. Offer a curriculum over time, teaching the consumer about your product or service 3. Reinforce the incentive to guarantee that the prospect maintains the permission 4. Offer additional incentives to get even more permission from the consumer 5. Over time, leverage the permission to change consumer behavior towards profits

15 What is next? You have a reading assignment this week.Please read the doc file which is the first few chapters of Permission Marketing by Seth Godin. You can also visit some sites related with the lecture topics (Turkish Site) After reading the document and examining the sites we will discuss it in forum.

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