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AVR CPU Core & 8 bit AVR Instruction Set
안철수 KAIST 석좌교수 "개발자가 성공하는 길"
Block Diagram of the AVR Architecture
AVR Architecture Flash program memory (16bit) Data Memory (8 bit)
16 bit x 216 = 2 byte x 64 k = 128 kbyte Program code가 저장되는 곳 Data Memory (8 bit) 범용 register : 32 byte I/O register : 64 byte Ext I/O register : 160 byte SRAM : 4096byte 변수가 저장되는 곳 PC : Program Counter address of the instruction being executed
Program / Compile / Execution
Program 작성 -> C code 생성 Compile -> hex code 생성 hex code : download 가 가능한 code machine code (opcode) : 실행 가능한 code assembly code : machine code의 의미 Execution start address of program code => PC Fetch : PC -> flash program memory => machine code -> IR PC = PC+1 (또는 PC+2) (IR : instruction register) Decode : instruction decode Register Operand Fetch ALU Operation Execute Result Write Back goto Fetch
Instruction Execution
an element of an executable program a single operation of a processor Parallel Instruction Fetches and Instruction Executions Single Clock Cycle Execution : Harvard architecture clkCPU : system clock Atmega 128 : 16MHz 가능, XTAL1 pin으로 공급 실습 kit : MHz (확인요)
Single Cycle ALU Operation (in AVR)
Execution Cycle Execution Time 1/clkCPU clkCPU = 16 MHz ? clkCPU = MHz ?
8 bit AVR Instruction Set
Operation Code + Operand Operation Code : ALU가 실행할 내용 Operand : ALU가 실행할 대상 Ex) ADC : Add with Carry ‘ADC R1, R2’ 의 opcode 는 ?
Operation Code의 유형 Arithmetic and Logic Branch Data Transfer
범용 레지스터간의 사칙연산과 로직 연산 ADC, AND, SUB, AND, OR, … Branch Change program counter : 다른 opcode위치로 이동 JMP, BRBC, … Data Transfer Load : SRAM등의 Data를 범용 Register로 이동 (LD, LDI, …) Store : 범용 Register의 값을 SRAM 등으로 이동 (ST, STD, …) Bit and Bit-Test Register의 특정 bit을 set(=‘1’)하거나 clear(=‘0’)으로 변경 SBI, CLI, …. MCU Control
Data Addressing Mode : Operand의 유형
Immediate actual operand Direct (absolute) address of operand Register Direct, I/O Direct, Data Direct Indirect Address that specifies (or points to ) operand Data Indirect, Data Indirect with Displacement, Data Indirect with Pre-Decrement, Data Indirect with Post-Increment
Example) Immediate Addressing
ANDI – Logical AND with Immediate ANDI r17, $0F
Example) Register Direct Addressing
Example) Register Direct Addressing
ADD – Add without Carry ADD r1, r2 ADD r28, r28
Example) I/O Direct Addressing
IN - Load an I/O Location to Register IN r25, $16
Example) Data Direct Addressing
LDS – Load Direct from Data Space LDS R25, $0100 2 word/2 cycle
Data Indirect X,Y,Z register 사용
Example) Data Indirect
Example) Data Indirect
CLR R27 LDI R26,$60 LD R0,X+ LD R1,X LDI R26,$63 LD R2,X LD R3,–X
Status Register The Status Register contains information about the result of the most recently executed SREG 비트 설명 I Global Interrupt Enable T Bit Copy Storage H Half Carry Flag S Sign Bit V 2's Complement Overflow Flag N Negative Flag Z Zero Flag C Carry Flag
Status Register 비트 7(I : Global Interrupt Enable) :
전체 인터럽트를 허용하도록 설정하는 비트로 SEI 및 CLI 명령으로 이 비트를 제어할 수 있다. 비트 6(T : Bit Copy Storage) : BLD, BST 명령을 사용하여 어느 레지스터의 한 비트 값의 복사 가능. 비트 5(H : Half Carry Flag) : 산술연산의 가감산에서 비트3에서 올림수가 발생하면 1로 세트 BCD 연산에 사용 비트 4(S : Sign Bit) : 플랙 N과 V의 XOR(eXclusive OR)값으로 정수들의 크기를 판단에 사용.
Status Register 비트 3(V : 2's Complement Overflow Flag) :
2의 보수 연산에서 오버플로우를 표시한다. 비트 2(N : Negative Flag) : 연산 결과값의 최상위 비트가 1로 되어 2의 수 표현을 사용하는 경우 연산 결과가 음수임을 표시. 비트 1(Z : Zero Flag) : 연산 결과값이 0이 되었음을 표시. 비트 0(C : Carry Flag) : 연산으로 자리올림이나 자리내림이 발생하면 1로 세트 된다.
Status Register 모든 연산이 실행된 후에 SREG이 변경됨 예) ADD
★ JTAG Emulator JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
Testing PCBs by using the JTAG Boundary-scan capability Programming the non-volatile memories, Fuses and Lock bits On-chip debugging program download : JTAG emulator UART 통신 : ISP programmer
Instruction Example : int main(){ unsigned char *a,*b,*c; a = (unsigned char *)0x100; b = (unsigned char *)0x101; c = (unsigned char *)0x102; *c = *a + *b; return 0; }
Machine Code(Opcode) / Assembly Code
Compile/Download 후 Debug메뉴의 ‘Start Debugging’ View 메뉴의 ‘Disassembler’ F: LDS R25,0x0100 Load direct from data space : LDS R24,0x0101 : 0F ADD R24,R25 Add without carry : STS x0102,R24 Store direct to data space
Instruction Example : int main(){ unsigned int *a,*b,*c; a = (unsigned int *)0x100; b = (unsigned int *)0x101; c = (unsigned int *)0x102; *c = *a + *b; return 0; }
Machine Code(Opcode) / Assembly Code
Program address Opcode Assembly Code
Instruction Example : int main(){ unsigned int *a,*b,*c; a = (unsigned int *)0x100; b = (unsigned int *)0x102; c = (unsigned int *)0x104; return 0; }
Machine Code(Opcode) / Assembly Code
Program address Opcode Assembly Code
HEX File Compile 결과물의 하나 Project directory 아래 “default” 폴더
Intel Hex Format : C C945D000C945D000C945D0013 : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00EC : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00DC : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00CC : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00BC : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00AC : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D009C : C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D008C : C945D000C945D000C945D FBE67 …
Intel Hex Format :100000000C9446000C945D000C945D000C945D0013 : 10 0000
Intel Hex Format 8-bit 16-bit address code 0x0000 0C 0x0001 94 0x0002
46 0x0003 00 0x0004 0x0005 0x0006 5D 0x0007 0x0008 0x0009 0x000A 0x000B 16-bit Address code 0x0000 940C 0x0001 0046 0x0002 0x0003 005D 0x0004 0x0005
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