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1 youth rights rights and duties for young people.

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Presentation on theme: "1 youth rights rights and duties for young people."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 youth rights rights and duties for young people

2 2 topics alcohol smoking gambling military service bank account voting fire works online shopping videos punishment going out

3 3 alcohol over 16 under 14% by volume – beer – wine – prosecco over 18 – spirits (brandy, whisky, vodka, …) – alcopops controls:- by police (after parties) - by shopkeepers (ID-card)

4 4 smoking over 16allowed to smoke Where to buy them? at machines (ID-card) at tobacconists at restaurants, cafés, …

5 5 going out going out under 14not allowed to go out without parents 14-16allowed to go out until midnight 16-18allowed to go out as long as your parents allow over 18allowed to go out as long as you want controls at entrance of a party

6 6 military service military service 17/18 enrol for service (tests, …)  decided if you are qualified or not 18/19 military service (6 months) community service (9 months) women: can do it voluntarily

7 7 bank account bank account over 10can be opened for pocket money 14-18you need parental guidence you can‘t make debts

8 8 fire works fire works under 18not allowed to use any fire works problem: no strict controls

9 9 online shopping online shopping 14-18need parental agreement problem: there are no controls

10 10 gambling over 14 officially approved gambles (e.g. „Lotto“; has to be licenced by state) over 18allowed to go to casino, game halls (slot machines, …) and do bets

11 11 videos „happy slapping“ –isn‘t allowed –even if it‘s deleted, it can be found out, what was on your mobile phone

12 12 punishment for young offenders punishment for young offenders under 14nothing parents are responsible 14-16social work first time of commiting a crime  warning! 16-18youth prison social work fine half punishment over 21full punishment  prison

13 13 working over 14are allowed to work officially under 18not allowed to work at night (22.00 – 6.00), sundays, bank holidays, catholic holidays arpprenticeship (vocational college) regular work work in school holidays (for 1-2 months)

14 14 voting National Council 183 members – for a term of five years at the age of 16 Federal president elected by popular vote for term of six years at the age of 16 Federal Council 62 members –elected by the parliaments of Austria‘s nine federal states

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