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WhatsUp Gold v15 – WhatsUp Companion 3.7 WhatsUp Companion Extended

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1 WhatsUp Gold v15 – WhatsUp Companion 3.7 WhatsUp Companion Extended
Improve WhatsUp Gold with WhatsUp Companion Orsenna 2012

2 WhatsUp Companion WhatsUp Plugins WhatsUp Gold WhatsUp Companion
• Aim to follow customer’s needs • Increase WhatUp potential through engineering WhatsUp Companion Flow Monitor Flow Publisher VoIP Monitor Whats Configurated Whats Connected Whats Virtual Failover Manager WhatsUp Plugins Standard Edition Premium Edition Distributed Edition WhatsUp Gold Orsenna 2012

3 26 additional Active Monitors
WhatsUp Companion WhatsUp Gold v15 Orsenna 2012

4 9 additional Performance Monitors
WhatsUp Gold v15 WhatsUp Companion Orsenna 2012

5 6 fields : Databases Oracle MySQL MultiDB Applications File parser
SFTP Mailer Core Monitoring SSH Telnet SNMP Extended DHCP Extended DHCP Scope Ping Jitter Agents Nagios Zabbix Infrastructure applications DNS Extended DNS BlackList HTTP Certificate NTP Web Servers Apache TomCat Zapcat Websphere Jboss JMX Monitor Orsenna 2012

6 Active Monitor + Performance Monitor :
Databases Active Monitor + Performance Monitor : Active Monitor : Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

7 Oracle Plugins • Description
Active Monitor : • Description It allows the monitoring of an Oracle Database instance through a direct connection using the listener. It allows to compare the return value of a bunch of different performance counter, and to execute a custom SQL query to compare the result using a threshold. Performance Monitor : Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

8 Mysql Plugins • Description
Active Monitor : • Description It allows the monitoring of a MySQL Database through a direct connection. It allows to compare the return value of a bunch of different performance counter, and to execute a custom SQL query to compare the result using a threshold. Performance Monitor : MySQL Server plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of a MySQL database farm : Some of the counters available are : Aborted Clients. Aborted Connects Bytes received, send Connection time.. Database Size. Table locks waited.. Threads connected. Threads running Orsenna 2012

9 SQL MultiDB Query Monitor
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s SQL MultiDB Query Monitor plug-in allows the monitoring of different types of database like Mysql, PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle, Sybase and Informix. With this plug-in we could execute a custom SQL query to compare the result using a threshold. Orsenna 2012

10 Applications File Parser SFTP Mailer Active Monitor :
Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

11 File Parser Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description It verifies if a file contains a specific pattern and if it occurs X time(s). We have also the possibility to select “Parse options” to select if we want to analyze : Whole file Only new line Last X line Orsenna 2012

12 SFTP Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s SFTP plug-in allows the execution of a command on a remote SFTP server with standard commands like put, get, pwd, dir, ls.. It allows to compare the return value of the command to a threshold, and to then trigger an action to alert the WhatsUp administrator. Orsenna 2012

13 Mailer Monitor Extended
Active Monitor : • Description It allows to analyze for a specific account and return an alert according to the parameters (sender, subject contains and number). Orsenna 2012

14 Infrastructure applications
Active Monitor : DNS Extended DNS Blacklist HTTP Certificate NTP Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

15 DNS Monitor Extended • Description
Active Monitor : • Description It verifies if the DNS server is always up compared with a request (DNS lookup). You can use it to check if a computer has always its DNS server up or if your website is always up. Orsenna 2012

16 DNS Blacklist Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The DNS Blacklist Monitor offers some pre-configured blacklist servers for test and it offers the possibility to add new blacklist. For example, the monitor will allow you to know if your mail server is present in spam blacklist servers. . Orsenna 2012

17 HTTPCert Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description This monitor provides access to different information about remote SSL Certificate or your local Certificate. More, it allows configuring alert thresholds on the certificate parameters. Orsenna 2012

18 NTP Monitor Extended • Description • Why ?
Active Monitor : • Description It allows comparing the time between the NTP server time and the local computer time. • Why ? Without a clock synchronization, some network services couldn’t work correctly or with problems (Network transfer, data save, video-conference in real-time…) Orsenna 2012

19 Agents Nagios NRPE Zabbix Active Monitor + Performance Monitor :
Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

20 Nagios Plugins • Description • Examples
Active Monitor : • Description The NRPE Monitor allows to check values gathered by a Nagios NRPE agent installed on a client device. It is able to talk with both NRPE and NRPE_NT agents • Examples Check_load Check_mem Check_procs Check_swap This plug-in allow the monitoring of a DHCP server. This plug-in check the available disk space and launch an alarm if necessary. Ce plugin se connecte à une base LDAP et effectue des vérifications sur celle-ci. This plug-in monitor the CPU load of the server This plug-in checks the memory load of the server This plug-in monitors the number of processus running on the server. This plug-in checks the free Swap space available. Performance Monitor : Orsenna 2012

21 Zabbix Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s Zabbix Monitor allows monitoring Windows, Linux, Apache… This module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. To use this active monitor we use an agent installed on a client device. We predefined values for each type of system but you could use your own Zabbix query if you have other. Orsenna 2012

22 Active Monitor + Performance Monitor :
Core Monitoring Active Monitor + Performance Monitor : Telnet Active Monitor : SSH Extended SNMP Extended DHCP Extended DHCP Scope Ping Jitter Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

