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Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago MPI on Argo-new Venkatram Vishwanath Electronic Visualization.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago MPI on Argo-new Venkatram Vishwanath Electronic Visualization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago MPI on Argo-new Venkatram Vishwanath Electronic Visualization Laboratory University of Illinois at Chicago

2 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago ARGO-NEW Cluster Configuration 64 Node heterogeneous cluster 16 dual-core Opterons –argo1-1 to argo4-4 16 single-processor Xeons –argo5-1 to argo8-4 32 dual-core dual-processor Xeons –argo9-1 to argo16-4 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity between nodes PBS batch scheduling system

3 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Logging in to ARGO-new Access Argo-new from a machine at UIC Account name is your UIC username eg. ssh -l Access via ssh Remote Access from home is possible –Log in from bert, ernie or icarus

4 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Setting up the Environment Variables MPICH2 (Argonne NL) and PGI(Portland Group) are installed on Argo-new. Talk will focus on MPICH2 MPICH2 related environment settings –setenv MPI_PATH /usr/common/mpich2-1.0.1 –setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $MPI_PATH/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH –setenv PATH $MPI_PATH/bin:$MPI_PATH/include:$PATH –In Bash export MPI_PATH=/usr/common/mpich2-1.0.1

5 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Configure the.mpd.conf file Create a.mpd.conf in your home directory Add a single line “secretword=##&&****” [vvishw1@argo-new ~]$ cat.mpd.conf secretword=sjdkfhsdkjf Set the permission to 600 for.mpd.conf –MPI will NOT work if the permissions of.mpd.conf is 755 [vvishw1@argo-new ~]$ ls -al.mpd.conf -rw------- 1 vvishw1 student 23 Feb 13 17:15.mpd.conf

6 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago A Typical MPICH2 Session on Argo-new Log in to Argo-new Work and compile your MPI program Set up the MPD ring Run the MPI Program using the PBS scheduler Bring down the MPD ring Logout

7 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Compile your MPI Program MPICH provides wrapper scripts for C, C++ Use mpicc in place of gcc and mpicxx for g++ #include #include "mpi.h" #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rank, size; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); char buf[1024]; memset(buf, '\0', 1024); gethostname(buf, 1024); printf("Hello from %s, I'm rank %d; Size is %d \n", buf, rank, size); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Use the following Flags: -I $MPI_PATH/include -L $MPI_PATH/lib -lmpich mpicc -o Hellow testHostname.c -I $MPI_PATH/include -L $MPI_PATH/lib -lmpich

8 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Set up the MPD ring MPD ring needs to be set up on the nodes where the MPI program would run. Launch the MPD daemons –rsh "/usr/common/mpich2- 1.0.1/bin/mpdboot -n -f -r rsh -v” e.g rsh argo1-1 "/usr/common/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpdboot -n 4 -f $HOME/mpd.hosts -r rsh -v” Check the Status of the MPD daemons using mpdtrace –rsh argo1-1 "/usr/common/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpdtrace”

9 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Run the MPI Program using the PBS scheduler Submit a job to the scheduler using qsub qsub -l nodes= Typical Job Script: –mpiexec -machinefile -np –mpiexec -machinefile /home/homes51/vvishw1/my_machinefile -np 4 /home/homes51/vvishw1/workspace/hellow qsub -l nodes=argo1-1+argo1-2+argo1-3+argo1-4 Returns a status message giving you the job id -“” -33112 is your job id

10 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago A few things to remember The List of nodes in qsub should match the nodes in the machinefile The List of nodes in qsub should be a subset of the nodes used in the MPD ring Restrict the number of submitted jobs to 3

11 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Argo-new stats online Argo-new Stats is available online at: –

12 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Typical Machine Files [vvishw1@argo-new ~/]$ cat my_machinefile argo1-1 argo1-2 argo1-3 argo1-4 To simulate 8 logical nodes on 4 physical nodes [vvishw1@argo-new ~/]$ cat my_machinefile argo1-1:2 argo1-2:2 argo1-3:2 argo1-4:2

13 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Other Useful PBS commands qstat –status of the job qstat -f - detailed job information qstat -u - information on all submitted user jobs qdel - delete a submitted job qnodes - status of all the argo-new nodes –Use this as a hint for the nodes in your MPD ring.

14 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago The output of your MPI program Standard output and standard error are both redirected to files [script name].{e,o}[job id] Ex: –stderr in my_script.e3208 –stdout in my_script.o3208 The.e file should usually be empty. Slide courtesy Paul Sexton

15 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Stop the MPD environment The MPD ring needs to be brought down using mpdallexit rsh "/usr/common/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpdallexit” –rsh argo1-1 "/usr/common/mpich2- 1.0.1/bin/mpdallexit”

16 Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Miscellaneous Topics Simulating Topologies –MPI_Cart_create will help create 2D grids, hypercubes, etc Measuring Time –MPI_Wtime Ideally, Performance results should be statistically significant Computation time is the maximum of all nodes MPE for in depth performance analysis of MPI programs.

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