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Welcome Job Seekers – The Importance of Networking C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Job Seekers – The Importance of Networking C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Job Seekers – The Importance of Networking C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY

2 THE IMPORTANCE OF NETWORKING OVERVIEW Pray and Ask God for Direction Why Networking? How to Build Your Network –Informal Networking –Social Networking –Business Contacts and References –Networking Events Improve Your Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills Most Common Networking Mistakes Create a Log for Your Job Search What to do next 9/14/20152

3 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 3 Philippians 4:6-7 (v6) “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” (v7) “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” NKJV Turn to God, ask for clarity and help to put things into perspective. PRAY AND ASK GOD WHERE HE WANTS YOU TO BE

4 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 4 WHY NETWORKING? To build a list of contacts who can help you to get an interview 85% of jobs available are not posted Nearly 70% of jobs are the result of person networks People do business primarily with people they know and like

5 Clubs, fraternities, sororities, associations, yearbooks, etc. Team members, coaches, church members, ministry leaders, etc. Former employers, co-workers, employees, consultants, etc. Friends, family and personal acquaintances. Example: Susan noticed a help-wanted ad for a job at a local veterinary clinic. She called a friend who happened to use that vet. Her friend called the vet and recommended Susan. Susan got an interview and got the job. The vet was glad to hire someone who came highly recommended by a good client. 9/14/2015 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 5 HOW TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK Informal Networking

6 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 6 Social Networking LinkedIn Facebook Toastmasters Volunteering Alumni Groups HOW TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK

7 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 7 Business Contacts and References Speak with each of your references Describe your goals and ask for their assistance and for referrals Keep them informed on your progress regardless of the outcome Be considerate and respectful of their time Don’t hit and run! Be sure to maintain your network Thank them! Focus on building relationships, slow down and enjoy this job search process. HOW TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK

8 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 8 Networking Events Be Prepared! Dress professionally Research the companies Prepare resumes and cover letter for each company and bring several Practice your interview skills Look, speak and act professionally Smile and have a solid handshake Practice active listening Bring job search business cards Collect business cards of employers and write pertinent information on the back of the card HOW TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK

9 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Job Seekers Ministry … do all as unto the Lord Colossians 3:17-23

10 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 10 IMPROVE YOUR VERBAL & NON-VERBAL SKILLS Your Appearance Social Etiquette Handshake Active Listening Posture and Body Language Elevator Speech –Take five minutes and use the template (hand out) to write your elevator speech –Practice, practice, practice Managing Your Stress –Proper preparation will help to minimize stress

11 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 11 Inappropriate content on your Facebook or LinkedIn account. Relying too much on electronic media such as emails, text messages and search engines. In addition, we need to make personal contact! Don’t ask for a job, ask for advice or a referral. Being vague. Phrases such as, “I’ll take any job” or “I just need a job” will not get you hired. Tell them what positions you are qualified for. Be assertive but not aggressive. MOST COMMON NETWORKING MISTAKES

12 9/14/2015 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 12 Job Seekers Ministry … do all as unto the Lord Colossians 3:17-23

13 WHAT TO DO NEXT Take five minutes to create your list of network contacts -Periodically evaluate the quality of your network Apply your network today, tomorrow, next week, etc. Let’s practice what you learned Make the contacts Make the calls Explain …

14 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 14 Be diligent and be organized Record dates, contact information and pertinent information Follow-up –If you say you are going to do something, do it! CREATE A LOG for networking … CategoryName/ContactPhone#E-Mail Contact Date Key Notes Follow-up Date Action Items Follow-up Date Action Items Family Co-workers

15 9/14/2015 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 15 Job Seekers Ministry … do all as unto the Lord Colossians 3:17-23

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