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MENU 5 PRICING By: Steve Moeller & Ron Stogsdill, Sr.

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Presentation on theme: "MENU 5 PRICING By: Steve Moeller & Ron Stogsdill, Sr."— Presentation transcript:

1 MENU 5 PRICING By: Steve Moeller & Ron Stogsdill, Sr.

2 MENU 5 PRICING  Increase gross profit and establish an efficient pricing matrix.  List Price and maintaining multipliers.  Menu 5 has a new look that will enable workflow to be user friendly.  Automatic Updates of Contract Pricing.  Automatic Updates of Contract Pricing.  Q&A session with Database Programmer and a Johnstone store pricing expert.

3 List Price Matrix  List Price Multiplier –Change “Thinking” to List Less on most products  Mark-up from Cost (branch or direct) –Limited Use – Commodities –If Cost Goes Down, So Does Sell  Fixed Price (Old Menu-5.2) –Labor Intensive to Maintain (review each qtr) –Lost Margin Opportunity when costs going up –Use only when there is no alternative

4 Programs & Contracts  Define different terminology  Move from Contracts to Programs  Stock status “P” option  Stock status “C” option  HOT-1 HOT-2 KEY spreadsheets – view of Customer Programs  Daily reviews – EOD reports & JEN

5 List Price Options  Product master maintenance ( – change each price – auto change the list price immediately without waiting for EOD to calculate  End-of-day program to refresh List Price on Non-catalog items (auto multiply Each/Qty Prices by 2.2223)

6 List Price Multipliers  Customer ABC Ranking Parameters (35.23) – automatically runs at EOM  Customer ABC Report (12.2.40)  List Price Multiplier Upload (12.2.42) from Excel Spreadsheet Column A = A.CUST.NO Column B = LPM (ie.4750)

7 Old Menu-5 Pricing

8 New Menu 5

9 Price Quantity Maintenance 15. Pricing Matrix (old 5.33) Product Master Maint. field (#21-Menu 5.33) - Enter a ‘Y’ in this field to use the pricing from Menu 5.33 (ALL customer) in all cases, even if it’s higher than the each price. Also, the flyer pricing will be blocked, and you will NOT have to block the corp update of this product (Menu-, field 4).

10 Price Quantity Maintenance 15. Pricing Matrix (old 5.33)

11 C/P/S – Enter a ‘C’ for customer or a ‘P’ for *program or a 'S' for customer class Option ‘C’ – After entering a ‘C’ you will be prompted for the customer code. Enter 'L' for lookup, 'All' for all customers or enter a valid customer number. Option ‘P’ – After entering a ‘P’ you will be prompted to enter the program name. This matrix will only be used if the program name listed in the Customer file ( screen 2, field 7). Option 'S‘ - After entering an 'S' you will be prompted for the customer class. Enter a valid customer class.

12 Price Quantity Maintenance 15. Pricing Matrix (old 5.33) PVCTG – Enter one of the following:   P – Enter ‘P’ to select by product. Then enter the specific product number or ‘L’ for lookup. Enter ALL to have all products for this customer or program to have the same pricing matrix.   V – Enter ‘V’ to select by vendor. Then enter the specific vendor or ‘L’ for lookup.   C – Enter ‘C’ to select by product class. Then enter the specific product class. Product Class Maintenance List (12.3.24)   T – Enter ‘T’ to select by product type. Then enter the specific product type. Product Type Maintenance List (12.3.25)   G – Enter ‘G’ to select by product category. Then enter the specific product category. Product Category Listing (12.3.34)

13 DPOINT - Points to a bucket: CPOINT - Points to a cost: 0 = Each Price 0 = Each Price 01 = First bucket -1 = Branch Cost 02 = Second bucket etc... -2 = Average Cost 06 = Last bucket -3 = Direct Cost 23 = LIST PRICE If a matrix price is used, a code will display in the lower left hand corner as follows: CP – Customer, Product PP – Program, Product SP - Cust.Class, Product CG – Customer, Category PG – Program, Category SG - Cust.Class, Category CC – Customer, Class PC – Program, Class SC - Cust.Class, Prod.Class CT – Customer, Type PT – Program, Type ST - Cust.Class, Prod.Type CV – Customer, Vendor PV – Program, Vendor SV - Cust.Class, Vendor Note: Program name will also display (i.e. PP*CON-1) Price Quantity Maintenance 15. Pricing Matrix (old 5.33)

14 Individual contracts entered in 5.2 – if finds something uses this price, if not moves on to … Program contracts entered in 5.2 – if finds something uses this price, if not moves on to … Searches all of 5.33 to find the lowest price in any bucket and uses that scenario, then compares this price to the each price & lot pricing and uses the lowest price Any customer specific pricing setup in 5.33 (even for customer ALL) will always override program pricing, even if that program happens to be lower than the customer specific pricing. Any Product Specific Pricing setup in 5.33 will always override vendor/product class/product type/category pricing even if that price happens to be lower then the product specific pricing. Hierarchy for Pricing

15  Flyer Price  Each Price  List Price  Quantity Break or Lot Pricing  Discount Price  Contract or Program Price  Price Matrix


17 Price Quantity Maintenance 15. Pricing Matrix (old 5.33) New updates:  DPOINT - Points to a bucket: Add price pointer 23, (ie, discount of 55.00 percent equals.45 multiplier)  “S”ell option – S1, S2, SA, SB  “V”endor option now uses Product Master vendor  ABC is now active U2007.1 changes:  Effective/expiration dates and print in 5.21  Select Vendor/Product Class combination

18 Price Quantity Maintenance 35. Matrix Listing (old 5.24)   Pricing Matrix Listing Column Options: – –1. Each Column – –2. Bucket 1 Column – –3. Bucket 2 Column – –4. Bucket A Column – –5. Bucket B Column – –6. All Columns Selection Options – – 1. Select for Specific Vendors – – 2. Select for Specific Product Classes – – 3. ALL records (Vendors, Classes, Customers) – – 4. Select for Specific Customers – – 5. Select for Specific Products – – 6. Select for Specific Product Types – – 7. Select for Specific Product Categories Specific Field Selection – – 1. DPOINT (field #2) only – – 2. CPOINT (field #4) only – – 3. All fields

19 Auto Update Pricing Menu

20 Pricing Menu – Price Books

21 Auto Updates of Contract Prices

22 Questions & Answers ?????? CONTRACTS LIST PRICING MATRIX

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