23 TelnetExt Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s telnet plug-in allows the execution of a command on a remote server with Telnet access. It allows to compare the return value of the command to a threshold, and to then trigger an action to alert the WhatsUp administrator. Performance Monitor : Orsenna 2012

24 SSHExt Monitor • RSA and DSA Key • More comparison options
Active Monitor : • RSA and DSA Key Compatible with OpenSSH and Putty keys • More comparison options Greater than, Smaller than, Equal to, no more equal to Orsenna 2012

25 SNMP Monitor Extended • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s SNMP Monitor Extended allows monitoring every device with SNMP. The main advantage of this plug-in is the presence of a lot of templates. To make easier the utilization of this plug-in, we predefined values for each type of device (Dell, Cisco, HP….). You could create your own template. Orsenna 2012

26 DHCP Extended Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The DHCP Extended Monitor allows monitoring DHCP Server. You can check DHCP Scope offers by your DHCP Servers, or know what DHCP server assigned a particular IP address. In case of error, the monitor will launch alert policy. Orsenna 2012

27 DHCP Scope • Description
Active Monitor : • Description DHCP Scope Active Monitor allows monitoring DHCP Scopes offered by your different servers. You can fix threshold value on the number of IP address available and be alerted in case of overtaking Orsenna 2012

28 Ping Jitter Active Monitor
• Description Ping Jitter Active monitor allows making some performance measures through a ping (Jitter). You can fix threshold value on the ping jitter and be alerted in case of overtaking. Orsenna 2012

29 Active Monitor + Performance Monitor :
Application servers Active Monitor + Performance Monitor : Apache TomCat WebSphere JBoss Active Monitor : ZapCat JMX Monitor Oracle database plug-in monitoring capability helps database administrators monitor the performance and availability of an Oracle database through Oracle OCI client Some of the counters available are : Bytes received., send Connection time Instance used Space.. Logical reads. Physical reads and writes User calls User commits User rollbacks. Orsenna 2012

30 Apache Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s Apache Monitor allows monitoring Apache server. This module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. It uses port 80 (http). To make easier the utilization of this plug-in, we predefined values (Server version, Total accesses, Total Traffic…). Performance Monitor : Orsenna 2012

31 TomCat Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna’s TomCat Monitor allows monitoring TomCat server. This module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. It uses port To make easier the utilization of this plug-in, we predefined values (Free Memory, Total memory…). Orsenna 2012

32 Zapcat Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description Orsenna’s Zapcat Monitor allows monitoring JMX applications. We use an agent which uses port (Zapcat). Zapcat is a bridge between the JMX management API inside Java applications and the monitoring tool. This allows system administrators to retrieve JMX management data such as memory use or garbage collection counts. This information is queried directly on Java applications. Think of it as SNMP for Java applications. Orsenna 2012

33 Websphere Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description Active and Performance Monitors allow checking some Websphere pre-configured parameters and allows configuring your own parameters. Performance Monitor : Orsenna 2012

34 JBoss Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description Jconsole is the more suitable solution to monitor a JBoss server. In order to centralize monitoring information, we have integrated a similar solution within WhatsUp Gold. So with this Active Monitor you could monitor : Memory Connections Current… Performance Monitor : Orsenna 2012

35 JMX Monitor • Description
Active Monitor : • Description The Orsenna's JMX plug-in allows you to monitor any server that supports JMX by directly connect to the server and request for JMX counter that server support. This plug-in also allows administrator easily browsing all available counter and add to the monitoring list Orsenna 2012

36 WhatsUp Companion Extended
Active Monitor + Performance Monitor : GEUM Active Monitor : Apache JMeter Components: GEUM Recorder GEUM Player GEUM Scheduler Orsenna 2012

37 GEUM – Global End User Monitoring
• Description Global End User Monitoring (GEUM) offers a powerful and affordable solution for monitoring business-critical web transactions from the end-user’s perspective. GEUM allow you to automatically test web applications from the locations that are important to you and get a reporting in your monitoring software. GEUM is made of a simple web recorder allowing to playback recorded session while checking the response time. • GEUM contains: - a Web Recorder - a Web Player - a Scheduler - an Active and a Performance Monitor for WhatsUp Gold Orsenna 2012

38 GEUM Recorder • Description
The Recorder lets administrator create a test plan. You can record your actions to web browser and save it to a local XML file. Then HTML sessions can be executed locally or remotely by different GEUM players. Orsenna 2012

39 GEUM Player • Description
Players allow executing different HTML sessions contained in XML files. Thus, the different players carry out the various performances tests as response times. Orsenna 2012

40 GEUM Scheduler • Description
The Scheduler periodically sends command to player computers and receives performance data. These data are stored in xml formatted result file, which can be used to monitor the performance of a web server. Orsenna 2012

41 Integrate GEUM in WhatsUp
• Description GEUM Active and Performance Monitor are available in WhatsUp Companion extended and allow processing the result file collected by GEUM Scheduler. Active Monitor raises message if any web server is in critical state and the Performance Monitor allows graphing response time or other performances of web applications. Orsenna 2012

42 Apache JMeter • Description
Apache JMeter is open source software, a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. In JMeter server computers, JMeter server is started to receive test plan from Whatsup installed computer, JMeter client, and carry out the testing process. The sample result is then transferred back to JMeter client for parsing and test against threshold values. Orsenna 2012

43 Apache JMeter The WhatsUp Companion Extended plug-in contains also an Active Monitor dedicated Apache JMeter. It allows monitoring various servers (web server, ftp server, mail server …) using Apache JMeter software. Orsenna 2012

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