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Education. Why is it important To obtain a job in the future. To know how to raise a family.

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Presentation on theme: "Education. Why is it important To obtain a job in the future. To know how to raise a family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education


3 Why is it important To obtain a job in the future. To know how to raise a family

4 My inspiration!  I want to inspire young children to become excited about learning!  They should WANT to learn  They should know the MEANING behind what they are learning

5 Definitions of learning…

6 Educational Psychology The study of teaching, learning, development… Learning about learning! A young science… “science” was just getting big at the end of the 19 th century philosophy and psychology – the same? Still arguing about what “science” is! psychology, philosophy, politics – all wrapped up together!

7 Two different frames The “theoretical” frame Behaviorist Cognitive Situative psychology, philosophy, politics all together!

8 Who agrees with what??


10 Also, there’s a flow to these frames… Behaviorist- Cognitive- Situative starts with Dewey, Thorndike, Vygotsky Thorndike “wins” Piaget and the “cognitive revolution,” constructivism, etc… Vygotsky “discovered” – situative perspectives Dewey keeps showing up here and there

11 Behaviorist  example: Thorndike  Empiricist  associated with associationist, behaviorist theory  learning is forming associations  transfer is direct  OUT of the head – behavior ONLY

12 Cognitive  example: Piaget  Rationalist  associated with cognitive, constructivist, information-processing theory  learning is cognitive growth, formation of conceptual structures  IN the head

13 Situative  example: Dewey, Vygotsky  Pragmatic/Marxist (and much else…)  Associated with pragmatism, situative, socio-cultural, socio- historical, cultural-historical, distributed cognition, situated cognition, legitimate peripheral participation, etc…  learning is enculturating, expanding possibilities for perception and action  OUT of and IN the head Culture Distributed cognitions Internalization

14 Now, back to the beginning…  Looking again at my definition of “learning”  My definition of learning is Cognitive!


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