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Standardization Study Group Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization fall 2003 Bill Phelps Lance Durham

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1 Standardization Study Group Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization fall 2003 Bill Phelps Lance Durham The Boeing Company - Training Systems and Services Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization fall 2003 Bill Phelps Lance Durham The Boeing Company - Training Systems and Services

2 2 Order of Presentation A review of CIGI A look at the: –The Hardware Interface –The Interface Control Document (ICD) –The Software Development Kit (SDK) Including an Application Programmers Interface (API) –The Host Emulator What to do with Open Source software

3 3 A Review of CIGI What is CIGI ? –Data packet definitions for a host-to-image generator real time interface. –Provides a high level of abstraction, using primitive building blocks to construct complex simulations. –The goal is to produce a universal plug-and-play type interface to reduce integration costs. Host Simulation CIGI SDK CIGI API CIGI IG Run-Time CIGI SDK CIGI API CIGI CIGI Messages Data & Synchronization

4 4 A Review of CIGI (continued) History of CIGI –Initial discussions started in mid 2000 –Official release of CIGI 1.0 March 2001 Posted on Boeing and Sourceforge web sites Incorporated and tested with CG 2 Mantis run-time Many inquiries received from across the industry –Official release of CIGI 2.0 March 2002 CIGI stated as requirement in three Navy RFPs and Naval Aviation Simulation Master Plan (NASMP) CIGI beginning to be incorporated in other IG run-times Presented at IMAGE conference summer 2002 Presented at I/ITSEC fall 2002 Presented at SISO 2003 spring conference Presented at PC based simulation working group summer 2003 Presented at IMAGE conference summer 2003 –CIGI 3.0 in work

5 5 Hardware Interface CIGI itself is only the interface packet definitions that provide real time communication between two subsystems. Therefore CIGI is not associated with any particular hardware interface.

6 6 Interface Control Document (ICD) CIGI theory of operation. Startup sequence Data packaging Message synchronization and frequency Coordinate system definitions Display definitions Complete definition of all data packets

7 7 Interface Control Document (ICD) Weather Surface conditions Motion trackers Sensors Position and state queries Mission functions

8 8 Software Development Kit (SDK) ANSI C API core Addition of an object oriented class library in C++ for CIGI 3.0 Documentation Example code

9 9 Host Emulator (HE) Fully supports all CIGI data packets Provides test scripting for fast, easy regression testing Record & playback functions Timing analysis functions

10 10 CIGI Availability All data and documentation are available on –includes ICD, API, SDK, CIGI Host Emulator –on-line forum for help, bug tracking, and distribution list

11 11 What to do with Open Source software Boeing will continue to support CIGI and post updates to the SDK and HE development tools. Boeing desires to move the CIGI ICD to a standards organization or form a consortium with a review board. SISO is the perfect home for CIGI!

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