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SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 American Lit: Finishing up personal narrative and moving into Native American Oral Tradition.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 American Lit: Finishing up personal narrative and moving into Native American Oral Tradition."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 American Lit: Finishing up personal narrative and moving into Native American Oral Tradition

2 When it comes to weather and the seasons, people say it can impact our moods more than we imagine. In a single paragraph, answer these questions using descriptive writing details [ like you are doing for your personal narrative ] A. Overall, what is your favorite season and type of day? B. Why? C. How would you say this season and type of day impact your mood?

3 Today: =EDir9-UoPjo


5 9/16 MUGS#2: Grammar Pretest--A Parts of the Sentence - Subject/Verb Instructions: Find the subject and verb in the following sentences. Subject/s = _____________ Verb/s =___________ 1. Here is my shoe! EX.: S= shoe V= is 2. The little boy hit the big girl. boy – subject hit - verb 3. You seem unhappy today. you – subject seem - verb 4. Down the road hopped the rabbit. rabbit – subject hopped - verb 5. Are we going out on Halloween? we – subject are going - verb

6 MUGS#2 Pretest A, cont. 6. Have the men come all the way from Europe? men – subject have come - verb 7. The soup tasted good in the cold weather. soup – subject tasted - verb 8. The passenger should have been stopped at the gate. passenger – subject should have been stopped - verb 9. The mail could have arrived earlier. mail – subject could have arrived - verb 10. Don't go into that house! (you) – subject do go - verb

7 Put everything away…


9 5- question grammar PRETEST B MUGS#3 9/17 5- question grammar PRETEST B MUGS#3 9/17

10 Reviewing other parts of speech: What are conjunctions ? Connecting words FANBOYS: For And Nor/ Neither But Or Yet So What are interjections? Words which show emotion and frequently are followed by an “!” Wow! Yikes! Hey! Aw!

11 9/17 MUGS#3: Grammar Pretest--B Parts of the Sentence - Instructions: Find the subject/s and verb/s in the following sentences. 1. There were no pies, cakes or cookies on the shelves. S= pies, cakes, cookies V= were 2. Oh, neither Jane nor Tarzan would return to civilization. S= Jane, Tarzan - subjects; V= would return

12 9/17 MUGS#3: Grammar Pretest--B 3. Barbara and her friends sat on the floor, ate goodies, and listened to records. S= Barbara, friends V= sat, ate, listened 4. The brothers swam, fished, and rowed the boat on their vacation. S= brothers V= swam, fished, rowed 5. Wow, this lesson is short and fairly easy. S= lesson - V= is

13 The Bucket List

14 FRIDAY, SEPT. 19 TH The Bucket List Grammar first today…then the film

15 9/18 MUGS#4: Grammar Pretest--C

16 FRIDAY, SEPT. 19 TH The Bucket List Grammar first today…then the film


18 9/19 MUGS#5: Grammar Pretest--D

19 Remainder of Hour Today: 20-25 minutes: Quiet Reading

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