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Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Electronic Resume: Your Name Here Your Affiliation.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Electronic Resume: Your Name Here Your Affiliation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Electronic Resume: Your Name Here Your Affiliation Address 1 Address 2 City, State Zip Telephone Number

2 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Your name here... Brief intro to you as a person and a professional… Just a couple of sentences here… Reduce the size of the font if need be, but don’t change the actual font... [ Put your head shot picture here… ]

3 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience I Seek... …a position of responsibility in an elementary setting, in which I can: Work with 4-5 year olds Develop lesson plans and instructional routines that would teach conceptual skills use Powerpoint to design the instruction to teach children these conceptual skills.

4 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Educational History List your educational experiences here… Start with the most recent one (ASU) at the top… As you go back in time, add them to the list Ex: Arkansas State University, BA in Elementary Education, 1999.

5 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Honors and Awards List any honors and awards that you may have received… Add scholarships as well… Awards don’t have to be limited to educational work -- for example, a service award received from the local sorority is appropriate...

6 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Short-Term Professional Goals Insert your short-term professional goals here Be brief… Use telegraphic speech Add another page, if necessary… But probably one page would be best...

7 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Long-Term Professional Goals Add your long-term professional goals here… Use brief phrases… …and telegraphic wording A single page should suffice… But add another page, if necessary...

8 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Work-Related Experience Start with the most recent job you’ve had… …and continue to list them back through time… …as you progress from bullet to bullet. See the next page for an example...

9 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Work-Related Experience Ex: Teachers Aide, My Local Montessori School, 1997- present. I work with 4-5 year olds, teaching conceptual skills… Use more than one page if you have a lot of work experience...

10 Introduction Personal I Seek... Education Honors Short-Term Long-Term Work Experience Volunteer Experience Volunteer-Related Experience Add any non-paid work or volunteer experience that you’ve had… …even if not exactly related to teaching. Show positions of responsibility and authority, too!

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