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The AWC Matrix Foundation. AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE   The mission of the AWC Matrix Foundation is to promote the advancement of women in the communications.

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Presentation on theme: "The AWC Matrix Foundation. AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE   The mission of the AWC Matrix Foundation is to promote the advancement of women in the communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 The AWC Matrix Foundation

2 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE   The mission of the AWC Matrix Foundation is to promote the advancement of women in the communications professions through education, research and publications   The Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization—separate from the Association for Women in Communications—that conducts its educational and charitable projects in cooperation with the Association for Women in Communications

3 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Certification Program for Communications Excellence ◦ A national program for recognizing excellence in all areas of communications ◦ Designed to demonstrate professional development, leadership and management skills, and commitment to education as well as to high standards in the communications profession ◦ Approved by the AWC National Board of Directors and endorsed by the University of Washington School of Communications ◦ Administered by a select committee of veteran communicators and Certified Communications Professionals

4 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Certification Program for Communications Excellence ◦ All who successfully complete the program:  Receive a Certificate of Communications Excellence  Are designated Certified Communications Professionals (CCP)

5 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Certification Program for Communications Excellence ◦ Three years allowed for completion ◦ Activities can go back 5 years from date of application* ◦ Minimum of 3,000 points is required, earned in three areas ◦ Electronic workbook includes forms for recording activities

6 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  * Exceptions to the 5–year limit ◦ Post graduate Master’s and Ph.D. degrees can be earned at any time ◦ Associate and Bachelor’s degrees for which course work was begun after individual entered work force

7 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Basic certification requirements: On-the-job activities750 points Volunteer activities750 points Education activities1,500 points

8 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE Examples of On the Job Activities LocalNationalPts. 1.Develop/manage successful campaignXX250-375 2. Edit/lead role on publication, web site, broadcast program, etc. XX250-375 3.Design publication or web site; all local or national or combo XX150-225 4.Research and produce investigative report, series, book XX250 5.Research and write article on communications in professional journal XX250 6.Executive position (President/CEO/CFO/etc.) one year, local or national XX 250-375/yr. max. 750 7.Teach communications, accredited institution for one year 8. Etc. (More activities qualify) XX 150 part time 250 full time 375 dean

9 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE Example Continuing Education Activities LocalNationalPts. 1.Employer/in-house half-day communication seminarX150 2Employer/in-house multi-day communications seminarX250 3.Single program, less than half day at national communications organization meeting X100 4.Complete an online course offered/ endorsed by a communications organization XX250 5.CEU classes offered by accredited institutionXX50 6.Bachelor’s/graduate degree from an accredited institution XX1,000 7. Etc. (More activities qualify) Maximums apply

10 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE Examples of Volunteer Activities LocalNationalPts. 1.Board member (other than president) for 1year XX150-450 2.Board president for 1yearXX250-750 3.Chair major project (seminar, all-day workshop, large banquet); 1year XX150-450 4.Committee chair (not board position)XX100-400 5.Edit and/or design publication; manage and/or design web site (separate from a board position) XX100-400 6.Service awardXX150-450 7.Etc. (More activities qualify) Maximums apply

11 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Certification Program for Communication Excellence ◦ Goals must be established ◦ Self-evaluations are required ◦ Proof of activity is required  Attendance slips, CEU/academic records, or grades  Brochures, invitations, flyers, etc.  Samples of work product

12 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE  Certification Program for Communication Excellence Cost: ◦ $300 for AWC members ◦ $500 for members of other professional communications organizations ◦ 50% payable upon initial application ◦ 50% payable upon submission of materials for final approval

13 AWC MATRIX FOUNDATION THE For more information or to apply online:

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