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Open Source: Doing What You Do for Free Alex Inman Director of Technology Whitfield School

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1 Open Source: Doing What You Do for Free Alex Inman Director of Technology Whitfield School

2 What is Open Source? Open-source software is an antonym for closed source software and refers to any computer software whose source code is available under a license (or arrangement such as the public domain) that permits users to study, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is often developed in a public, collaborative manner. It is the most prominent example of open source development and often compared to user generated content. (Source:

3 Why Consider Open Source? The price is right! Typically more secure Easier access to customization Access to innovation Global collaboration

4 Concerns with Open Source Support is dependent on project “Patches” typically mean “upgrade.” Backwards compatibility sometimes a problem Integration with proprietary solutions sometimes a problem

5 Myths Involving Open Source “I will get sued for using Linux” “The savings of open source are overwhelmed by the costs to implement” “Switching to open source software is harder than staying with Microsoft over time.” “Free software doesn't come with any support.” “Open source is never as good as the stuff you pay for.”

6 Open Source Options

7 Open Office - Alternative to Microsoft (MS) Office Windows, Mac and Linux Versions Can save by default to native MS formats Smooth transition from Office 2003 Occasionally struggles with custom templates Native ClipArt is poor but you can add material

8 GimpShop - Alternative to Adobe Photoshop Windows, Mac and Linux Versions Open source modification to GIMP GIMP taught in graphics programs across the globe It is as complicated and sophisticated as Photoshop

9 Audacity - Alternative to Apple Garage Band Windows, Mac and Linux Versions Record and edit audio files Lightweight, runs on almost any hardware Not as visually appealing or sophisticated as Garage Band

10 iFolder - File and folder back-up, synchronization and collaboration tool Windows, Mac and Linux Versions (requires Linux or Novell server) Intuitive design Allows secure access to files from anywhere over the Internet Easy collaboration

11 Moodle- Alternative to Blackboard or WebCT Windows, Mac, Linux and Novell Best design I have seen – very educator oriented Incredible support environment High-end tuning easiest in Linux but assumes some experience

12 Linux- Alternative to Windows or OSX Desktop and server versions Run Windows programs through WINE or Terminal Services, such as Citrix Fastest growing operating system in world Extremely secure High usability Extremely flexible

13 Other Notable Applications Asterisk – Voice over IP phone system Inkscape – Vector Graphics Program Project – Project Management software Evolution – Outlook/Groupwise Alternative Squid – Web proxy and cache F-Spot – Photo management Firefox – Web browser

14 Where can I learn more? Whitfield Linux Laptop Projecthttp://linuxlaptops.blogspot.com Open Source Education Foundation Educational Application Index

15 Question & Answer

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