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Matt Bemis, USC Jim Bouse, University of Oregon

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1 Matt Bemis, USC Jim Bouse, University of Oregon
Life After Transcript Receipt Electronic Transcripts/Data Processing at USC and Univ. of Oregon 2013 AACRAO Tech Matt Bemis, USC Jim Bouse, University of Oregon

2 Presentation Overview
Electronic Data efforts at USC Inbound EDI and its efficiencies Outbound EDI project launch Data Rendering stuff Resources available now to get you started Application Program Interface project for TA rules Automation of Transfer Articulation course review Dynamic connection with CollegeSource TES data TA rules insert for multi-rule sets Management Audit of TA rules processing

3 Presentation Overview Continued
University of Oregon electronic data efforts Advanced Placement In-state EDI efforts of TA rules processing Future vendor initiatives Importance of getting the data into an ERP

4 Timeline for EDI data processing

5 Electronic data workflow at USC

6 Transcript Viewer Utility

7 Rendered TS130 Data, with additional data populated from SIS:

8 Weekly activity report – Very important!

9 Resources Available to You:

10 Texas Server Registrant Lists and Activity reports

11 Registrant and Transaction Detail:

12 Other Resources of Interest

13 Transfer Articulation Application Program Interface - Why we built it
Borne out of necessity to provide auditors and managers with reporting of transfer course rules added to TA tables USC’s unique processing requirements and mutli-rule evaluation rule sets unwieldy. Outsourcing of transcripts processing to ADM area Need to leverage CollegeSource TES data as part of the evaluation process Desire to link the API with our imaging system

14 USC’s Unique TA Processing Needs
Transfer work based on when a student took the course Most TA rules require multiple sets of TA rules to ensure accurate processing results TA processing results are communicated to students without review or evaluation of any kind (automated notification) Electronic transcripts receipt, pre-approval self service web applications and transfer planning guide services require robust table processing

15 USC’s Unique TA Processing Needs – Why we require rule sets:
No equivalencies granted for college course work completed while in high school. Can transfer General Education and lower division Writing courses if completed prior to matriculation to USC Other subject matter content may vary depending on when the student took the course work

16 USC’s Unique TA Processing Needs – Why we require rule sets:
Example of how PSYCH 001 would transfer: If taken while in High School, gets elective credit only. If taken in summer after high school, gets PSYC100 equivalency and General Education credit. If taken after Matriculation to USC, gets PSYC100 equivalency but not General Education credit. This would require three unique rules for one course offering.

17 Ways in which Transcript course data is loaded onto student records
Key punched by operators Data loaded electronically through EDI data transmission Data loaded through OCR (Scanned transcripts) Data loaded by Students through student portal Data loaded through tape processing (AP score reports)

18 Began to explore the ability to insert rule sets through an API
Built a comprehensive matrix of all possible rules sets: USC equivalent Courses Standardized Course IDs Elective Credit only Subject credit only Does not Transfer Overseas Studies Course

19 Defined on the matrix what
Wrote Specifications on rules inserts, to include courses that require multi-rule inserts. Defined on the matrix what USC equivalent Courses Standardized Course IDs Elective Credit only Subject credit only Does not Transfer Overseas Studies Course

20 Got our best SQL programming resource assigned to the project
Identified (and overcame) obstacles Creating multi-rule inserts properly Dynamically inserting ‘Memo’ field data (necessary for the Articulation Agreement web utility that USC publishes) Defaulting Alternate Identity values Use of Standardized titles in rules creation Listing of USC equivalencies available to evaluators How to handle rule inserts for unknown TSEG values How to handle rule inserts for TA tables with multiple date ranges Adding rules for sponsored overseas studies programs TA tables that reference District shared TA Tables

21 Explored Grand Opportunities
Co-development with CollegeSource Began building an interface to extract TES data Course title data Course description data Prerequisite and Co-requisite data Source catalog year reference data Built crosswalk tables to map CEEB and OPEID data Explored the concept of ‘Context View’ data Development of Management Audit reporting utilities

