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CMDB in Snow Issues with data synchronisation Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM.

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Presentation on theme: "CMDB in Snow Issues with data synchronisation Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMDB in Snow Issues with data synchronisation Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM

2 Today’s topics  Data sources for devices in the computer centre  Current mapping to snow  Some other issues

3 Context  Only the part of the Snow CMDB related to the CERN Computer Centre  LANDB, HWDB, PUPPET_DB, CDB -> Snow

4 LANDB  Incremental pull from an Oracle database view  Snapshot – reported inconsistencies between the view and the  Synchronised device types  ROUTER, SWITCH, IP_PHONE, PDU, TELEPHONE, PRINTER, PLOTTER, COMPUTER, VISITOR_DEVICE  COMPUTER contains both servers and desktop machine – we insert in the server table in Snow ONLY if a server with the same name already exists  LANDB.serial_number = (PK) = Snow.Asset_tag(PK)  BUT serial number is not a primary key for all devices in LANDB Name Install Status Asset Tag PO Manufacturer Model Main/Responsible User/Group Location Rack OS OS Version LANDB

5 LANDB (II)  Does not contain information about disk arrays  OS and OS version view does not have “last updated” column -> full synchronisation  Network devices - synchronised daily at 05:40  Operating systems - synchronised daily at 03:00  Several manual sanity clean-ups  Delete all items with no tickets and reimport Name Install Status Asset Tag PO Manufacturer Model Main/Responsible User/Group Location Rack OS OS Version LANDB

6 HWDB LANDB Asset Tag Name Vendor Warranty Serial Number HWDB  Scripted middleware in the Snow MID server  Compares the latest downloaded list of servers with the previously processed list -> executes incremental update of Snow  Hosts - synchronised hourly at XX:30  Warranties - synchronised daily at 03:30  Retired flag per warranty only

7 HWDB (II) LANDB Asset Tag Name Vendor Warranty Serial Number HWDB Thanks Daniel If name changes, retire the machines with the same name and empty asset tags

8 Puppet_db LANDB Name Cluster Is Essential PUPPETDB  Essential - synchronised hourly at XX:35  Insert machine if it does not exits  Cluster - synchronised hourly at XX:40  Only updates the machine if it exists  Search by name – for VMs do we have  Synchronisation on demand if an event arrives for non-existing machine

9 CDB LANDB Name Contract ty Cluster Importance Department Vendor Warranty Model number Contract type CDB  Incremental pull from an Oracle database view  Only the CDB hosts; information for puppet hosts not synchronised via CDB anymore  Hosts - synchronised daily at 04:00  Reported problems with new hosts installed with CDB, e.g. disk arrays, itstor821  Warranties - no scheduled synchronisation  Manual clean up in snow of expired warranties with no supported machines.

10 Duplicated hosts  select * From cdb_node where hostname in (Select hostname From puppet_node);  --- 32 hosts  select clustername || '/' || clustersubname From CDB_NODE where HOSTNAME = 'lxfsrc2101‘  --- c2cms/archive  And in Puppet  ---- { "certname" : "", "name" : "hostgroup", "value" : "castor/c2cms/diskserver/archive“ }

11 Duplicated hosts list  search53  cernlyncdb21  search54  search55  pdu-bf13-02  cernlyncdb20  pcids13  cernis25  lxfsrc2101  cert-syslog  lxfsrc1902  lxfsrb53a07  cernlyncdb11  lxfsrf07c05  lxfsrf09c04  lxfsrf11c04  lxfsrf13c04  search52  search51  cernis18  mig003  voatlas404  pcids14  winosbck01  cernwssdb50  cernlyncdb10  search50  search56  search57  search58  cernwssdb51  indicomobile

12 CMDB CI info in Snow incident  Can we drop the server information from the incident description?  Reasoning – the information might not be complete at incident creation time  Solution – we already have the CMDB CI tab in the incident form

13 THANKS TO  Daniel  Contact for any further urgent matters

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