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9:00am – Kelly Doney (Georgetown University) - “Data-Driven University: Changing the Conversation at Georgetown” 9:30am - Debbie Fulton (Virginia Tech)

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Presentation on theme: "9:00am – Kelly Doney (Georgetown University) - “Data-Driven University: Changing the Conversation at Georgetown” 9:30am - Debbie Fulton (Virginia Tech)"— Presentation transcript:

1 9:00am – Kelly Doney (Georgetown University) - “Data-Driven University: Changing the Conversation at Georgetown” 9:30am - Debbie Fulton (Virginia Tech) - “Data-Driven University Assembly Required: The Role of the Business Intelligence Tool at VT” 10:00am – Todd Hill (University of Notre Dame) - “Business Intelligence Pain Points” 10:30am - BREAK 11:00am - Tom Lewis (University of Washington) - “Tradition vs. Modernity: Cultural Challenges to Becoming a Data-Driven University” 11:30am - Mark Chiang (UC Berkeley) - BI Demo 11:45am - Panel - What is the future of BI? What does the data-driven university of the future look like and why? 12:00pm - BREAK for Lunch 1 The Data-Driven University and Business Intelligence: Agenda

2 Data-driven University: Changing the Conversation at Georgetown Kelly Doney, AVP for Enterprise Systems May 14, 2015

3 U NIVERSITY C HALLENGES School 2013 Endowment* Harvard$32.7B Yale$20.7B Princeton$18.8B Stanford$18.7B MIT$10.9B Notre Dame$7B Georgetown$1.3B *US News

4 V ISION – D ATA C OLLECTION Communication Preferences Course Collaboration Challenges First-Year Roommate Favorite Faculty Speaking Engagements # Academic Advisor Visits Personal Wellness Engagement with Faculty Study Habits Current Interests Her first year roommate is now her business partner. Sophomore year she organized a charity 5k run. She volunteered at Catholic Charities her junior year. Senior year she started her own company. Her favorite professor was Dr. Burch. They still keep in touch. Her first year roommate is now her business partner. Sophomore year she organized a charity 5k run. She volunteered at Catholic Charities her junior year. Senior year she started her own company. Her favorite professor was Dr. Burch. They still keep in touch. Jane Hoya (C’96) Post gradation, GU is unaware that… Survey Data Event Attendance Admissions Student Information Learning Mgt Advancement


6 M AGIS M EASURES Learning to Learn Empowered as independent learners, with curiosity and intellectual agility. Integration Develop interior freedom and an integrated sense of purpose and identity Empathy Openness and ethical stance to others, with a global horizon Well-being Capacity for flourishing, connectedness, self- awareness and self- efficacy. Resilience Ability to adapt to change, take responsible risks and deal with complexity

7 U SING E NTERPRISE BI + CRM FOR D ATA A NALYSIS Student Advancement Learning Mgt HR Finance Data Warehouse/BI CRM Including Advancement

8 CRM + BI In Practice

9 T HE R OLE OF IT Education | Momentum | Governance | Tools

10 CRM P LAYBOOK University-wide CRM & Advancement Project University-wide CRM & Advancement Project Informs

11 CRM P RIORITIES VS. L ONG - TERM R OADMAP CRM Core CRM Advancement Engagement University & Advancement Requirements Phase 1Phase 2Future Phases

12 W HAT ’ S N EXT AT GU Funding Technology Stakeholder Buy-InOwnership BI/Data Warehouse CRM Phase 1 – Requirements & Design for CRM and Advancement Phase 2 – Implementation of Advancement and CRM core Challenges Cultural ShiftLegacy 2.0 Past – Financial Reporting Environment (PeopleSoft) - Voided by Workday – Shadow systems Phase 1 – Student and Finance Phase 2 – Stabilization Phase 1, HR Post Phase 2 – Advancement/CRM, Learning analytics, facilities, faculty data


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