22 Explored Grand Opportunities
What we built…


24 Worksheet details – Required data

25 Worksheet Details – Optional data


27 Live Demo…

28 Where we are now Has been in use in production since January 2013
Has replaced the majority of one FTE assigned to the TA enterprise Continue to develop utilities that serve evaluator needs Link to image viewer data Context view capabilities Development of Context View Looking at next release enhancements (many-to-one and many-to-many rule sets)

29 Worksheet Details – Management Reporting tool:

30 Support Tables for Rules Insert:

31 Support Tables for Rules Insert:

32 Overseas Studies Strategy

33 Reporting of TA results and data write to SIS

34 The Oregon Path EDX: Electronic Data Exchange (EDI or XML) AP Scores
SIS Uploading Workflow and Imaging Articulation AP Scores PDF’s Paper: still increasing

35 Past Akin to any other institution not involved in the electronic transfer of documents Paper Handling Processing orders Manual articulation Slower routing

36 Keep Looking to the Future
Electronic format for sending and receiving Routing can be handled much quicker No printing Auto handling to imaging and workflow systems All about the data Access to original data Reducing errors Automating transfer articulation

37 High School Transcripts
60% of Oregon HS students can send EDI/XML now CCWD assisted with bringing Community Colleges live PDF has grown

38 UO Today 19 of top 20 senders are received electronically
Electronic accounts for 50% of all transfer articulation 98% of all articulations (paper and EDI) are now completed within 3 days. Electronic transcripts allow auto loading to imaging system, workflow triggering and data loads to SIS for one click articulation. Continue to grow partners and services Partner data loading to ERP is an issue 38

39 Technology Trifecta EDI transcripts arrive and image(s) created
Data loads to SIS Records are matched in SIS Image(s) are loaded into workflow Staff process workflow tasks Transcript data is waiting in SIS Courses are articulated with one button 39

40 Articulation Sighting…

41 Quick Facts: AP Articulation
Articulate over 18,000 transcripts annually This number continues to increase Load over 4,000 AP records annually Articulate 2,500 + in July AP articulation used to account for almost 35% of Registrar’s work in July AP scores continue to arrive and are increasing

42 If yes? Then…why wait??? Automate
Struggle to articulate AP credit on time? Student’s unable to register at orientation? Parents frustrated? Faculty/advisors frustrated? If yes? Then…why wait???

43 How it works – quick summary
Retrieve and save encrypted AP file from ETS Upload AP file into SIS (Banner) Run a job to match students already in the SIS Run another job to load and articulate scores Updates student records Run another job to update degree audits with AP credit for students and advisors Process one final job for deducts

44 Articulation sighting…

45 PDF Issues Rights Management: Retrieve what others store
DRM upload blocking and solutions How to handle incoming transcripts? Individual PDF Bulk documents packaged with other docs No Data Data is possible though Stanford University has launched an integration project to perform a real time delivery of the PESC-standard PDF transcript (and in phase 2, to include a PESC-standard XML transcript) in an online admission application system from a third party provider. The project involves Shibboleth identity authentication; the PESC XML transcript request standard; PESC PDF transcript (and PESC XML transcript); and the PESC DTS protocol. These standards and protocols will be sequenced to allow an applicant to order her/his transcript within the application system, which after proper authentication, will call Stanford's SIS and return to the application a certified electronic transcript within moments after the applicant submits the request. Contrast this approach with what happens now: the applicant applies online, then after the application is started or submitted, the applicant must go the institution's online transcript request site (if available) to order a transcript. The applicant must choose the delivery method specified by the receiving institution and, in most instances, the receiving institution has developed elaborate processes to match the applicant's transcript with the applicant's application. The aforementioned new approach ensures that the transcript and the application are matched before the institution even receives the application: one complete package! 45

46 PDF Transcript Numbers
This Year Same Days Last Year PDF Paper (Rush) Last 30 days 446 262 190 Last 60 days 787 403 389 Last 1 Yr Equiv 4240 1858 1853

47 Growing your Trading Partnerships
Use of the Texas server Registrant list is a great resource Value added networks that may already be sending EDI data Reaching out to vendors who facilitate transcript fulfillment – they too may be listed on the TS registrant list. Help with partner data loading

48 Questions?

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